Supernova Ignition: Does Blackhole Mass Influence Star Formation?

In summary: Quark-Star' spends within the closeby proximity of our Galactic core, actually dictates the amount of a Lifespan that an emerging ordinary Star will spend in a certain 'phase'.
  • #1
I have been reading up on some theoretical ideas for supernovai etc..etc

It is interesting that there may be some correllation between Blackholes and AGN, and consequently Stars going Supernova.

Does anyone know if what I am going to state has been looked into?

It seems probable that all Galaxies have a central Blackhole at their core, and around certain cores Stars are dynamically influenced by the Gravitational effects of their proximity. Tidal effects would be distributed out throughout the host Galaxy, so there is a possibility that as BHs consume Stars, and increase their Mass, their influence upon Stars that are further out along Galactic Arms etc..etc, may be influenced by the change in the distributed Galactic Mass.

Surely if Blackholes consume Stars, then Stars that are not being consumed, must have some effect imposed upon them , such as Tidal Effects,(Gravitational Pulls?) which could theoretically 'trigger' some Stars to go supernova?

A Stars condition is based on its own Pressure due to the number of Photon emmissions and with the Elemental makeup within the Stars core, therefore it is may be probable that a Star going Supernova(collapse), may also be conditional of its proximity along the Galactic arms, due to the influence of the Galactic Core BHs 'appetite' in consuming Stars that stray to Close?

Stars distributed along the Galactic Arms have some protection due to the Galactic plane, but there amy be 'weak-spots' along the arm, and with the 'Time' Blackhole core devours nearby Stars. For instance I would think that if a Galactic Blackhole is consuming a vast number of Stars, removing, or Transfering of some of the Galactic Mass must be occurring, and this could influence the rate at which other Stars convert their energy source?

The classification of Blackhole Mass and Stella Mass being the factors when identifying Galactic Blackholes clearly show that Galactic Blackholes are central to birth and death of all of its Stars in its Gravitational influence.
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  • #2
Olias said:
Surely if Blackholes consume Stars, then Stars that are not being consumed, must have some effect imposed upon them , such as Tidal Effects,(Gravitational Pulls?) which could theoretically 'trigger' some Stars to go supernova?
The thing to remember about black holes is their gravitational pull isn't fundamentally different than any other massive object. the idea of a cosmic vacuum cleaner is a little bit of a misnomer. Tidal effects drop very quickly with distance, so all the supermassive black hole does at the center of the galaxy is keep the stars in orbit around it.
  • #3
russ_watters said:
The thing to remember about black holes is their gravitational pull isn't fundamentally different than any other massive object. the idea of a cosmic vacuum cleaner is a little bit of a misnomer. Tidal effects drop very quickly with distance, so all the supermassive black hole does at the center of the galaxy is keep the stars in orbit around it.

So the Blackhole at our Galactic core plays no part in influence of Stars around the Galactic arms?

Nearby (Core) Stars would not shine, and consequently be structured as Quark-Stars/compacted/Neutrons. Hence these Stars would also be the 'primordial' Proton Stars that eventually get flung away from the Galactic Core, as they move outwards along the Plane Junction and onto the spiral highways/arms, they lose their ability to 'Not-shine' and burst into nova, ordinary functional Stars.

There may be a correlation to the amount of time a 'Quark-Star' spends within the closeby proximity of our Galactic core, actually dictates the amount of a Lifespan that an emerging ordinary Star will spend in a certain 'phase'.

Some Stars that are influenced greatly in and around the Galactic core will have certain elements, and thus will be compacted by the HIGH-DENSITY, this density of certain stars such as 'NEUTRON/QUARK' stars may be such as to not allow photon emmision to occur until it progresess away from the where I have I seen data which actually confirms this?

I will return..
  • #4
Milky Way Galactic Core Effects

Posted by Olias;
“Surely if Blackholes consume Stars, then Stars that are not being consumed, must have some effect imposed upon them , such as Tidal Effects,(Gravitational Pulls?) which could theoretically 'trigger' some Stars to go supernova?”

Of course they have effects imposed upon them (if they come within the “gravity-well” of the Supermassive Black Hole at the centre of our Milky Way).

“…Thus, even a supermassive black hole would be a small and inconspicuous object, were it not for its gravitational effect on surrounding material.”

Image of the Central Region of our Milky Way;

The Galactic Centre;

My personal theory is;

The Centre of our Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole certainly effects the orbiting spiral arm’s stars through periodical gravitational waves, but mainly through interacting magnetic and electrical fields (stars exchange/interact magnetically/electrically with Supermassive Black Holes). Superheated Hydrogen Gas is usually the conduit/vessel for such interactions. Whilst, I believe (under extreme conditions) it may be possible for such forces to "trigger" a Supernova of an orbiting star, I do consider the manifestation of such conditions, highly unlikely.
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  • #5
Here’s an argument against mine;

“Do supermassive black holes cause galaxy rotation?”
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  • #6
Nommos Prime (Dogon) said:
Here’s an argument against mine;

“Do supermassive black holes cause galaxy rotation?”

This just appeared on the Xarchive pre-print site, very interesting indeed:
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Related to Supernova Ignition: Does Blackhole Mass Influence Star Formation?

1. What is supernova ignition and how does it happen?

Supernova ignition is the process by which a supernova, or the explosion of a massive star, is triggered. This typically occurs when the core of a star reaches a critical mass and can no longer support its own weight, causing it to collapse and release a tremendous amount of energy in the form of a supernova explosion.

2. How does black hole mass influence star formation?

The mass of a black hole can have a significant impact on the surrounding environment and can influence star formation in several ways. A black hole's gravity can pull in nearby gas and dust, which can then collapse and form new stars. The intense radiation and energy emitted by a black hole can also disrupt the formation of new stars in its vicinity.

3. Can a black hole prevent star formation?

While a black hole's gravity and energy can have an inhibiting effect on star formation in its immediate vicinity, it is not powerful enough to prevent star formation entirely. Stars can still form in other regions of a galaxy, even if there is a black hole present.

4. How do scientists study the relationship between black hole mass and star formation?

Scientists use a variety of techniques to study the relationship between black hole mass and star formation. This includes analyzing the distribution and movement of gas and dust in galaxies, studying the properties of supernova explosions, and observing the effects of black hole activity on nearby star-forming regions.

5. Is there a direct causal relationship between black hole mass and star formation?

While there is evidence to suggest that the mass of a black hole can influence star formation, it is not a direct causal relationship. There are many other factors at play, such as the overall structure and dynamics of a galaxy, that also play a role in star formation. The relationship between black hole mass and star formation is complex and still being studied by scientists.

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