Revisiting Ballistic Motion in the Presence of Air Resistance and Fluid Dynamics

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of ballistic projectiles and its relation to physics, specifically in terms of air resistance and spin. The presence of air resistance is necessary for a complete treatment of the topic, as it has practical applications in ball sports. The discussion also delves into the complexity of fluid dynamics and the ongoing debate and controversy surrounding it. It is mentioned that the Navier-Stokes equation, which governs fluid dynamics, is still not fully understood and that there is a million-dollar prize for proving the existence of solutions to it. The conversation also mentions historical debates and examples, such as the controversy over heavier-than-air flight and the physical impossibility of bumblebees flying.
  • #1
I'm thinking about the ballistic projectile again When you start out in first year phyz the first thing they teach is the ballistic projectile without air resistance Maybe at some time later they might go to a simple linear resistance term. Now I want to throw spin and oscillation into the mix. I'm convinced that this treatment requires the presence of air resistance but I'd ike to hear from someone who has actually studied this already maybe someone who was in the infantry or something?
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  • #2
Yes it does require air resistance.
You can get a good practical overview by looking up the physics of ball sports - where there is a great deal of money invested in this sort of research. Just because ballistics is usually taught in terms of cannons, does not mean military applications are the focus.

You hit a golf ball you do not get a parabola. You get loft, hook and slice depending on the spin. With millions in golf you can bet you this is well studied.
  • #3
I don't know what you mean by "oscillation..." do you mean the projectile itself is deforming in some oscillatory way?

Anyway, the linear resistance term itself is just an idealization of the viscosity of air (and the finite speed of sound). One huge field that you'd need to study to understand these projectile phenomena in the air (including why a ball spinning in the air might hook) is fluid dynamics.

The basic equation of fluid dynamics/hydrodynamics is the Navier-Stokes equation, which to this day is not well understood. (It was first studied by Euler.) It's nonlinear, it leads to chaos and turbulence, it's extremely difficult to simulate, etc. In fact there is still a million-dollar Millenium Prize still standing--they'll pay you a million dollars if you can simply show that for arbitrary initial conditions subject to the Navier-Stokes equation, a solution exists.

[As a joke, here's my "mathematical proof by physics" that solutions to the N-S equation exist:
1)Real fluids obey the Navier-Stokes equation. 2) Given an initial velocity field, I can set up a real fluid that's moving in that way. 3) The real fluid does its thing without the universe caving in on itself or screeching to a halt. QED]

Fluid dynamics has even been controversial in physics history. Bernoulli showed in the late 1700's what's now known as Bernoulli's principle, which showed the possibility of wing-based flying machines, but about a hundred years later Lord Kelvin proved Kelvin's Circulation Theorem, which led him to conclude that heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. It took "experimental work" by the Wright brothers to prove him wrong. I've heard that to this day, aeronautical engineers will get in arguments over what really causes airplane wings to generate lift.

Also, there was an interesting debate because some entomologist claimed that it's physically impossible for bumblebees to fly, given their wingspan. Turned out the solution to the problem involved the turbulent phenomena that come out of the NS equation.
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Related to Revisiting Ballistic Motion in the Presence of Air Resistance and Fluid Dynamics

1. What is ballistic motion?

Ballistic motion is a type of motion in which an object is thrown or projected into the air and then moves under the influence of gravity alone. This type of motion is commonly seen in sports such as basketball, baseball, and golf.

2. How is ballistic motion different from other types of motion?

Ballistic motion is different from other types of motion because it is solely affected by gravity. Other types of motion, such as linear or circular motion, are influenced by other forces such as friction or air resistance.

3. What factors affect the trajectory of an object in ballistic motion?

The trajectory of an object in ballistic motion is affected by several factors, including the initial velocity, angle of projection, and the force of gravity. Other factors such as air resistance and wind can also play a role in the trajectory.

4. How can we calculate the maximum height and range of an object in ballistic motion?

The maximum height and range of an object in ballistic motion can be calculated using the equations for projectile motion, which take into account the initial velocity, angle of projection, and the force of gravity. These equations are often used in physics and engineering to predict the motion of projectiles.

5. Can the trajectory of an object in ballistic motion be affected by external factors?

Yes, the trajectory of an object in ballistic motion can be affected by external factors such as air resistance, wind, and other forces. These factors can alter the trajectory and make it different from the predicted path based on the initial conditions.

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