Solving Line Integrals from A to B with f=x^3 + zy^2

In summary: Now, you can find the line integral by evaluating f at the two given points. In summary, to find the scalar function f such that grad f = (3x^2, 2yz, y^2), you first integrate the coefficient of the dx term with respect to x, then differentiate the resulting equation with respect to y to find the constant term, and then differentiate again with respect to z to find the final function. The solution for f is f = x^3 + y^2z.
  • #1

Homework Statement

find [tex]\int[/tex] 3x^2 dx +2yz dy + y^2 dz between the points A=(0,1,2) and b=(1,-1,7) by finding a suitable f

Homework Equations

3. attempt
Isnt f just the partial intergral of the above equation?
f =x^3 + zy^2 + zy^2

but solution for f is f =x^3 + zy^2why is the y^2 term left out
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  • #2
they want you to find a scalar function f such that grad f = (3x^2, 2yz, y^2) and then use the fundamental theorem of line integrals
  • #3
It wouldn't be the partial integral (it sometimes is but not usually) of all the terms at once. To find this function f, you first integrate your the coefficient of the dx term with respect to x. Then you have
f = int 3x^2 dx + K(y,z). The constant is of y and z. Then you diffferentiate this equation that you just got with respect to y. And you set it equal to the coefficient of the dy term to find K(y,z). When you're done with this part you will have f = 3x^2 + something + K(z). Then you do the same thing again. Just to make sure you get it right, take its gradient when you're done to see if you get the right vector field.
  • #4
christopnz said:

Homework Statement

find [tex]\int[/tex] 3x^2 dx +2yz dy + y^2 dz between the points A=(0,1,2) and b=(1,-1,7) by finding a suitable f

Homework Equations

3. attempt
Isnt f just the partial intergral of the above equation?
f =x^3 + zy^2 + zy^2

but solution for f is f =x^3 + zy^2why is the y^2 term left out
You have zy2 twice: f(x,y,z)= x3+ 2zy2. You should be able to see by differenting that df= 3x2dx+ 4zy dy+ 2y2dz which is not what you want!

No, you do NOT just integrate the dx, dy, and dz parts separately- in this particular example, you get both the dy and dz functions from the same expression.

You know that [itex]\partial f/\partial x= 3x^2[/itex] so you know that f= x3 "plus a constant". But since you are using "partial" integration, that "constant" could be any function of y and z: if f(x,y,z)= x3+ g(y,z), for g any function of y and z, the fx= 3x2.

You also know that, for the same f, fy= gy(y,z)= 2yz. From that, g(y,z)= y2z + some function of z only! If g(y,z)= y2z+ h(z), for h any function of z only, then gy= 2yz.

Again, for that same g, gz= y2+ h'(z)= y2 so h'(z)= 0. That is, h(z) really is a constant: C. Then g(y,z)= y2z+ C and so f(x,y,z)= x3+ y2z.

Related to Solving Line Integrals from A to B with f=x^3 + zy^2

1. How do you solve a line integral with a given function?

To solve a line integral from point A to point B with a given function, you will need to follow the steps outlined in the fundamental theorem of calculus. This involves finding the antiderivative of the function and then plugging in the values of the two points to the antiderivative equation. The resulting value is the solution to the line integral.

2. Can you explain the concept of a line integral?

A line integral is a mathematical concept that involves finding the total value of a function over a given path or curve. It is essentially a way to measure the cumulative effect of a function along a specific path or curve.

3. What is the significance of the f=x^3 + zy^2 function in this line integral?

The function f=x^3 + zy^2 represents the rate of change of a scalar field along a given path. In this case, it is the rate of change of the function with respect to x, y, and z coordinates along the curve or path from point A to point B.

4. Can you provide an example of solving a line integral with the given function?

Yes, for example, if the path is defined by the curve y=x^2 from point A(0,0) to point B(2,4), the line integral can be solved by finding the antiderivative of f=x^3 + zy^2, which is F(x)=x^4/4 + zy^3/3. Substituting the values of the two points, we get the solution as F(2)-F(0) = (16/4 + 16/3) - (0/4 + 0/3) = 16/3.

5. What are some real-life applications of line integrals?

Line integrals have various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, in physics, line integrals are used to calculate the work done by a force along a given path. In engineering, they are used to calculate the total potential energy of a system. In economics, line integrals are used to model the relationship between supply and demand in a given market.

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