Religion and the Possibility of Alien Life

In summary, people would think of aliens in various ways depending on their beliefs. Some think they are the creations of God, others think they are demons, and others think they are the messengers of God. Some people would fund NASA to explore them, while others would think it's a sign from God that we should evangelize to them. There is no right or wrong answer, as each individual would view the event through their own lens.
  • #1
Today I was wondering, what do you all think would happen if humans discovered aliens that were more intelligent than us? What would happen to religions that believe in God and such? Do you think people will think of them as the creations of the devil or something? What if they had evolved beyond war? Then would they be thought of as creations of the devil?

I have no clue what people would think.
Physics news on
  • #2
Willis666 said:
Today I was wondering, what do you all think would happen if humans discovered aliens that were more intelligent than us? What would happen to religions that believe in God and such? Do you think people will think of them as the creations of the devil or something? What if they had evolved beyond war? Then would they be thought of as creations of the devil?

I have no clue what people would think.

They would think that God put them there and then there would be rapid funding of NASA in order to send Bibles to the stars.

The Vatican already gave its stance on this issue:
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  • #3
If you believe in a supernatural creator, why wouldn't you believe that it created them too? Ruling on this thread pending.
  • #4
People who stubbornly hold beliefs will continue to believe no matter what evidence they see. They will assimilate the information into their world model, rather than accommodate their world model.
  • #5
But aren't humans supposed to be created in the image of god? If god creates a different type of intelligent being, then wouldn't they think otherwise?
  • #6
Willis666 said:
But aren't humans supposed to be created in the image of god? If god creates a different type of intelligent being, then wouldn't they think otherwise?

"We can't limit the creative freedom of God" - Vatican
  • #7
What if the Earth was older than 5000 years... or their was no divine intervention and you could show how things happen through rational cause and effect. What if we found dinosaur bones... then wouldn't they think otherwise?

I don't think so.
  • #8
  • #9
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  • #10
Willis666 said:
Today I was wondering, what do you all think would happen if humans discovered aliens that were more intelligent than us? What would happen to religions that believe in God and such? Do you think people will think of them as the creations of the devil or something? What if they had evolved beyond war? Then would they be thought of as creations of the devil?

I have no clue what people would think.

Plenty of people already believe aliens are here, so in part you can gauge the reaction to actual contact based on these beliefs. Some religious people assume "the aliens" are evil. Some believe they are only demons pretending to be aliens. Some think they are the angels mentioned in various religions. Some think they are the wizards behind the biblical God. Some think they actually started the human race. As with all things, each person would view the event through their own filter

One can even anticipate the interpretation based on the denomination. For example, fundamentalists tend to expect evil. New-age fundamentalists tend to expect deception. Protestants and Catholics tend to see us all as children of God. Mormons already believe in ET as a part of their religion [sheep that are not of this flock].
  • #11
Willis666 said:
Today I was wondering, what do you all think would happen if humans discovered aliens that were more intelligent than us? What would happen to religions that believe in God and such? Do you think people will think of them as the creations of the devil or something? What if they had evolved beyond war? Then would they be thought of as creations of the devil?

I have no clue what people would think.

I'm sure I've posted something to this effect before, but I can't find it. My apologies for repeating myself:

Deuteronomy 5:7 said:
non habebis deos alienos in conspectu meo

Which I translate as: do not have alien deities in my presence

Which implies there are many gods.

Which means there is no problem with aliens showing up that look like spaghetti.
  • #12
seize the pastafarian!
  • #13
Willis666 said:
But aren't humans supposed to be created in the image of god? If god creates a different type of intelligent being, then wouldn't they think otherwise?

What is meant by the phrase in the image of god? There really isn't a consensus among biblical scholars as to the meaning of that.
  • #14
Time to put the thread down.

Related to Religion and the Possibility of Alien Life

1. What would happen to existing religions if aliens were to visit Earth?

If aliens were to visit Earth, it is likely that existing religions would undergo significant changes. This could range from incorporating the idea of extraterrestrial life into their beliefs, to completely abandoning traditional religious practices in favor of a new understanding of the universe.

2. Would the discovery of intelligent aliens disprove the existence of God?

The discovery of intelligent aliens would not necessarily disprove the existence of God. Many religions already incorporate the idea of multiple worlds or dimensions, and the existence of aliens could fit into this understanding of a higher power. Alternatively, some may see the existence of aliens as further evidence of a divine creator.

3. How would different religions react to the presence of aliens?

Different religions would likely have varying reactions to the presence of aliens. Some may see it as a sign of the end times or a test of their faith, while others may view it as an opportunity for interfaith dialogue and understanding. Some religions may also have specific beliefs or prophecies about aliens that would shape their reaction.

4. How would the existence of aliens impact religious beliefs about the origins of life?

The existence of aliens could challenge traditional religious beliefs about the origins of life on Earth. Many religions have creation stories that involve humans being the only intelligent beings in the universe, so the discovery of aliens would require a reexamination of these beliefs. Some may see it as evidence of a more complex and diverse creation, while others may struggle to reconcile this new information with their faith.

5. Could the presence of aliens lead to a new religion?

It is possible that the presence of aliens could lead to the development of a new religion. Just as new religions have emerged throughout history in response to new understandings of the world, the existence of aliens could inspire the creation of a new belief system. This could be a combination of existing religious beliefs and new ideas about the universe and our place in it.

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