The only type of my songs getting on here

  • Thread starter dementeddoughboy
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In summary: Sunday bloody sundaySunday bloody sunday...In summary, the conversation was about the paparazzi and the invasion of privacy in the entertainment industry. The speaker shared their personal experience of being chased by the press and how it ultimately led to the end of their career. The conversation also touched upon the song "Lost in HollyWood" which describes the negative effects of fame and the pressure put on celebrities by the media. Another member of the conversation shared a song by Jackson Browne and U2, both of which touch upon the topic of war and the manipulation of the public by governments and media.
  • #1
are either going to be political or about news... Well, this one is about the paparazi. I think that the press gets too personal with people, and they never give them their privacy. These are people too, they deserve their privacy. Must we be reminded of Princess Diana's tragedy to see this? Well... yes, yes we do. So here's my song, that has a Princess Diana-esque moment.

Lost In HollyWood

When she was a girl
she prayed to her god
she wanted to be
a movie star
during the day
she practiced so hard
but in the nights she
didn't see the clouds

she always dreamt
of the fame it would bring
the treasure in the night
she always thought
her problems would leave
not that they would just start

now it was her turn
the auditioning time
she prayed and then
she went on stage
she gave it her all
she blew them away
it was her best
performance yet

she got a call
they wanted her back
she's in a movie now
she fell to the floor
began to cry, but she
didn't know what this fame would bring

they started the car
went out on the street
she was off to her
film debut
she was wearing a dress
that sparkled in gold
to impress her fans
some more

then they opened the door
stepped out of the car
the carpet was all her's now
she thanked her god
what had gotten her there
then she walked past the star-lit crowd

months after her film
she had done two more
she was the new
HollyWood Queen
they all loved her now
forgot all about
that old girl Marilyn Monroe

the press always came
for an interview with a name
everyone would recognize
but she didn't see
what the harm would be
until years on down the road

the press wouldn't stop
followed her in the car
they wouldn't leave her alone
at all
she remembered a time
when there was a boy
who just wanted to give
her a home

Now she knows
what could have been
if she had just opened her eyes
but now it's too late
that time is far gone
she's lost in HollyWood

then one day it rained
she was chased in her car
the press just never
would stop
the road was too slick
they went off the road
there were no movies

Now they see
the clouds at night
lying motionless on the ground
now they know
they've gone too far
she was lost in HollyWood

now they know
they go too far
she was lost in HollyWood
Physics news on
  • #2
WHat co-incidence! My friend sent me this Jackson Browne song 'bout war and stuff and this seems the perfect thred to display it. :approve:

I’ve been waiting for something to happen
For a week or a month or a year
With the blood in the ink of the headlines
And the sound of the crowd in my ear
You might ask what it takes to remember
When you know that you’ve seen it before
Where a government lies to a people
And a country is drifting to war

And there’s a shadow on the faces
Of the men who send the guns
To the wars that are fought in places
Where their business interest runs

On the radio talk shows and the t.v.
You hear one thing again and again
How the u.s.a. stands for freedom
And we come to the aid of a friend
But who are the ones that we call our friends--
These governments killing their own?
Or the people who finally can’t take any more
And they pick up a gun or a brick or a stone
There are lives in the balance
There are people under fire
There are children at the cannons
And there is blood on the wire

There’s a shadow on the faces
Of the men who fan the flames
Of the wars that are fought in places
Where we can’t even say the names

They sell us the president the same way
They sell us our clothes and our cars
They sell us every thing from youth to religion
The same time they sell us our wars
I want to know who the men in the shadows are
I want to hear somebody asking them why
They can be counted on to tell us who our enemies are
But they’re never the ones to fight or to die
  • #3
I like U2's Sunday, Bloody Sunday from the album War. The context is different (I'm not Irish), but the lyrics seem to apply to any general conflict.


I can’t believe the news today
Oh, I can’t close my eyes and make it go away
How long...
How long must we sing this song?
How long? how long...

’cause tonight...we can be as one

Broken bottles under children’s feet
Bodies strewn across the dead end street
But I won’t heed the battle call
It puts my back up
Puts my back up against the wall

Sunday, bloody sunday
Sunday, bloody sunday
Sunday, bloody sunday (sunday bloody sunday...)
(allright let's go!)

And the battle’s just begun
There’s many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart

Sunday, bloody sunday
Sunday, bloody sunday

How long...
How long must we sing this song?
How long? how long...

’cause tonight...we can be as one

Sunday, bloody sunday (tonight)
Sunday, bloody sunday (tonight)
(come get some!)

Wipe the tears from your eyes
Wipe your tears away
Wipe your tears away
I wipe your tears away
(sunday, bloody sunday)
I wipe your blood shot eyes
(sunday, bloody sunday)

Sunday, bloody sunday (sunday, bloody sunday)
Sunday, bloody sunday (sunday, bloody sunday)
(here I come!)

And it’s true we are immune
When fact is fiction and tv reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die

The real battle yet begun (sunday, bloody sunday)
To claim the victory jesus won (sunday, bloody sunday)

Sunday bloody sunday
Sunday bloody sunday...

Related to The only type of my songs getting on here

1. What is the reason for only one type of your songs getting on here?

The reason for only one type of my songs getting on here is because I have a specific theme or style that I stick to when writing my music. This could be a certain genre, message, or sound that I feel most comfortable and confident in.

2. How do you choose which songs to submit to this platform?

I choose which songs to submit based on the guidelines and requirements of the platform. I also consider which songs I feel best represent my style and will resonate with the audience of this platform.

3. Can you explain the process of getting your songs on this platform?

The process of getting my songs on this platform may vary, but it usually involves submitting my music to the platform and waiting for approval or feedback. Sometimes, I may have to go through a review or selection process before my songs are featured on the platform.

4. Is there a specific reason why only one type of your songs are featured on this platform?

The reason for featuring only one type of my songs on this platform could be due to the target audience or the platform's specific theme or purpose. It could also be a decision made by the platform's curators or editors.

5. Are you open to expanding your style and submitting different types of songs to this platform?

As a scientist, I am always open to experimentation and growth. While I may have a specific style that I stick to for this platform, I am open to exploring different types of songs and potentially submitting them if they align with the platform's guidelines and my personal artistic vision.

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