Thinking of going back to take Astrophysics, have no pre-reqs.

In summary, the person is asking if their strong interest in Astronomy can compensate for their poor math skills. They mention taking Consumer Math in high school and struggling with math in their current Astronomy class. They also mention wanting to transfer to a university with an Astrophysics program and the challenges they face in improving their math skills in order to do so. They ask if someone without a particular interest in math can do well in Astronomy and if they can improve their skills enough to start at a higher level of math. The response is that it is impossible to say without knowing more about the person, but they encourage them to try their best and not rush through their education. They also suggest taking remedial classes to fill any gaps in understanding.
  • #1
I'm looking for an honest assessment of whether someone with a huge interest in Astronomy can make up for poor math skills. While Math was my highest grade in high-school I also took Consumer Math, as a result I find my self fumbling through Coursea's Astronomy class and taking ages to solve the equations. I disliked taxes from math class and have horrible mental math skills but a good head for formulas and breaking things down.

I have been out of high-school for over five years and University for almost three. My first attempt at university has an unsalvageable GPA due to being hospitalized for the better part of the second year and I was offered to ability to forfeit previous course work from my transcript. My previous university does not offer any degree in Astrophysics, but after 30 credit hours I can apply to transfer to either a school across the province, or the country.

This leaves me till Fall 2015 to attempt to hone my math skills to a high-school level, and the 15-16 school year to take the 0000 level Math classes. I suppose my question is twofold; Can someone who doesn't have a particular interest in math do decently in Astronomy? As well as can I learn enough in 20 months to challenge the pre-cal exam and start with 1000 level math courses instead of the 0000 levels so my four year degree doesn't become five.
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  • #2
Your question is unanswerable; you're asking us to subjectively evaluate your ability to self-learn math without knowing anything about you other than this post. You also don’t like math, but you like astronomy, ask yourself why?

That said it’s possible for you to do what you want and succeed at your goals, on the other hand it’s equally possible that you’ll fall on your face. It’s impossible to say.

With that said, if you really want to do it, than do it! Try your best, there’s nothing or magical or hard about it, it’s possible to realize your goal, you just need to be in the right mindset and work hard. A bit of advice you might find handy as well, if you are able to test into pre-calculus I still recommend you take the algebra two remedial class and do five years instead of four. It isn’t a race, and you don’t want that many holes or gaps in your understanding.

Related to Thinking of going back to take Astrophysics, have no pre-reqs.

1. What are the pre-requisites for taking Astrophysics?

The pre-requisites for taking Astrophysics typically include a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and astronomy. This may include courses such as calculus, mechanics, and introductory astronomy. It is also recommended to have a basic understanding of computer programming and data analysis.

2. Can I still take Astrophysics if I don't have the pre-requisites?

It is possible to take Astrophysics without having completed the pre-requisite courses, but it may be more challenging and require additional effort to catch up on the necessary knowledge. It is highly recommended to have a strong understanding of the pre-requisite subjects before enrolling in an Astrophysics course.

3. How long does it take to complete the pre-requisite courses for Astrophysics?

The length of time it takes to complete the pre-requisite courses for Astrophysics can vary depending on your prior knowledge and the number of courses you take each semester. It typically takes 1-2 years to complete the necessary courses, but this can also be done through self-study or online courses.

4. Are there any online resources available to help with the pre-requisites for Astrophysics?

Yes, there are many online resources available to help with the pre-requisite courses for Astrophysics. Many universities offer online courses or lectures on topics such as calculus and physics. There are also websites and online tutorials that provide free resources for self-study.

5. Do I need to have a background in astronomy to take Astrophysics?

While having a background in astronomy can be helpful for understanding some concepts in Astrophysics, it is not necessarily a requirement. As long as you have a strong foundation in mathematics and physics, you should be able to succeed in an Astrophysics course with dedication and hard work.

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