Some basic questions on Graph theory

In summary, the conversation includes questions on combinatorics, including proving properties of graphs with specific parameters, finding the number of non-isomorphic graphs, and showing the existence of certain types of sub-graphs in arbitrary graphs. One of the questions is particularly difficult and requires a reference document.
  • #1
Hello everybody!
I am a real amateur in Combinatorics. So please answer in the most basic way!


1- Suppose for a graph G we have Delta=max(deg Vi : 1<=i<=n).
If Delta<=2, prove that the graph G is made up of Paths and Cycles.

2- Suppose G is a graph of size m > (n*sqrt(n-1))/2. Prove that G has a Cycle with length of 3 or 4.

3- How many graphs of order n do exists that are not isomorphic?

4- For an arbitrary graph G show that there exists a weighted bipartite sub-graph H such that:
for all v in V(G), deg H (v)>= (deg G (v))/2.

5- Suppose that G is a graph of size m>=1. Show that G has at least 2 vertices that are not cut vertex.


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  • #2
Mathelogician said:
Hello everybody!
I am a real amateur in Combinatorics. So please answer in the most basic way!


1- Suppose for a graph G we have Delta=max(deg Vi : 1<=i<=n).
If Delta<=2, prove that the graph G is made up of Paths and Cycles.

2- Suppose G is a graph of size m > (n*sqrt(n-1))/2. Prove that G has a Cycle with length of 3 or 4.

3- How many graphs of order n do exists that are not isomorphic?

4- For an arbitrary graph G show that there exists a weighted bipartite sub-graph H such that:
for all v in V(G), deg H (v)>= (deg G (v))/2.

5- Suppose that G is a graph of size m>=1. Show that G has at least 2 vertices that are not cut vertex.


Hello Mathelogician.
I can help you on a few of these.

For the first one induction on the order of $G$ can be used. There are two cases.
Case 1: There exists a cycle, say $C$, in $G$. Show that $C$ is actually a component. Delete $C$ to form $H=G-C$. Note that $H$ again satisfies $\Delta(H)\leq 2$ and has order strictly less that order of $G$. Induction sets in. Don't forget to show the base case.
Case 2: There are no cycles in $G$. Then Take any maximal path $P$ in $G$ and show that this is a component of $G$. Rest is same as in case 1.

For the third one see How many different possible simply graphs are there with vertex set V of n elements - MathOverflow

I don't understand the fourth question. Why is the term 'weighted' appearing in there?

For the fifth of course we assume that the graph is connected. So it has a spanning tree say $T$. Every tree has at least two leaf nodes. Choose any two leaf nodes in $T$. Deleting these doesn't disconnect $G$. (why?)

I will get back on the second one in some time.

P.S. Read the forum rules. I don't think one is allowed to post more than two questions in one post. Also, you are required to show your attempt when you post the questions. One more thing, try posting using LaTeX. You can read the LaTeX forum on the homepage for help on this.
  • #3
Mathelogician said:
Hello everybody!
I am a real amateur in Combinatorics. So please answer in the most basic way!


1- Suppose for a graph G we have Delta=max(deg Vi : 1<=i<=n).
If Delta<=2, prove that the graph G is made up of Paths and Cycles.

2- Suppose G is a graph of size m > (n*sqrt(n-1))/2. Prove that G has a Cycle with length of 3 or 4.

3- How many graphs of order n do exists that are not isomorphic?

4- For an arbitrary graph G show that there exists a weighted bipartite sub-graph H such that:
for all v in V(G), deg H (v)>= (deg G (v))/2.

5- Suppose that G is a graph of size m>=1. Show that G has at least 2 vertices that are not cut vertex.


The second question is very hard. See

Related to Some basic questions on Graph theory

What is graph theory?

Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties and relationships of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects.

What are the basic concepts in graph theory?

The basic concepts in graph theory include vertices (also known as nodes), edges, degree, paths, cycles, and connectivity. These concepts help us understand the structure and properties of a graph.

What are the real-life applications of graph theory?

Graph theory has many real-life applications, such as in transportation networks, social networks, computer networks, and logistics. It is also used in chemistry, biology, and physics to model molecular structures and interactions.

How do you determine if a graph is connected?

A graph is considered connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices. To determine if a graph is connected, we can use algorithms such as breadth-first search or depth-first search to check if there is a path between all vertices.

What is the difference between a directed and an undirected graph?

In a directed graph, the edges have a direction and represent a one-way relationship between vertices. In an undirected graph, the edges do not have a direction and represent a two-way relationship between vertices. This means that in an undirected graph, if there is an edge between vertex A and B, there is also an edge between B and A.

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