The Dangers of White Supremacy Ideology in America

  • Thread starter NoahAfrican
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In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of race and racism in America. The speaker states that while they have white friends, they have little faith in the white population as a whole due to the lack of respect towards the black population. The speaker also mentions encountering white supremacists who use factual data to support their beliefs, and expresses concern that many white people do not refute these beliefs. They believe that this lack of opposition implies agreement, and worries that in times of economic stress, many white people may embrace these beliefs and perpetuate discrimination and exploitation against black people. The conversation ends with a discussion on the use of the word "racist" and the suggestion to focus on the merits of arguments rather than labeling them as racist.
  • #106
bobf said:
Can you provide evidence that the authors were "known racists". Wasn't one of them Jewish? Were they authors racist against Asians, blacks, etc?

The co-author of "The Bell Curve" Richard Herrnstein was ethnically Jewish. Another race realist is Arthur Hu, an American-Asian who studies ethnic differences and he concluded that East Asians were more intelligent than Whites, on average.
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  • #107
Evo said:
The "Bell Curve" was written by known racists
Wrong but it seems to be the only attack you can use against it.

and has been debunked as such.
Wrong again. It has constantly been confirmed with newer publications such as "Race, Evolution, and Behavior"

Like I said, find something current and legitimate (not funded by a racist organization) that has been conducted after the study I posted that shows that it is not academically accepted, or give up.
Why would one have to find a newer source, when your source touches the "do not do this because it would be faulty" approach already stated by previous publications? Unless you can show that it did not do this, it is you that needs to give up.
  • #108
chroot said:
Well, they obviously developed better building techniques, for one.


They have probably advanced a great deal over hominids 50,000 years ago. The European cultures just advanced a whole lot more.


Industry begets more industry. I can't point to a single item that gauranteed European success, but building techniques, mining techniques, agricultural techniques, energy sources, and so on are all required for modern civilization.

Why were they able to learn these superior techniques?

As I said, I have no specifics to argue. Perhaps someone else does.

- Warren

I don't pretend to have the answers either, but I don't know how one can say intelligence does not play a role.
  • #109
BlackVision said:
Oh yes, they let Asians drink out of the fountain that said "Whites Only" Why didn't this come across my mind? Oh my oh my. As usual you have absolutely no level of logic or common sense.
Yes, Asians could drink from these fountains, they were not considered black. You forget BV, I was there, I was witness to this.

You don't know your history.
  • #110
Evo said:
Yes, and this has all been previoulsy posted in other threads. Murray was guilty of cross burnings, there is so much more I can repost

Do you expect me to search for a needle in a haystack? Why not provide the information here? Was he also racist against Asians? What proof do you have that he was guilty of cross burning? Was he convicted in a trial of this charge?
  • #111
United States said:
The co-author of "The Bell Curve" Richard Herrnstein was ethnically Jewish. Another race realist is Arthur Hu, an American-Asian who studies ethnic differences and he concluded that East Asians were more intelligent than Whites, on average.
No matter who conducts the study. Whether it is by a White, Jewish, Asian. It ALWAYS follows this order in IQ level. Jews, Asians, Whites, Blacks. ALWAYS. It doesn't matter if a Jewish person does the study, or a White person, or an Asian person, the studies have always been consistent in that order.
  • #112
Evo said:
Yes, Asians could drink from these fountains, they were not considered black.
Ah so the term "Whites Only" applied to Asians. Hmmmmm.
  • #113
BV, will you accept my challenge, or do you give up?

Very easy, yes or no.
  • #114
bobf said:
I don't pretend to have the answers either, but I don't know how one can say intelligence does not play a role.
I don't know why you continue to ask me questions upon questions, even when I've already explained that I have no formal education on this topic. I don't know if you think this is somehow "debunking" me, but I don't feel it is.

My basic assertion (resource availability, both physical and intellectual, enables civilization advancement) seems plausible enough; do you have any evidence that it cannot be at least partially true?

- Warren
  • #115
BlackVision said:
Ah so the term "Whites Only" applied to Asians. Hmmmmm.
No, it never said "whites only", you made an error in assuming something that wasn't said. Again, don't try to discuss something that you know nothing about.
  • #116
chroot said:
I don't know why you continue to ask me questions upon questions, even when I've already explained that I have no formal education on this topic. I don't know if you think this is somehow "debunking" me, but I don't feel it is.

I have many questions on the topic and find it very interesting. I am just looking for answers myself. My goal is not to debunk your argument, but rather to learn.

My basic assertion (resource availability, both physical and intellectual, enables civilization advancement) seems plausible enough; do you have any evidence that it cannot be at least partially true?

- Warren

What resources? What intellectual resources? I can get evidence once we define what these resources are and how they contribute to the advancement of the europeans.
  • #117
Evo said:
No, it never said "whites only", you made an error in assuming something that wasn't said. Again, don't try to discuss something that you know nothing about.


I am not saying you are wrong, but I would love to see some evidence. It seems to me that white fountains would be for white people. I will admit right now that I do not know much about history (I am actually taking a course next semester), but I would love to see your evidence.
  • #118
Here is Arthur Hu's website: This Asian-American not only claims that East Asians are smarter than Whites, but that Whites are smarter than Africans. He has a variety of data on his site which he uses to back up his claims. Don't know how valid any of it is, but the info. is there for those that want to go over it.
  • #119
Evo said:
No, it never said "whites only", you made an error in assuming something that wasn't said. Again, don't try to discuss something that you know nothing about.
LMAO! One must seriously shake his head in disbelief when debating with you.

Should Old 'Whites Only' Signs Be Displayed?

Posted March 14, 2003 -- Dallas County, Texas, commissioners decided this week to uncover "Whites only" signs above water fountains in the county records building and display them in the name of history, rather than remove them, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

'Whites Only' signs win reprieve

Fading "Whites Only" signs on water fountains at the county records building will be uncovered and marked with plaques explaining their historical significance, Dallas County commissioners decided Tuesday.
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  • #120
"How were whites able to come into the area and build if predation was such a problem? What resources did the europeans have that the Africans didn't that allowed them to become more advanced?"-bobf
My guess is it was mostly chance, I mean one area of the world had to in all probability start flowering before others although the affects would spread outward, who is to say it was certainly due to anyone thing, it may have mostly been chance.
  • #121
bobf said:
What resources? What intellectual resources? I can get evidence once we define what these resources are and how they contribute to the advancement of the europeans.
Look at it simply: the first person or people to come up with the concept of agriculture radically changed his/her civilization, and gave that civilization a huge advantage over others. The first person to come up with an internal combustion engine did so, as well. Look around you -- there are hundreds of different techniques, materials, processes, and concepts all around you that someone had to invent or stumble across -- everything from number systems to financial systems to government structures to metal-working techniques to building techniques to industrial machines, each building on earlier successes.

- Warren
  • #122
jammieg said:
"How were whites able to come into the area and build if predation was such a problem? What resources did the europeans have that the Africans didn't that allowed them to become more advanced?"-bobf
My guess is it was mostly chance, I mean one area of the world had to in all probability start flowering before others although the affects would spread outward, who is to say it was certainly due to anyone thing, it may have mostly been chance.

Can you provide any evidence that is was chance? What information do you have on the topic? Can you define what you mean by the word chance? Wasn't China very advance at one time in history?
  • #123
bobf said:
It seems to me that white fountains would be for white people.
That would be what a person with common sense would say. An attribute Evo seems to lack.
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  • #124
chroot said:
Look at it simply: the first person or people to come up with the concept of agriculture radically changed his/her civilization, and gave that civilization a huge advantage over others. The first person to come up with an internal combustion engine did so, as well. Look around you -- there are hundreds of different techniques, materials, processes, and concepts all around you that someone had to invent or stumble across -- everything from number systems to financial systems to government structures to metal-working techniques to building techniques to industrial machines, each building on earlier successes.

- Warren

Why were these people the first to come up with these concepts? Was it purely by chance or was it due to intelligence? Could someone who is mentally disabled with the mind of a 2 year old be able to stumble onto these inventions?
  • #125
jammieg said:
My guess is it was mostly chance, I mean one area of the world had to in all probability start flowering before others although the affects would spread outward, who is to say it was certainly due to anyone thing, it may have mostly been chance.
That's essentially what I'm trying to say -- what began as a very small advantage ten thousand years ago, achieved via sheer chance, would bloom into a tremendous advantage today.

- Warren
  • #126
chroot said:
That's essentially what I'm trying to say -- what began as a very small advantage ten thousand years ago, achieved via sheer chance, would bloom into a tremendous advantage today.

- Warren

Can you please define what you mean by chance? Can you provide anything at all to back that up?
  • #127
bobf said:
Why were these people the first to come up with these concepts? Was it purely by chance or was it due to intelligence? Could someone who is mentally disabled with the mind of a 2 year old be able to stumble onto these inventions?
Certainly civilization-changing concepts and inventions are due to exceptionally bright people. That doesn't mean that person's entire culture is more intelligent than the others on average, however. The majority of inventions that changed history can be attributed to either an individual, or a very small number of people.

- Warren
  • #128
chroot said:
That's essentially what I'm trying to say -- what began as a very small advantage ten thousand years ago, achieved via sheer chance, would bloom into a tremendous advantage today.
What impact would the intelligence level of that group have in their technological development?

And when thrown into the same atmosphere, the same society, assuming every race was equal in every single way, shouldn't it mean that every race should succeed equality in every single way as well?
  • #129
bobf said:

I am not saying you are wrong, but I would love to see some evidence. It seems to me that white fountains would be for white people. I will admit right now that I do not know much about history (I am actually taking a course next semester), but I would love to see your evidence.
There are plenty of facts to prove it, I can flood you with it. It is verifiable history, tv documentation of it. The water fountains were labeled for coloreds. "Colored" people had to ride in the back of the bus. It is all a matter of history. It is a sad history. "Colored" was the word used before "black". Asians were not considered colored, nor were hispanics.

I can either gather up the information here or pm the sources to you. There are more than you can probably handle.

I have no argument with you, you want to learn. It is those that refuse to learn that I feel sorry for.
  • #130
bobf said:
Can you please define what you mean by chance? Can you provide anything at all to back that up?
Do I really need to define "chance" for you? I feel you're just playing games with me, and I don't appreciate it. If you have nothing to add, you should leave this discussion. If all you're going to do is ask me leading questions and criticize my admittedly ill-researched posturing, I'm not really interested in talking about this with you.

- Warren
  • #131
chroot said:
Certainly civilization-changing concepts and inventions are due to exceptionally bright people. That doesn't mean that person's entire culture is more intelligent than the others on average, however. The majority of inventions that changed history can be attributed to either an individual, or a very small number of people.

- Warren

Are you suggesting that intelligence does play a role in technological advancements? Would you suggest that some groups (races) of people have more intelligent people then others?
  • #132
chroot said:
Certainly civilization-changing concepts and inventions are due to exceptionally bright people. That doesn't mean that person's entire culture is more intelligent than the others on average, however. The majority of inventions that changed history can be attributed to either an individual, or a very small number of people.
While it is true that advancements are made by the elite rather than the average, a higher median level for intelligence by a random group, would also likely mean there would be more elites.
  • #133
BlackVision said:
And when thrown into the same atmosphere, the same society, assuming every race was equal in every single way, shouldn't it mean that every race should succeed equality in every single way as well?
No, because it's unlikely that one individual in every such civilization would come up with civilization-changing ideas like agriculture, money, the place system, the loom, etc. at the same time. The first culture to gain a slight advantage over the others, even by pure chance, would have rapidly advanced over the others. The people who caused such advancement were particularly gifted, and particularly gifted people certainly occur in every culture.

- Warren
  • #134
BlackVision said:
That would be what a person with common sense would say. An attribute Evo seems to lack.
Because you have no conception of what was "known" then. You do not know recent history. You are ignorant of what was commonly known then.

Try reading up on the subject before you post.
  • #135
Evo said:
There are plenty of facts to prove it, I can flood you with it. It is verifiable history, tv documentation of it. The water fountains were labeled for coloreds. "Colored" people had to ride in the back of the bus. It is all a matter of history. It is a sad history. "Colored" was the word used before "black". Asians were not considered colored, nor were hispanics.

I can either gather up the information here or pm the sources to you. There are more than you can probably handle.

I have no argument with you, you want to learn. It is those that refuse to learn that I feel sorry for.
I repeat were Asians, as well as Hispanics, allowed to drink from water foundations that said "Whites Only" I already gave my evidence that "Whites Only" signs existed completely refuting your statement that they didn't exist. But once again were Asians allowed to drink from these fountains?
  • #136
chroot said:
Do I really need to define "chance" for you? I feel you're just playing games with me, and I don't appreciate it. If you have nothing to add, you should leave this discussion. If all you're going to do is ask me leading questions and criticize my admittedly ill-researched posturing, I'm not really interested in talking about this with you.

- Warren

Why do you feel the need to get personal. I need to know what way you are using the word "chance" so that I can address your comments. Does chance really exist?
  • #137
Evo said:
Because you have no conception of what was "known" then. You do not know recent history. You are ignorant of what was commonly known then.

Try reading up on the subject before you post.

Why have you ignored all of my requests for evidence? You have said so many unsubstantiated statements and have offered zero evidence.
  • #138
Evo still hasn't responded to this post. What a surprise! :smile: :smile: :smile:

Should Old 'Whites Only' Signs Be Displayed?

Posted March 14, 2003 -- Dallas County, Texas, commissioners decided this week to uncover "Whites only" signs above water fountains in the county records building and display them in the name of history, rather than remove them, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

'Whites Only' signs win reprieve

Fading "Whites Only" signs on water fountains at the county records building will be uncovered and marked with plaques explaining their historical significance, Dallas County commissioners decided Tuesday.
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  • #139
BlackVision said:
I repeat were Asians, as well as Hispanics, allowed to drink from water foundations that said "Whites Only" I already gave my evidence that "Whites Only" signs existed completely refuting your statement that they didn't exist. But once again were Asians allowed to drink from these fountains?
Yes, they were. But they did not say "whites only", did you not read what I posted?
  • #140
bobf said:
Are you suggesting that intelligence does play a role in technological advancements?
Of course, it would be asinine to say it didn't. Technological advancement requires intelligent individuals. What I don't feel is important is some notion of the intelligence of an entire group or race of people -- since most important inventions, again, were invented by particularly gifted individuals or small groups of people, and particularly gifted people exist in every group.
Would you suggest that some groups (races) of people have more intelligent people then others?
No, that's entirely my point. :smile: You don't need to invoke some generalization about Europeans being smarter than Africans to explain their present-day lead in technology. It can be explained neatly, I think, by exponential technological growth seeded by largely chance events that happened a very long time ago.

- Warren

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