UFO Sighting Over Chinese Airport: Fact or Fiction?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, this story is spreading quickly. I believe that the actual video is far more mundane than many online sources suggest. The first video is I think the authentic one. It looks like a missile/rocket launch. The photos look nothing like the video, and the conspiracy theorists will have a hay day.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
This story is spreading quickly. I believe that the actual video is far more mundane that many online sources suggest. The first video is I think the authentic one. It looks like a missile/rocket launch.

Next is an example of other photos making the rounds. As near as I can tell so far, the photos were faked in response to the actual event, shown above.
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  • #2
Why do they think it was a US missle? That seems like it would be stranger than just a Chinese missle...
  • #3
berkeman said:
Why do they think it was a US missle? That seems like it would be stranger than just a Chinese missle...

Unless and until the Chinese government admits that it was a missile launch, the conspiracy theorists will have a hay day.

This happens every time any UFO report hits the news. The crapola comes so thick and fast that the actual and usually mundane event, is often lost in the fray.
  • #4
I was wondering if there was a thread on PF about this. I don't know why UFO=Alien to so many people. I think there are possibly many forms of technology that are not common knowledge, and seeing a craft we cannot explain does not rule out humans as the makers.

I saw some still pictures of this one, but I'll check out the link to the video. Thanks!
  • #5
IMHO the photos look nothing like the video...
  • #6
Missile, rocket... it seems pretty dull to me. At least people in this forum understand that a UFO is just that, Unidentified, not alien a priori.
  • #7
Looks like three jets of propulsion, the flight pattern seems like something that a common rocket could produce ( I'm no rocket scientist! ) - could be anything. Except for a goat - unless the goat had three giant water rockets strapped by duct tape! :biggrin:
  • #8
  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
This story is spreading quickly. I believe that the actual video is far more mundane that many online sources suggest.
Granted, to those who've seen it before, it's fairly typical of a high atmo fuel dump but, as far as UFOs go, in terms of sheer spectacle, I'd call that sighting ... pretty spectacular. Extremely visible, spans a good portion of the sky, long-lasting, clear, obvious and nuanced movement...

Ivan Seeking said:
Next is an example of other photos making the rounds. As near as I can tell so far, the photos were faked in response to the actual event, shown above.

Not sure why you would deliberately post pics that even you are sure are faked. I'd have thought you'd be motivated to preserve a high signal-to-noise ratio on the topic.
  • #10
UFO over something.

UFO here could've been anything from a missile (like someone said) or a child playing with his new toy plane.

And its the Chinese, honestly, they say anything.

http://archeleus.com/blog" - Programming, Science and other random stuff
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  • #11
"Az Ördög legnagyobb ámítása, hogy meggyozte a világot: nem létezik."

But seriously, this is a simple load of ****. Whatever this is, little green men is the last on my list, after an airborne Nessie.
  • #12
Archeleus said:
UFO here could've been ... a child playing with his new toy plane.
Did you watch the video??

I don't think you did.
  • #13
nismaratwork said:
But seriously, this is a simple load of ****.

What do you mean? Are you concluding the video is counterfeit?
  • #14
DaveC426913 said:
Did you watch the video??

I don't think you did.

I didn't. Though I was speaking of "unidentified flying object" (s).
  • #15
Archeleus said:
I didn't. Though I was speaking of "unidentified flying object" (s).

Yeah well, maybe you should, before passing comment, hm?
  • #16
DaveC426913 said:
Not sure why you would deliberately post pics that even you are sure are faked. I'd have thought you'd be motivated to preserve a high signal-to-noise ratio on the topic.

Why would I post phoney photos making the rounds on the internet, and compare these to the actual photos/video, in a debunking forum?

I would expect that to be obvious. Should I type more slowly? :biggrin:
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  • #17
Ivan Seeking said:
Should I type more slowly? :biggrin:
Well, yes. I honestly don't understand the purpose. That may be because I am making some assumptions about your intent in posting this thread.

My assumption was that you'd found some atypically interesting UFO photos (high-quality, clear, etc.) whose veracity was worth examining.

But to post it along with some fake ones seems to imply that you want the thread to concentrate on counterfeit reports as much as promising reports. I would a have thought you'd try your best to bar nonsense claims from this thread, as they would effectively poison the well.

(Remember the scene in CE3K when the Air Force made its statement to the people about UFO sightings? Then the mountain man chimes in with "I saw bigfoot once. Had a stride thiiiis long".. The loonie's bigfoot comments instantly cast doubt on the UFOs sightings in the minds of the public, just by their proximity.)

Anyway, today's PF theme for me seems one of particular obtuseness, so maybe I'm just full of cold cheese...
  • #18
DaveC426913 said:
What do you mean? Are you concluding the video is counterfeit?

The hungarian line I posted was meant to be a joke, from "The Usual Suspects". It's the "The Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that he didn't exist." That sarcasm was meant to dovetail with my next point, which is not that the video is fake, but that the leap to aliens or toy planes or any specific thing is absurd based on the evidence. It's a UFO: it's an object that flew, and remains unidentified. The load of **** is speculating when the Chinese won't confirm the time of day; if they know what it is and it's military, then they'll stay quiet. If it's some natural phenomenon, but they don't know, they'll STILL stay quiet. If it's little green men, or a US spy plane, they'll STTTTILLLL stay quiet for the same reason as previously, namely that they don't want to admit they have no idea what it is.

I call discussion of something which has no hope of verification by the necessary authorities a waste of time, and a load of ****.
  • #19
DaveC426913 said:
Yeah well, maybe you should, before passing comment, hm?

Oh well, true but still a child's toy is technically an identified object to the airport.
  • #20
Archeleus said:
Oh well, true but still a child's toy is technically an identified object to the airport.
You input has little to do with the topic at-hand. Watch the video, comment on that.
  • #21
Hmm, this thread is going downhill, and clearly needs more Hungarian from TUS! "Láttam az Ördögöt! Keyser Söze"
  • #22
I'm not sure why people totally dismiss intelligent aliens as impossible. The universe being 13b years old and our Earth only being 4.6b or so. We know that time travel does exist with the knowledge of worm holes, we are just unable to currently harness enough energy to actually do it.

It could be very possible that some 30b years in the future they actually did harness it and come back in time. It is very possible, just not that much evidence for it actually happening.

I assume if any government actually did get their hands on a UFO they would try to keep it as secret as possible.

I figure, if the 'aliens' do exist with capabilities of interstellar space travel, there's no reason to worry about it. If they wanted to destroy us they could and they probably would. If they wanted to greet us they probably would. That's the main reason I'm not afraid of any potential alien existence, not because I doubt it, but because I see no reason to worry since there's not much we would be able to do against it. Scientifically and Evolutionary, a 13b year old planet that happen to have Earth like environment could very easily evolve highly advanced life in that time period. We can verify, there are TONS of Earth like planets across the universe, which more than likely have life on them, because from what we can measure, on those planets are all the necessary materials for the evolution of life.
  • #23
Xtensity said:
I'm not sure why people totally dismiss intelligent aliens as impossible. The universe being 13b years old and our Earth only being 4.6b or so. We know that time travel does exist with the knowledge of worm holes, we are just unable to currently harness enough energy to actually do it.

It could be very possible that some 30b years in the future they actually did harness it and come back in time. It is very possible, just not that much evidence for it actually happening.

I assume if any government actually did get their hands on a UFO they would try to keep it as secret as possible.

I figure, if the 'aliens' do exist with capabilities of interstellar space travel, there's no reason to worry about it. If they wanted to destroy us they could and they probably would. If they wanted to greet us they probably would. That's the main reason I'm not afraid of any potential alien existence, not because I doubt it, but because I see no reason to worry since there's not much we would be able to do against it. Scientifically and Evolutionary, a 13b year old planet that happen to have Earth like environment could very easily evolve highly advanced life in that time period. We can verify, there are TONS of Earth like planets across the universe, which more than likely have life on them, because from what we can measure, on those planets are all the necessary materials for the evolution of life.

You're making assumptions (such as time travel) that may not hold. This, and the simple fact that while alien life may well exist, it is a big, "old" universe and this is about them visiting US, not existence in general. For the wormhole bit, you need to go back to basics there, because in this universe, at this time, it would appear that such is impossible: No traversable wormholes, energy isn't an issue.
  • #24
nismaratwork said:
You're making assumptions (such as time travel) that may not hold. This, and the simple fact that while alien life may well exist, it is a big, "old" universe and this is about them visiting US, not existence in general. For the wormhole bit, you need to go back to basics there, because in this universe, at this time, it would appear that such is impossible: No traversable wormholes, energy isn't an issue.

I wasn't talking about wormholes already existing if that's what you're referring to. I meant, developing the technology to control and direct them.

I am not making an assumption about time travel. The government HAS the technology, it's just secret and not all around known.. Which is why I refuse to argue about it here, because the evidence is little, though it is there supporting the notion, you just need to search. It's not well known information and is kept out of the hands of most science not directly involved in government activities. Even if they did have it, we can't force them to give it up, so it doesn't matter if its true or not.

But then all that ties into conspiracy theories and such, which is why I won't go into the existence of possible time travel devices in this day and age.

Time travel IS mathematically possible in theory. Theirs multiple methods. Worm Hole transport(which for now hasn't actually be done to public scientist knowledge, but theorized based on the actual nature of worm holes. There's reaching a speed higher than light speed, this would cause one to travel backwards in time, though nothing with matter not already going light speed can reach light speed (or as far as we currently know). Einstein said nothing about entities or objects already traveling at light speed.

There's other theoretically methods mathematically proven, their just not available to my conscious thought at the moment, I may remember them later.

There's also the all the Quantum Physics 'stuff', which I only know a tiny bit about. The concept of Time-Space where Time is 3D and Space is Linear/1D, its what allows worm holes to connect to alternate universe and alternate places in time. (and no this is not sci-fi, I do not watch sci-fi movies, it may be in sci-fi, but it is also existent.)
  • #25
Xtensity said:
I wasn't talking about wormholes already existing if that's what you're referring to. I meant, developing the technology to control and direct them.

I am not making an assumption about time travel. The government HAS the technology, it's just secret and not all around known.. Which is why I refuse to argue about it here, because the evidence is little, though it is there supporting the notion, you just need to search. It's not well known information and is kept out of the hands of most science not directly involved in government activities. Even if they did have it, we can't force them to give it up, so it doesn't matter if its true or not.

But then all that ties into conspiracy theories and such, which is why I won't go into the existence of possible time travel devices in this day and age.

Time travel IS mathematically possible in theory. Theirs multiple methods. Worm Hole transport(which for now hasn't actually be done to public scientist knowledge, but theorized based on the actual nature of worm holes. There's reaching a speed higher than light speed, this would cause one to travel backwards in time, though nothing with matter not already going light speed can reach light speed (or as far as we currently know). Einstein said nothing about entities or objects already traveling at light speed.

There's other theoretically methods mathematically proven, their just not available to my conscious thought at the moment, I may remember them later.

There's also the all the Quantum Physics 'stuff', which I only know a tiny bit about. The concept of Time-Space where Time is 3D and Space is Linear/1D, its what allows worm holes to connect to alternate universe and alternate places in time. (and no this is not sci-fi, I do not watch sci-fi movies, it may be in sci-fi, but it is also existent.)

  • #26
The possibility of highly exotic technologies like those discussed cannot be ruled out - we don't know if such technolgies will ever be possible or not. However, it is not appropriate to speculate about secret government programs and the like.

Beyond that, this thread is way off topic.

Related to UFO Sighting Over Chinese Airport: Fact or Fiction?

1. Is the UFO sighting over the Chinese airport true or fake?

As a scientist, it is important to rely on evidence and facts rather than rumors and speculation. Currently, there is no concrete evidence to support the claim of a UFO sighting over the Chinese airport. However, it is also important to keep an open mind and continue to gather information and investigate the situation.

2. Are there any credible witnesses to the UFO sighting?

It is unclear if there are any credible witnesses to the alleged UFO sighting. Some reports claim that airport employees and passengers saw the object, while others state that it was only captured on surveillance footage. Without any reliable and verifiable witnesses, it is difficult to determine the credibility of the sighting.

3. Could the UFO sighting be a military aircraft or drone?

It is possible that the UFO sighting could have been a military aircraft or drone. However, it is important to note that the Chinese government has denied any involvement or knowledge of the object. Additionally, if it was a military aircraft, it is unlikely that it would be flying over a busy airport without any prior notification or clearance.

4. What could be the explanation for the UFO sighting?

There are several possible explanations for the UFO sighting over the Chinese airport. It could be a natural phenomenon, such as a weather balloon or a rare atmospheric event. It could also be a man-made object, such as a drone or a remote-controlled aircraft. Without further evidence, it is difficult to determine the exact explanation.

5. How can we confirm the truth about the UFO sighting?

The best way to confirm the truth about the UFO sighting is to conduct a thorough investigation using scientific methods. This may include analyzing any available footage or images, interviewing witnesses, and gathering any other relevant data. It is important to approach the investigation with an open mind and consider all possible explanations before drawing a conclusion.

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