Showing that a near earth orbit is P = C(1 + 3h/2R_E)

In summary, a satellite in low-Earth orbit can be approximated by the equation P = C(1 + 3h/2R_E), where h is the height of the satellite, C is a constant, and R_E is the radius of the earth. This can be further simplified to P = R_E(1+h/R_E)^3/2 by using the equation p2 = (4∏2)/(GM) * a3. Using the derivative formula, we can approximate the value of P at a close point (1 + h/R) by using the values of P and its derivative at 1, which are both simple.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that a satellite in low-Earth orbit is approximately P = C(1 + 3h/2R_E) where h is the height of the satellite, C is a constant, and R_E is the radius of the earth)

Homework Equations

p2 = (4∏2)/(GM) * a3. (G - gravitational constant, M - mass of the Earth (in this case) and a = semi-major axis)

The Attempt at a Solution

I've been googling this and I seen one person say use Taylor series. We have not touched that so I am pretty sure it isn't how I should be finding this

so the a is equal to the radui of earth, and its high
and i can write that as


SO p2 = (4∏2)/(GM) * R_E(1+h/R_E)3.

I just saw in my noes that's if (4∏2)/(GM) can be cancled out if all meaurments are in Au's, years and solars mass.
Then Id get
p2 = R_E(1+h/R_E)3
and p= R_E(1+h/R_E)3/2

Now what?
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  • #2
Now you have to recall that ## \frac {df(x) } {dx} = \lim_{\Delta x \rightarrow 0} \frac {f(x + \Delta x) - f(x)} {\Delta x} ## which for some small ## \Delta x ## means that ## f(x + \Delta x) - f(x) \approx \frac {df(x) } {dx} \Delta x ##.
  • #3
voko said:
Now you have to recall that ## \frac {df(x) } {dx} = \lim_{\Delta x \rightarrow 0} \frac {f(x + \Delta x) - f(x)} {\Delta x} ## which for some small ## \Delta x ## means that ## f(x + \Delta x) - f(x) \approx \frac {df(x) } {dx} \Delta x ##.

we have never done anything like this, I am not even sure were to start with it
  • #4
jeanbeanie said:
we have never done anything like this, I am not even sure were to start with it

You do not know what the derivative of a function is?
  • #5
voko said:
You do not know what the derivative of a function is?
we we have done that, but I didnt get the second part
but now that I am more awake and looking at it again, does it mean
just take the dertive of the function that I already had?
  • #6
The second part means that if you know the value of a function and its derivative at some point x, then you can approximate the value of the function at some close point, via the expression given. Note that you have a function which you want to compute at (1 + h/R). The function (and the derivative) at 1 are trivial, and (1 + h/R) is very close to 1 because h is much smaller than R.
  • #7
voko said:
The second part means that if you know the value of a function and its derivative at some point x, then you can approximate the value of the function at some close point, via the expression given. Note that you have a function which you want to compute at (1 + h/R). The function (and the derivative) at 1 are trivial, and (1 + h/R) is very close to 1 because h is much smaller than R.

So do you mean that p= R_E(1+h/R_E)3/2 is approximately
p= R_E(1*3/2
p= R_E
Then the derivative would be p=0
Or am I really wrong?
  • #8
As shown above, ## f(x + \Delta x) - f(x) \approx \frac {df(x) } {dx} \Delta x ##. What would ## x ## and ## \Delta x ## be in this case?
  • #9
voko said:
As shown above, ## f(x + \Delta x) - f(x) \approx \frac {df(x) } {dx} \Delta x ##. What would ## x ## and ## \Delta x ## be in this case?

isnt x the function?
p= R_E(1+h/R_E)3/2

and found Δx be the h/R because it is going to zero?
  • #10
x is the independent variable. What is the function in your problem?
  • #11
voko said:
x is the independent variable. What is the function in your problem?

Ok, I really thought that the p= R_E(1+h/R_E)3/2 was the function
as in
p(h)= R_E(1+h/R_E)3/2
  • #12
That is one possible choice of the function. Now you need to choose x and consequently Δx so that h = x + Δx. These are usually chosen so that f(x) and f'(x) are very simple.
  • #13
voko said:
That is one possible choice of the function. Now you need to choose x and consequently Δx so that h = x + Δx. These are usually chosen so that f(x) and f'(x) are very simple.

like any x? like x and 1?
Or something to do with the problem like
R_E and 0?

Or would it have nothing do to with the eq?

Im really sorry, we never went over any of this is in class
  • #14
Consider this very simple example. f(x) = x^2. Compute f(1.000001) using the derivative (the formula above).
  • #15
voko said:
Consider this very simple example. f(x) = x^2. Compute f(1.000001) using the derivative (the formula above).

right ok, woudlnt I just plug in the value for x as 1.000001?

f(1.000001) = 1.000001^2
  • #16
That did not use the f'(x)Δx formula.
  • #17
voko said:
That did not use the f'(x)Δx formula.


f(x+Δx)−f(x)≈df(x)/dx Δx

so 2x*Δx ? I do not understand what the Δx even is in this case
  • #18
Do you see that if x = 1, then both f(x) and f'(x) are very simple? What is then Δx and what is f(x + Δx)?
  • #19
voko said:
Do you see that if x = 1, then both f(x) and f'(x) are very simple? What is then Δx and what is f(x + Δx)?

I do see that f(x) = x^2 it would be 1
and in f'(x) it would be 2

f(x+Δx)−f(x)≈df(x)/dx Δx
f(x+Δx)−1≈2 Δx
f(x+Δx)≈2 Δx +1
Like I don't understand how to use the formula maybe? I understand what a derive is and how to plug and chug numbers, just not this forumla or even how it applies to my problem. I am sorry
  • #20
f(x+Δx)≈2 Δx +1 is not the complete answer. You were requested to compute f(1.000001) using the formula. You have the formula, but not the numeric result.
  • #21
does that mean that x+Δx is the 1.000001?
Making Δx (1.000001 -1)/2
  • #22
RockenNS42 said:
does that mean that x+Δx is the 1.000001?

Yes. x + Δx must always be equal to whatever value we want to compute the function at.

Making Δx (1.000001 -1)/2

What does this mean?
  • #23
voko said:
Yes. x + Δx must always be equal to whatever value we want to compute the function at.

What does this mean?

i ment Δx = (1.000001 -1)/2 which is really small? getting close to zero...
  • #24
If Δx = (1.000001 - 1)/2, then x + Δx = 1 + (1.000001 - 1)/2 = 1.0000005, which is not 1.000001.
  • #25
ok so
x + Δx = 1.000001
and i really have no clue.

f(x+Δx)≈2 Δx +1
f(1.000001)≈2 Δx +1? or am i still even using the right thing?
  • #26
I do not understand why this is so hard.

x + Δx = 1.000001
x = 1

So 1 + Δx = 1.000001, giving Δx = 0.000001.

Apply the formula and check the result against 1.000001^2.

Then, consider this: f(x) = (1 + x)^2. Find the approximation for very small values of x. Note this function is very similar to the one you have in the original problem.
  • #27
voko said:
I do not understand why this is so hard.

x + Δx = 1.000001
x = 1

So 1 + Δx = 1.000001, giving Δx = 0.000001.

Apply the formula and check the result against 1.000001^2.

Then, consider this: f(x) = (1 + x)^2. Find the approximation for very small values of x. Note this function is very similar to the one you have in the original problem.

Im sorry that I am having a hard time understanding

so df(x)/dx * Δx the dertivie of x^2 is 2x
so its 2x*1.000001

f(1.000001)≈2 Δx +1? if Δx =0.000001. so 2*0.000001 +1?

f(x) = (1 + x)^2
f'(x)= 2(1+x)

for very small values of x this would be 2, no?
  • #28
As I said: Apply the formula and check the result against 1.000001^2.

Since you did not, now compute x^2 using the Δx method for 1.000002 - and please DO check the result against 1.000002^2.
  • #29
the questions been resolved, thanks I went to see the prof

Related to Showing that a near earth orbit is P = C(1 + 3h/2R_E)

1. What is the significance of the equation "P = C(1 + 3h/2R_E)" in relation to near earth orbit?

This equation is used to calculate the period (P) of an object in a near earth orbit, where C is a constant, h is the altitude of the orbit, and R_E is the radius of the Earth. It shows that the period of an orbit increases as the altitude increases, and is also affected by the size of the Earth.

2. How is this equation derived and what are its assumptions?

The equation is derived from the laws of gravity and motion, specifically Kepler's third law. Its assumptions include that the orbit is circular and the Earth is a perfect sphere with uniform density.

3. Can this equation be applied to objects other than satellites in near earth orbit?

Yes, this equation can be applied to any object in a near earth orbit, including space debris or man-made objects such as space stations or shuttle missions.

4. How accurate is this equation in predicting the period of an orbit?

This equation is highly accurate for objects in a near earth orbit, as long as the assumptions hold true. However, for objects in highly elliptical orbits or those affected by external forces, such as atmospheric drag, the equation may not be as accurate.

5. Are there any practical applications of this equation?

Yes, this equation is used in the fields of aerospace engineering and astrophysics to calculate the period of satellites and other objects in near earth orbit. It is also used in predicting the reentry of space debris and for orbital rendezvous and docking operations.

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