Too fast for a black hole to consume?

In summary, according to the article, a pulsar moving at 6 million miles an hour would collide with a black hole and parts of it would be lost. The frame dragging would also have an effect depending upon the angle and direction of collision.
  • #1
I read an article yesterday about the fastest moving pulsar yet detected. The Chandra X-ray observatory spied a pulsar in SNR MSH 11-61A and IGR J11014-6103 moving at approximately 6 million miles an hour. This raised the question in my mind of what would happen if this pulsar were to collide with a stellar sized black hole moving at such rate with respect to the black hole. Does a black hole have a "processing" rate where it converts hadrons into whatever the form of matter or energy is inside a black hole? Is the conversion instantaneous? Is it possible for a fast moving pulsar to blow right through a black hole because it is too big and moving too fast to eat? Or how about two black holes moving toward each other with a combined speed approaching the speed of light? Would the black holes collide like billiard balls? I hope these questions are not too naive but I am merely an arm-chair astro-physicist wannabe.
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  • #2
Once something has crossed the event horizon there is no getting out, even at the speed of light. Note that a black hole does not "eat" or "process" anything. The event horizon of the black hole is not a physical surface, it is simply a boundary that marks the point where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.

So if a pulsar was to collide with a black hole any part of it that is smaller than the event horizon is lost for good, the parts that are outside will either fly off very fast as they slingshot round the BH or fall in or go into orbits (perhaps falling in later).
  • #3
Ryan_m_b said:
Once something has crossed the event horizon there is no getting out, even at the speed of light. Note that a black hole does not "eat" or "process" anything. The event horizon of the black hole is not a physical surface, it is simply a boundary that marks the point where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.

So if a pulsar was to collide with a black hole any part of it that is smaller than the event horizon is lost for good, the parts that are outside will either fly off very fast as they slingshot round the BH or fall in or go into orbits (perhaps falling in later).

The frame dragging would also have an effect depending upon the angle and direction of collision.
  • #4
Boliver said:
I read an article yesterday about the fastest moving pulsar yet detected. The Chandra X-ray observatory spied a pulsar in SNR MSH 11-61A and IGR J11014-6103 moving at approximately 6 million miles an hour. This raised the question in my mind of what would happen if this pulsar were to collide with a stellar sized black hole moving at such rate with respect to the black hole. Does a black hole have a "processing" rate where it converts hadrons into whatever the form of matter or energy is inside a black hole? Is the conversion instantaneous? Is it possible for a fast moving pulsar to blow right through a black hole because it is too big and moving too fast to eat? Or how about two black holes moving toward each other with a combined speed approaching the speed of light? Would the black holes collide like billiard balls? I hope these questions are not too naive but I am merely an arm-chair astro-physicist wannabe.

According to 'Exploring Black Holes' by Wheeler & Taylor, there are three types of in-falling radial plunger for a static black hole-

Drip (dropped from rest at [itex]r_o[/itex])

Rain (dropped from rest at infinity)

Hail (hurled inward at speed [itex]v_{far}[/itex] from a great distance)

The shell velocities ([itex]v_{shell}[/itex]) (i.e. the velocity measured at a specific radius) for each plunger are-







where [itex]M=Gm/c^2[/itex] (multiply by c for SI units). If you use the above equations, you'll see that regardless of whether an object is dropped from rest close to the event horizon or whether it approaches from a great distance at close to c, all objects cross the event horizon, relative to the EH, at c. These equations only apply to radii greater than 2M as there are no stable shells (or stable r) inside the event horizon.

For the velocity of an in-falling object as observed from infinity, multiply the above equations by [itex](1-2M/r)[/itex].
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  • #5
Thanks for your helpful answers.

Related to Too fast for a black hole to consume?

1. Can something be too fast for a black hole to consume?

Yes, there is a certain speed threshold known as the event horizon, where the gravitational pull of a black hole becomes so strong that even light cannot escape. Anything that travels faster than the speed of light, including particles and light itself, cannot be consumed by a black hole.

2. How fast would something need to be to escape a black hole's gravitational pull?

The escape velocity of a black hole depends on its mass. For a black hole with the mass of our sun, escape velocity is roughly 617.7 km/s. However, for a supermassive black hole, the escape velocity can be as high as 225 million km/s.

3. Is there any known object that can travel faster than the speed of light and escape a black hole?

No, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. Therefore, anything that enters the event horizon of a black hole, regardless of its speed, will be consumed.

4. What happens if an object approaches a black hole at near-light speed?

As an object approaches a black hole at near-light speed, it will experience extreme gravitational time dilation, meaning time will appear to pass slower for the object compared to an outside observer. Additionally, the object will be stretched and compressed due to strong tidal forces. However, it will still eventually reach the event horizon and be consumed by the black hole.

5. Can a black hole ever stop consuming matter?

No, the gravitational pull of a black hole is always present and will continue to consume matter until the black hole itself eventually evaporates due to Hawking radiation. Even if the black hole stops actively consuming matter, it will still have an event horizon and continue to exert gravitational effects on its surroundings.

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