Vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation

In summary, the conversation revolves around finding a solution for providing a constant water flow for a physics project. The initial idea is to raise a bucket of water to a certain height above the experimental device and let the water flow through a hole in the bottom. The mathematical calculations and considerations for this method are discussed, including the variation in flow rate due to gravitation acceleration and the possibility of using a pipe to increase flow. Other suggestions, such as combining flows from multiple taps, are also mentioned. Ultimately, the most efficient solution is suggested to be using Bernoulli's equations and considering the momentum of the water jet.
  • #1

I'm trying to get the rig for my physics project set up which requires some constant water flow through the system. Unfortunately it's requiring a bit more water inflow than the tap can provide. I measured the tap's flow rate to be somewhere around 0.1L/sec to 0.3L/sec

Now because I don't want to invest in a water pump I'm planning to create some quick and dirty device to provide a bit more flow. I'm thinking of a reservoir of water (probably just a bucket) with a hole in the bottom. Now if I raise the bucket to sufficient height above my expermental device and let the water flow through the hole vertically into my rig, I might be able to get enough flow rate.

But I have no idea if this is even practical. I meant I don't know how high I have to raise the bucket to and if it's going to even provide higher flow rate than the tap. So let's say if the hole at the bottom of the bucket is half an inch diameter, how can I calculate the flow rate of water when I raise the bucket to height h above the system? (Presumably the flow rate will change along the stream due to gravitation acceleration so I would appreciate the mathematical explanation for it too if possible) I meant I otherwise understand things in physics but fluid dynamics stuff just confuse me a bit.

Oh and also, is there any direct way of calculating the force/pressure/momentum of a flowing stream of water? Say if I have a water stream flowing, assuming completely uniformly with no surface friction or viscous drag, at a some rate Phi L/sec so I can quite easily convert that into some flow velocity v ms-1 given the surface it's flowing through using the flux integral. Now if some random object is placed at that surface and obstructs the flow, what force would the water flow exert on the object?

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Physics news on
  • #2
Positronized said:
(Presumably the flow rate will change along the stream due to gravitation acceleration so I would appreciate the mathematical explanation for it too if possible)

Think this through.
  • #3
cesiumfrog said:
Think this through.

Well I did do some quick kinematic calculation on it but, while I can find out the velocity of falling "droplets" of water when it reaches the rig, the continuum of water flow stream just confuses me.

*EDIT: So can I just go: v of water = sqrt(2*h*g) at the device, but water is let flowing through a circular hole of diameter 1.5cm so assuming it reaches the rig through in circular flat surface area = (5.625*10^-5)Pi cm^2 hence flow rate = v*A m^3/s whatever that comes down to?
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  • #4
If the bucket looses 1L/min, whatever is below will certainly receive.. 1L/min. Otherwise, well, where would the water come from? If the liquid accelerates, expect the cross-sectional area to vary (and the steady stream will break up into droplets..). o:)
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  • #5
cesiumfrog said:
If the bucket looses 1L/min, whatever is below will certainly receive.. 1L/min. Otherwise, well, where would the water come from? If the liquid accelerates, expect the cross-sectional area to vary (and the steady stream will break up into droplets..). o:)

What if, say to prevent that, I fix a pipe from the hole right down to the rig below it? So now the flow rate would depend on the *depth* of the water (which now includes the pipe length too)? And so then what calculation would this turn into?

*And I editted the original post, inserted one more paragraph concerning something completely irrelevant to the topic but I thought I shouldn't post another thread so it'd be nice if someone could also address that too :-p
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  • #6
This might be over-simplifying things, but have you considered just running hoses from a couple of different taps and combining the flows?
  • #7
cheh.. apply bernoulli equations and you ll get the solution to your numerical part. and you can easily calculate the momentum of water jet(by simple Newtonian mechanics).
but i have got to say, the method DANGER suggested is far more easier and i guess efficient to. you won't like to run with a bucket in b/w your project presentation
  • #8
cesiumfrog said:
If the bucket looses 1L/min, whatever is below will certainly receive.. 1L/min. Otherwise, well, where would the water come from? If the liquid accelerates, expect the cross-sectional area to vary (and the steady stream will break up into droplets..). o:)

In fact, if you add a pipe to the bucket, you will be able to LOWER the pressure at the hole in the bucket, hence increasing the flow. Of course, once the pipe is about 10 meters long, this won't help anymore as you'd get cavitation.

Related to Vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation

What is the vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation?

The vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation refers to the speed at which water flows in a downward direction due to the force of gravity. It is affected by factors such as the slope of the surface, the surface roughness, and the viscosity of the water.

How is the vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation calculated?

The vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation can be calculated using the equation Q = A x V, where Q is the flow rate, A is the cross-sectional area of the water stream, and V is the velocity of the water.

What factors affect the vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation?

The vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation is affected by several factors, including the slope of the surface, the surface roughness, and the viscosity of the water. Other factors such as the width of the water stream and the depth of the water can also have an impact.

How does the vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation impact ecosystems?

The vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation can have a significant impact on ecosystems. It can affect the distribution of organisms, the erosion of sediment, and the transport of nutrients and pollutants. Changes in the vertical flow rate can also disrupt the natural balance of aquatic habitats.

Can the vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation be controlled?

The vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation can be influenced by human activities such as damming, channelization, and land use changes. However, it cannot be directly controlled as it is primarily driven by the force of gravity. Managing these human activities can help to mitigate the impact on the vertical flow rate of water stream under gravitation.

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