Textbook for MIT OCW's 8.04: Quantum Physics I

In summary, In MIT OCW's video course 8.04 Quantum Physics I, there are four recommended textbooks for the course: "Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles" by Robert M. Eisberg and Robert Resnick, "Introductory Quantum Mechanics" by Richard L. Liboff, "Quantum Physics" by Stephen Gasiorowicz, and "Principles of Quantum Mechanics" by Ramamurti Shankar. The professor in the first lecture suggests studying in groups with people who have done readings from different textbooks, but as an individual taking the course, the best option for the second source would be Shankar or Sakurai, even though it is a
  • #1
In MIT OCW's video course 8.04 Quantum Physics I there are four textbooks listed, and readings suggested for each. In the video of the first lecture the professor recommends studying in groups with people who have done readings from different textbooks. Since I'm not taking the class at MIT that really isn't an option, but I would like to do the recommended readings from 2 of the 4 textbooks. Here are the four recommended textbooks for the course:

1. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles by Robert M. Eisberg and Robert Resnick

2. Introductory Quantum Mechanics by Richard L. Liboff

3. Quantum Physics by Stephen Gasiorowicz

4. Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Ramamurti Shankar.

I have already bought #4 Shankar because I found him to be an extremely effective teacher from the OpenYaleCourses videos he posted for Mechanics and E&M. What would you guys recommend the best option for the second source to be of the remaining three to maybe cover things from a different perspective than Shankar? And why would you recommend your choice for book #2?

My math background is pretty strong since I have a bachelors in pure math (though from 15 years ago) and I have kept up with a lot of topics applicable (e.g., linear algebra, functional analysis, PDE, group theory, probability) through MOOCs and self-study. I mean no surprises in chapter 1 of Shankar when he goes over the math. I have also done the two courses on MIT OCW on Kleppner & Kolenkow (favorite physics book ever) and Purcell, as well as about half a semester of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics from Goldstein (from the NTNU classical mechanics course on youtube and of course the homework problems too).
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  • #2
I have only 2 books to recommend, at least according to what you wrote about yourself: Shankar and Sakurai, even though the latter goes as 'graduate'. Shankar has the standard material, Sakurai wrote a wonderful book, very modern approach to the topics. You can compare the subjects in both books.
  • #3
I don't think this is enough to recommend Gasiorowicz, but I really like his first chapter about the history of quantum mehcanics. It's one of the few textbooks where one can learn that classical thermodynamics works for quantum mechanics and blackbody radiation, but not classical statistical mechanics. The amazing thing to me is that once one uses quantum statistical mechanics and has Planck's amazing derivation, the classically derived formulas like Wien's displacement law and the Stefan-Boltzmann law survive the quantum revolution. I don't think I understood any of the derivations in Gasiorowicz, but it presented enough motivation to learn the material from more understandable sources. I think Wannier's solid state textbook has a classical derivation of Wien's displacement law.
  • #4
dextercioby said:
I have only 2 books to recommend, at least according to what you wrote about yourself: Shankar and Sakurai, even though the latter goes as 'graduate'. Shankar has the standard material, Sakurai wrote a wonderful book, very modern approach to the topics. You can compare the subjects in both books.

I want to eventually read Sakurai, but I want to save it for when I may be more ready with a solid foundation of undergrad level study in the subject. I'm hoping to do 8.04 on my own and then 8.05 on edx when it's offered in February. Is the first or second edition of Sakurai better?
  • #5
1st edition is about 80% written by the late prof. Sakurai. I can't imagine in what way the 2nd edition can be better. But you can look that up in reviews online (like the ones on amazon), of course.

Related to Textbook for MIT OCW's 8.04: Quantum Physics I

1. What is the purpose of the textbook for MIT OCW's 8.04: Quantum Physics I?

The purpose of the textbook is to provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of quantum physics. It serves as a resource for students enrolled in the MIT OCW course, as well as for anyone interested in learning about this complex and fascinating field of study.

2. Who is the intended audience for the textbook?

The textbook is primarily designed for students with a background in physics and mathematics, specifically those enrolled in the MIT OCW course 8.04: Quantum Physics I. However, it can also be a valuable resource for anyone with a strong foundation in math and science who is interested in learning about quantum physics.

3. What topics are covered in the textbook?

The textbook covers a wide range of topics, including the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality, Schrödinger's equation, quantum measurement, and many more. It also includes numerous examples, exercises, and practice problems to help students deepen their understanding of these concepts.

4. Is the textbook updated regularly?

Yes, the textbook is regularly updated to ensure that it reflects the most current and accurate information in the field of quantum physics. As new research and discoveries are made, the textbook is revised to include these developments, making it a reliable and up-to-date resource for students.

5. Can the textbook be used as a standalone resource for learning quantum physics?

While the textbook is a valuable resource, it is recommended to use it in conjunction with other learning materials, such as lectures, discussions, and hands-on experiments, to gain a comprehensive understanding of quantum physics. It can serve as a helpful reference and study guide, but may not be sufficient as the sole source for learning the subject.

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