Reinventing Dynamics: The New Principle of Gravitation and Light

In summary, the conversation discusses dynamics in physics, specifically the first principle and second Newton's law. The speaker believes that the second law is not valid and proposes a new version of the basic principle of dynamics. They also discuss the link to an executable file and the concept of acceleration being constant. However, the listener disagrees with the speaker's theories, citing errors and incorrect statements throughout the conversation. The speaker acknowledges this but stands by their belief in their theory.
  • #1
the first principle of dynamics by mua

dynamics is a field in physics dealing with the matter in motion with questioning the cause of the motion. as a most important law in this field there is the second Newton's law. but unfortunately this law is not valid. i want go thru reproving that claim again(i will only on your demand) but i'll only fill the vacuum caused with dismisal of this law. the new version of the basic principle of dynamics is as it follows:

FdR > 0

where F = force, R = distance from the source of the force. it should be understood this way:
The force F forces the object it acts upon on displacement dR in same direction of the vector of the force. if the object performs additional tangential displacement dx then there is additional force Fx that is causing it and

Fxdx > 0


if you are asking me, this is the most importantoutstanding discovery ever and it will change the physics as you know it if implemented/accepted. what you do wrong actually is mistaking the speed with displacement. should i require reward for this?
back to you.
Science news on
  • #2

Could you explain that so a typical sixth grader could understand? Please? I really want to learn everything I possibly can about physics in any way, shape, or form.
Good luck with a nobel prize
  • #3
it's like loseing an arrow. when you tense the arrow you aply force. this force neutrealizes with the elastic force. when you lose the arrow the only force present is the elastic one. since it is nonzero force it is causing the arrow to shift along the direction of the arrow. the main point is that every force is sugessting displacement with same sing of the force. for example:
positive force sugessts positeve displacement
negative force sugessts negative displacement

if you say that dE = FdR is the job done by that force then this job is always positive-greater then zero.

deam i don't know how to explain it to a sixth grader.
wait a minute, aint it early for you to learn physics. here in macedonia, i think, the pupils start learning physics from 7th grade.
what the hack?
  • #4
by the way try the link Arguments Against Modern Physics down there that figures as my signiture. you'll learn a lot more. this is what i call marsian physics.
  • #5
Why is the link to an executable?

  • #6
the Newtonian dynamics is to blame for all this deviations. imagine accel of one mass is function of another mass.
F=ma=wmM/R^2 => am=wM/R^2.

now what if m=0 or that object is vacuum. conclusion: vacuum around massive object accelerates. nonsense part one.

if m<0 and wM/R^2>0 then F<0 and a>0. nonsense part two.


every force sugessts displacement in same direction as the direction of the force. that is true dynamics.

I have moved this post in from another thread, this is just more of the same stuff, tets keep it all together. Integral
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  • #7
Originally posted by Ben-CS
Why is the link to an executable?

to download it right away.
it's zip self extractor containing word document with the same title as the link.
  • #8
Can I just say this document is utter nonsense? You seem to pull equations out of thin air and try to do stuff that simply does not make sense. eg. Where do you get the conclusion that x = x(t) according to conventional dynamics? x cannot be x(t), but f(t) where f is a function that relates the position of x to t. Hence, for example, if we have a certain object at constant velocity from the origin, we can have f: x -> kx, and then we assume that x(0) = 0. You ignore completely the existence of initial conditions. Acceleration meanwhile has nothing to do with initial position but is defined as the rate of change of velocity. ie. It has to be dv/dt. Same for velocity = dx/dt. These are not assumptions, but definitions. If you dispute them, then you are not talking about the same universe as conventional kinetics.
a is const when you learn high school level mechanics. But a is usually a function of t itself, or a function of x (as in Newton's law of gravitation). In this case, the basic equations (v= u+at etc) do not apply, and integration must be used.
Similarly, you objections reduce down to lack of knowledge on your part.
  • #9
There is apparently a fundamental error on each page...

You quote N2 as F = ma. That is incorrect. F = d/dt(mv) ie. rate of change of momentum. It reduces to f=ma when m is constant. And A most certainly does not equal V/t but dv/dt.

You describe N2 as "absurd" when m = 0 or -ve. Well, such situations are absurd. How many negative mass objects have you seen recently? I expect you can count them on the fingers of an imaginary hand. Now, we know from practical experience that gravitational acceleration is more or less independent of the mass of the object. Hence, force as a function of the mass of the Earth does hold.

Other problems:
"The foundation of the impact theory is in the conservation of the kinetic energy..."
Deeply wrong. Only holds for completely elastic collisions.

"The charge causes the volume of the particle to become larger and therefore such particle is easy to divide. The mass has opposite intention and it makes the particle more compact."
No. Just plain wrong. Gravity which is based on mass is hugely weaker than the other forces. It is simply negligible at such scales. And charged, divisible entities like nuclei, baryons are held together by other forces like the nuclear strong force.

Never mind problems. It is hard to find statements that are correct.
  • #10
to FZ+

FZ+ I'm not trying to make me smartest or make you stupid. i just know my theory is right and i don't know how to convince you to accept it. only on bases that my theory is right you'll have to accept it.
  • #11
Then it does not qualify as a scientific theory, but as a faith. And such faith, the idea of "I just know" is not a sound basis for any argument against modern physics. (Though modern physics is by no means absolutely correct)
  • #12
Originally posted by dock
i don't know how to convince you to accept it. only on bases that my theory is right you'll have to accept it.

If this is the only argument that you can make for your theory, you can be pretty sure that it's not right...

Related to Reinventing Dynamics: The New Principle of Gravitation and Light

1. What is the new principle of gravitation and light proposed in "Reinventing Dynamics"?

The new principle of gravitation and light proposed in "Reinventing Dynamics" is that gravity and light are two manifestations of the same underlying force, known as "dynamic pressure". This concept suggests that all objects in the universe are constantly interacting with this dynamic pressure, causing both gravitational and electromagnetic effects.

2. How does this new principle differ from Newton's theory of gravity?

The new principle of gravitation and light differs from Newton's theory in that it proposes a unified explanation for both gravity and light, rather than treating them as separate phenomena. It also suggests that gravity is a result of dynamic pressure, rather than a force between masses.

3. What evidence supports the new principle proposed in "Reinventing Dynamics"?

There is currently limited evidence to support the new principle of gravitation and light proposed in "Reinventing Dynamics". However, the theory has gained some attention and support from researchers in the field of theoretical physics, and further experiments and observations are being conducted to test its validity.

4. How could the new principle of gravitation and light impact our understanding of the universe?

If the new principle of gravitation and light is proven to be valid, it could fundamentally change our understanding of the universe and how it operates. It could potentially lead to a better understanding of the relationship between gravity and electromagnetism, and could also have implications for the development of new technologies.

5. Are there any criticisms or challenges to the new principle proposed in "Reinventing Dynamics"?

As with any new scientific theory, there are some criticisms and challenges to the new principle of gravitation and light proposed in "Reinventing Dynamics". Some experts have raised concerns about the lack of evidence and the need for further testing and validation. Others have pointed out potential inconsistencies with established laws of physics. However, these challenges do not necessarily disprove the theory and further research is needed to address these concerns.

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