Sending communications on light waves

In summary, the conversation discusses the stability of light waves for sending communications and the potential interference from interstellar mediums, suns, and asteroids. The possibility of using satellites and refocusers for communication is also mentioned. The topic then shifts to the complexity of the wave group equation for interstellar communications and the use of simple classical equations. The conversation also touches on the use of light waves for historical communication methods such as semaphore towers. The discussion ends with a reminder to stay on topic and refrain from assumptions about evil aliens.
  • #1
Here's a quick question...though it may stick on your mind for a while and become a long question. Are all light waves going to be stable for sending communications or is...this is semi rhetorical...the freqeuency of the light going to make the communication of data subject to interstellar mediums. Also, an interesting thing to think about is that if you sent data in a straight line many many light years away what is the probability that the communication will or won't be interfered with by suns and path crossing asteroids. Perhaps a series of satellites and refocusers could be used to move communications around star systems. Imagine if they were stealthed too. One of the only ways to intercept these communications would include having knowledge of the language or being able to decipher the intercept. Then you'd need to triangulate the source and destroy the satellite; or in a cunning show of evil genius transmit communications with a synthesizer that mimic the voice of the communication to set traps...I know...I know...theory crafting is semi frowned upon here. However, it seems plausible a highly intelligent race may be doing this for security out there somewhere, and really, the foundation for such claims that this may be occurring are based on real possible science. For anybody that doesn't know that reads this we have a satellite that has left the solar system that still sends communications back to earth.

More on topic with my initial question. Would the wave group equation for interstellar communications turn out to be a complex matrices with material equations in it to determine the effect of the mediums between origin and destination or do you think it could be justifiably and accurately represented by one simple classical equation...once again...partially rhetorical because I don't see how with all the evidence of doppler shifting we could expect w(f(i)) to be the same as w(f(f)). Let's try to get a good discussion going on this.
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  • #2
You're getting way ahead of yourself, man.
Almost all of our communications these days are on light waves. Broadcast TV (as opposed to cable), radio, cordless and cellular phones, WiFi... they're all radio based, and radio is just another part of the EM spectrum as are the various frequencies of visible and near-visible light.
Your assumptions about evil aliens have no place in a serious science forum. It might be interesting if moved to General Discussion.
  • #3
I once read a review of a history book that referred to a remark in the history book to the effect that hundreds of years ago, new could not travel faster than a fast horse. The person writing the review pointed out that this was not true. News could be sent very fast through the use of "semaphore towers" (with large vanes that could be moved so that a person far away could see the position of the vanes and "read" the message, or by "dot-dash" light signals or even sending "yes-no" information by setting up a series of bon-fires that could be lit to send a signal.

All of those are "sending communications on light waves"!
  • #5

I find this topic very interesting and complex. First, let me clarify that light waves are electromagnetic waves, which means they do not require a medium to travel through like sound waves do. This is why light can travel through the vacuum of space.

Now, to answer your question, not all light waves are suitable for sending communications. The frequency of the light wave is an important factor in determining its stability for communication purposes. High frequency light waves, such as gamma rays and X-rays, have shorter wavelengths and are more prone to interference from interstellar mediums. On the other hand, lower frequency light waves, like radio waves, have longer wavelengths and can travel long distances without much interference.

In terms of the probability of interference from suns and asteroids, it is difficult to determine without knowing the exact path of the communication and the density of objects in that specific area. However, the use of satellites and refocusers can certainly help in avoiding any potential obstacles.

As for the possibility of highly intelligent races using advanced communication techniques, it is certainly plausible. However, it is also important to consider that any advanced civilization would also have advanced methods of encryption and security to protect their communications.

In terms of the wave group equation for interstellar communications, it would likely be a complex equation that takes into account various factors such as the medium, frequency, and distance of travel. It may also involve material equations to determine the effects of different mediums on the light wave.

Overall, this is a fascinating topic and there is still much to be explored and understood about the use of light waves for communication in the vastness of space.

Related to Sending communications on light waves

1. How does sending communications on light waves work?

Sending communications on light waves involves converting electrical signals into light signals and transmitting them through fiber optic cables. The light signals travel at incredibly high speeds and can carry a large amount of data, making it an efficient method of communication.

2. What are the advantages of using light waves for communication?

There are several advantages to using light waves for communication. One is the high speed at which the signals can travel, allowing for faster and more efficient transmission of data. Additionally, light waves do not experience interference from other electronic devices, providing a more stable and reliable method of communication.

3. Are there any limitations to sending communications on light waves?

While light waves offer many advantages, there are also some limitations. One is the need for clear line-of-sight between the transmitter and receiver, meaning the signals can only travel in a straight line. Additionally, light waves can be affected by weather conditions, such as fog or rain, which can weaken the signal.

4. Can light waves be used for long distance communication?

Yes, light waves can be used for long distance communication. In fact, fiber optic cables are often used for long distance communication as they can transmit signals over thousands of kilometers without losing strength. This makes light waves a valuable tool for global communication.

5. How is the security of communications on light waves ensured?

The security of communications on light waves is ensured through various methods, such as encryption and authentication protocols. These measures prevent unauthorized access to the transmitted data and ensure that the information remains confidential. Additionally, the use of fiber optic cables also adds a layer of physical security as they are difficult to tap into without detection.

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