Shankar Questions About Quantum Mechanics (Schwarz Inequality)

In summary, the conversation discusses topics related to quantum mechanics, specifically the completeness relation for a set of vectors and the use of inner products in expanding vectors. The conversation also mentions Hilbert spaces and the application of axioms in proofs. The main points are that a complete set of orthonormalized basis vectors can be used to express any arbitrary vector as a sum of its components, and the inner product is used to find the components in the direction of each basis vector. This can be extended to unbounded operators and both discrete and continuous spectra. The conversation also mentions the Schwarz inequality and provides a proof using properties of the inner product.
  • #1
Hello there,

Im studying QM with Shankar's book.

I'm wrestling myself trough the linear algebra now and I have some questiosn.

Let me start with this one:


I have absolutely no idea where this is coming from or what does it mean.

I don't know how to multiply a ket with an inner product...

Thx in advance
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  • #2

This is the completeness relation for a bunch of vectors, usually a complete orthonormalized set of Hilbert-space basis vectors, [itex]|i\rangle[/itex]. These usually occur as eigenvectors of an self-adjoint operator.

Usually you need a slight extension of this concept, namely the case for unbounded essentially self-adjoint operators which can have a continuous spectrum (like the position "eigenkets", which are no Hilbert-space vectors but belong to a larger space, i.e., the dual space of the domain of the position and momentum operator). In this case your sum goes over into an integral
[tex]|V \rangle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{x} \; |\vec{x} \rangle \langle \vec{x}|V \rangle.[/tex]
Sometimes also the case occurs, where an operator has both a discrete and a continuous spectrum, e.g., the Hamiltonian for the motion of a particle in the Coulomb potential of another heavy charged particle.
  • #3

vanhees71 said:
This is the completeness relation for a bunch of vectors, usually a complete orthonormalized set of Hilbert-space basis vectors, [itex]|i\rangle[/itex]. These usually occur as eigenvectors of an self-adjoint operator.

To expand on vanhees's statement a bit, when we say "completeness," we are talking about a basis (usually an eigenbasis of a self-adjoint operator) for a particular vector space V. If we have a complete basis for a particular space (in this case, [itex]|i\rangle[/itex] collectively spans the vector space V), then we can express any arbitrary vector v (or function f if we're talking about a function space) as a sum of its components multiplied by the basis vectors. For example, if we're working in [itex]\Re^3[/itex], we can choose as a basis the standard basis vectors: [itex]e_1=(1,0,0)[/itex], [itex]e_2=(0,1,0)[/itex], and [itex]e_3=(0,0,1)[/itex]. In Dirac notation, these would typically be [itex]|1\rangle[/itex], [itex]|2\rangle[/itex], [itex]|3\rangle[/itex].

Now given an arbitrary vector in [itex]\Re^3[/itex], we can write it as a sum of [itex]|1\rangle, |2\rangle, |3\rangle[/itex] with the proper coefficients in front of each basis vector. For example, the vector [itex]u=(2,1,0)[/itex] can be expanded in the form [itex]|u\rangle = \sum_{i=1}^{3} | i \rangle \langle i | u \rangle [/itex] as [itex]| u \rangle = 2 | 1 \rangle + 1 | 2 \rangle + 0 | 3 \rangle [/itex].

The term [itex]\langle i | u \rangle [/itex] in the sum is the inner product of the basis vector with the arbitrary vector u. This inner product picks out the component of u in the direction of that particular i basis vector. Now this inner product is just a scalar value. The additional [itex]| i \rangle[/itex] is there because we're attempting to expand a vector as a sum of basis vectors multiplied by their respective components in u for each basis vector. So when you multiply an inner product by a ket, you're just scaling a ket. That's all.

I hope this helps!
  • #4

vanhees71 said:
This is the completeness relation for a bunch of vectors, usually a complete orthonormalized set of Hilbert-space basis vectors, [itex]|i\rangle[/itex]. These usually occur as eigenvectors of an self-adjoint operator.

Usually you need a slight extension of this concept, namely the case for unbounded essentially self-adjoint operators which can have a continuous spectrum (like the position "eigenkets", which are no Hilbert-space vectors but belong to a larger space, i.e., the dual space of the domain of the position and momentum operator). In this case your sum goes over into an integral
[tex]|V \rangle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{x} \; |\vec{x} \rangle \langle \vec{x}|V \rangle.[/tex]
Sometimes also the case occurs, where an operator has both a discrete and a continuous spectrum, e.g., the Hamiltonian for the motion of a particle in the Coulomb potential of another heavy charged particle.

Thanks for the explanation, but it's actually a bit too difficult.
I never saw Hilbert spaces.

I was just wondering what happens if you multipy |i> with <i|V>

Do you get <i| i | V > ?

That is not clear to me.

@ jmcelve, I'll read your post later ( christmas dinner) anyway still thanks for the help.
  • #5

merry christmas, hohoho

<i|V> is just a number (Since you are taking an inner product). So then to multiply by <i| just means that you have <i| times by a number
  • #6

it is just like writing a vector in terms of it's basis.since the basis are in general infinite in number,it is called hillbert space.
  • #7

Thx for the help guys.

However now I'm stuck with this proof:


Aplpy axion 1(i), they say, but there is no such axion labelled that way, so I don't even know what axion to apply.

If you can explain 1.3.18 a bit more, because I completely do not understand it, it would be great.

Sorry for the questions ( it's no homework, it's self-study)

Thx in advance.
  • #8

Dr_Pill said:
Aplpy axion 1(i), they say, but there is no such axion labelled that way, so I don't even know what axion to apply.
While not labeled as such, I assume they mean the axioms bullet-listed on page 8 (in my copy). The first one is skew-symmetry, which is what is invoked here.
  • #9

But why are there 3 terms in the first step and 4 terms in the second step @1.3.18


Why is this not legit?
  • #10

Dr_Pill said:
But why are there 3 terms in the first step and 4 terms in the second step @1.3.18
What 3 terms?
  • #11

Doc Al said:
What 3 terms?

next to <Z|Z> ?
  • #12

Dr_Pill said:
next to <Z|Z> ?
I see 4 terms, not 3.
  • #13

I really don't understand 1.3.18 Doc Al.

Proof in Griffiths is totally different and that, I understand, but this one in Shankar, not a single clue :(.

I don't even understand how you get the <Z|Z> out of 1.3.17, sigh.
  • #14
Proof Schwarz-Inequality help

Hi there,

I'm reading Shankar, but I'm really stuck on this one:

The whole equations @ 1.3.18 are complete gibbrish to me.

Maybe somebody can explain this?
  • #15

In the first step, 1.3.17 is used to replace Z, and the second step uses linearity (more precise: sesquilinearity) of the scalar product. With the help of 1.3.19, you can see that this has to be real and at least 0.
  • #16

mfb said:
In the first step, 1.3.17 is used to replace Z, and the second step uses linearity (more precise: sesquilinearity) of the scalar product. With the help of 1.3.19, you can see that this has to be real and at least 0.

And why is this wrong:


What is <Z| ?
  • #17

Dr_Pill said:
I really don't understand 1.3.18 Doc Al.

Proof in Griffiths is totally different and that, I understand, but this one in Shankar, not a single clue :(.

I don't even understand how you get the <Z|Z> out of 1.3.17, sigh.
The first line just expresses <Z|Z> in terms of the what Z is defined as in 1.3.17. Then just multiply it out. You get four terms (not three--I don't know where you got three from). Do you understand where each of the four terms come from?
  • #18

The second step I got (just worked it out), I know get u have to complex conjugate it.

the first step I don't get, how u get <Z|
  • #19

Now I understand where the 4 vectors come from. It was the formula of antilinearity :)

But I don't know how u get <Z|Z>

I think <Z| = ( second line)

I know I'm doing something impossible here, but not what.
Working with brakets first time ever, is very very confusing.In other words: I think you have got to reverse the left Z in <Z|Z> , and tthus also the equation in 1.3.17 , because its a bra, while the right Z is a ket.
  • #20

Moderator's note: I merged the two threads. (Once is enough!)​
  • #21
@Dr_Pill: Your <Z| is correct apart from a wrong sign for both parts, but you cannot write <Z|Z> by copying every single character.

Consider a=b+c (real numbers, if you like). Then
a*a != b+cb+c = b+c+cb (wrong)
a*a = (b+c)(b+c)=b^2+bc+cb+c^2 (right)
  • #22
@ Doc Al, sorry.

@ mgb ok i get it

as for 1.3.19 (almost there)

Is this correct:

I have a feeling its not, how to get rid of the term with |W| ^ 4 in the denominator?
  • #23
This way, you get rid of two terms in your first line and you don't have to "forget" the 2 afterwards ;).

<W|V><V|W>= <V|W>* <V|W> = |<V|W>|2

This can be used to get <V|V> <W|W> ≥ |<V|W>|2.
Take the square root, and you are done.
  • #24
Indeed! Thx Now It's obvious!

<W|W> would be 1 if they were normalized schrodinger equations, right, guess I was a bit confused.

Related to Shankar Questions About Quantum Mechanics (Schwarz Inequality)

1. What is the Shankar Questions About Quantum Mechanics (Schwarz Inequality)?

The Shankar Questions About Quantum Mechanics (Schwarz Inequality) is a set of questions posed by physicist Ramamurti Shankar to challenge our understanding of quantum mechanics and the Schwarz inequality, which is a mathematical expression that relates to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics.

2. Why are these questions important in the field of quantum mechanics?

These questions are important because they highlight the paradoxes and limitations of our current understanding of quantum mechanics. They also encourage scientists to think critically and develop new theories to better explain the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

3. What is the Schwarz inequality and how does it relate to quantum mechanics?

The Schwarz inequality is a mathematical expression that relates to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. It states that the product of the uncertainties of two non-commuting observables is always greater than or equal to the square of their commutator. This inequality places a fundamental limit on the precision with which certain properties of a particle can be simultaneously measured.

4. Can the Shankar Questions be answered?

Some of the Shankar Questions have been answered, but others are still open for debate and further research. They serve as thought-provoking challenges for scientists to continue exploring the mysteries of quantum mechanics and its relation to the Schwarz inequality.

5. What are some potential implications of the Shankar Questions for our understanding of the universe?

The Shankar Questions highlight the strange and counterintuitive behavior of particles at the quantum level, which has implications for our understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe. They also challenge our traditional ways of thinking about causality and determinism, and push us to consider new possibilities and theories to explain the workings of the universe.

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