Saying Goodbye to Our 6 Yr Old Siamese Cat, Luna

  • Thread starter rhody
  • Start date
In summary, Luna, a 6 year old cat, had kidney failure and was put down. Her owner shares fond memories of her and describes her as beautiful and fun. Her new feline family shares similar memories of playing and sleeping.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey all, it has been awhile. Every once in awhile things take you by surprise, often not for the better. Our beautiful 6 year old cat was having problems keeping food down, and was lethargic, a trip to the vet revealed last stage kidney failure two days ago. She didn't have most of the usual symptoms, excessive thirst, peeing, just occassionally not keeping food down. We have since learned it is not uncommon for middle aged Siamese to have kidney failure.

The poor thing barely ate and didn't pee last night and was asleep under the bed, (hiding is something they do to protect themselves). We made a collective decision and they just put my poor baby down. Ashley was working so we brought her there to say goodbye, when we got to the vets she called, and wanted to be there someone covered for her at work, and we all were there to say goodbye. The Vet assured us we were doing the right thing, because extending it only would have brought on more suffering to poor Luna, she made a few unusual cries on the way there, almost painful sounding so that made me sure that we were doing the right thing. We will bury her in the backyard and always keep a place for her where the memories are sweet. I will post my favorite picture of her soon when I get home tonight. Sweet dreams, we will all miss you terribly.

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  • #2
So sad, Rhody. My condolences.

You did the right thing, but it is never easy. I swore off ferrets because their lives are so short, and it is heartbreaking to have to do the "humane thing" to end their suffering. It was a big step for me to rescue a shelter dog because I never want to go through another euthanasia decision ever again. Duke has given us so much love and attention... I don't want to contemplate the "last trip" to the vet.
  • #3
We, my daughter and I, had to put down our little dog a few years ago. I still wonder if it was the right thing to do. Anyway; sorry to hear about Luna's suffering.
  • #4
Sorry to hear, rhody. My condolences. That is very sad.
  • #5
I'm so sorry to hear this :cry:! I went through the same thing with my cat about a year and a half ago - and for the same illness. It gets really bad, really suddenly, and putting them down is definitely the humane thing. But that doesn't make it easy to do.

I remember you telling a story about Luna, that she had claimed squatter's rights on the pepper plant warming pad :biggrin:.

I feel sad for you, rhody!
  • #6
I know all about it, Rhody, lost too many pets. It's unbearable every time again. It made me stop having dogs. I know, I still have to say goodbye to two funny cats sometimes. :frown:
  • #7
Condolencies Rhody, a difficult but right decision, sounds like Luna had a real good life.
  • #8
she made a few unusual cries on the way there , almost painful sounding so that made me sure that we were doing the right thing .
My sincere condolences. I can imagine how one would feel making eye contact or "talking" as some of us do with their pet on their "last trip" to the vet and knowing they don't know it is their last day. Made me think back on my lost pets. :frown:
  • #9
Oh Rhody, I am so sorry! I am so sad for you. It was the right decision, but I know that doesn't make her loss any easier to deal with.

R.I.P. little kitty :cry:
  • #10
Thanks for all your kind words, especially Lisa's:
I remember you telling a story about Luna, that she had claimed squatter's rights on the pepper plant warming pad.
She made an impression on you to enough to remember that little story. Here is how I care to remember her:

Luna my beauty... sniff... Gorgeous cat, my friend...

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  • #11
Oh, she's so beautiful!
  • #12
rhody said:
Thanks for all your kind words, especially Lisa's:
She made an impression on you to enough to remember that little story. Here is how I care to remember her:

Luna my beauty... sniff... Gorgeous cat, my friend...


Looks a lot like Dusty the Klepto Kitty.
R.I.P Luna.
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  • #13
Time moves on and we just added two new members of the family, Chai, on right, front, a sealpoint siamese male, and his brother a smaller but no less rambunctious bluepoint on the left. They were born January 20th, and full of it as one would imagine. They go full tilt for about 2 to 3 hours then sleep almost the same amount of time all day, and it seems all night. Lots of fun. Thought I would share with all of you who still remember me.

Rhody... :cool:
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  • #14
Nice kittens Rhody. Always good to see animals getting a nice home.
  • #15
Very sad. It's pretty amazing how real and serious bond between man and beast can be. I had to put my down down (after she stopped being able to eat, move about, etc when she was 16) and if I think about it or talk about it, I still get really choked up.
  • #16
rhody said:
Time moves on and we just added two new members of the family, Chai, on right, front, a sealpoint siamese male, and his brother a smaller but no less rambunctious bluepoint on the left. They were born January 20th, and full of it as one would imagine. They go full tilt for about 2 to 3 hours then sleep almost the same amount of time all day, and it seems all night. Lots of fun. Thought I would share with all of you who still remember me.

Rhody... :cool:
Awww, Sweet!
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  • #17
Awww, Rhody! You will have to stop by more often now to update us with pictures! I *LOVE* Siamese. Such adorable little fluff balls, and I hope they give your family many years of happiness.

I think you left out a name. Chai on the right, and who is the handsome little devil on the left?

My dad always wanted to name the kittens Chainsaw, because that is what they felt like when they ran up your leg. Siamese do the best impression of a chainsaw yet.
  • #18
rhody said:
Time moves on and we just added two new members of the family, Chai, on right, front, a sealpoint siamese male, and his brother a smaller but no less rambunctious bluepoint on the left. They were born January 20th, and full of it as one would imagine. They go full tilt for about 2 to 3 hours then sleep almost the same amount of time all day, and it seems all night. Lots of fun. Thought I would share with all of you who still remember me.

Rhody... :cool:

This makes me sooooo happy! Gotta say though, they look mischievous :devil: - and they also look wonderful o:)!
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  • #19
Thanks Lisa, Astro... nice to know you still remember me.

  • #20
Ms Music,

We came up with a number of name combinations, with Chai being one of them in pairs, trouble is we can't decide, and want to make the names different sounding so they will recognize them. When we make a decision I will let you know, and keep the pics coming as they mature, fun to watch I am sure.

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  • #22
They're growing up so beautifully rhody.
  • #23
They're gorgeous :!). And they still look like adorable little mischief sources.
  • #24
I absolutely love them!
  • #25
Evo said:
They're growing up so beautifully rhody.

lisab said:
They're gorgeous :!). And they still look like adorable little mischief sources.

Curious3141 said:
I absolutely love them!

Thanks all, they brighten our days with their antics. Because they have been so well socialized with the breeders family, they can be picked up any time, don't mind having their paws, eyes, and backsides cleaned when needed, are not jumpy around loud noises. They are not tearing the house to shreds, they use scratching box and post and wait eagerly at the top of the stairs for us when we return. Not allowed to sleep with anyone because they curl, purr around our heads, and groom the person who shares their bed with them, they think we are one of their own.

  • #26
Hey rhody!
  • #27
dlgoff said:
Hey rhody!

Hey back at ya, Don...

  • #28
Coolguy100 said:
OMG soooooooo sory about your loss:cry:

The kittens, Chai and Ricky are lots of fun and I have great memories of Luna, it is all good.

  • #29
They're gorgeous, rhody!

Related to Saying Goodbye to Our 6 Yr Old Siamese Cat, Luna

What was the cause of Luna's passing?

Luna passed away due to a combination of age-related health issues and natural causes.

How did you cope with the loss of Luna?

Losing a beloved pet is always difficult, but my family and I found comfort in sharing memories of Luna and focusing on the happy times we had with her.

Did you consider any alternative treatments for Luna's health issues?

Yes, we explored all options for Luna's health and consulted with our veterinarian. However, due to her age and the severity of her conditions, it was determined that the best course of action was to provide palliative care and make her as comfortable as possible.

Do you have any advice for others who may be facing the loss of a pet?

Everyone grieves differently, but it's important to allow yourself time to mourn and remember your pet. Surround yourself with loved ones who understand and seek support if needed. And remember, your pet will always hold a special place in your heart.

Do you have any special memories or moments with Luna that you would like to share?

There are too many special memories to count. Luna was a loving and playful companion who brought so much joy to our family. One of my favorite memories was when she would curl up on my lap while I worked in my home office. It always made the mundane tasks more enjoyable.

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