Quick questions about studying math and physics?

In summary: I attempt the problems, and then I usually spend about two weeks doing the problems. The advantage to taking a class is that you get more out of the material, and the instructor can help you work through any difficult problems. Additionally, taking a class allows you to ask questions and get feedback on your homework problems, which can be really helpful in improving your understanding of the material. However, self-study can be just as effective if you put in the effort.
  • #1
Just curious about how people usually self study these subjects.
Is it the most efficient to read through the chapters, and write down theorems, definitions, and take notes of important parts and work out all the proofs and examples? And then make sure you can re-prove everything after finishing a chapter? Like for example, studying analysis, topology, etc. And the same with physics.
Or is it better to just do all the problems and move on?

And how long does it usually take one to finish a textbook? What are the advantages to taking a class than self-studying assuming one would put in as much work as needed if one had to take a final exam?

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  • #2
Is it the most efficient to read through the chapters, and write down theorems, definitions, and take notes of important parts and work out all the proofs and examples? And then make sure you can re-prove everything after finishing a chapter? Like for example, studying analysis, topology, etc. And the same with physics.
Or is it better to just do all the problems and move on?
I would try to combine both, probably with more focus on problems in physics and advanced lectures in both.

And how long does it usually take one to finish a textbook?
Depends on too many parameters to give any estimate.

What are the advantages to taking a class than self-studying assuming one would put in as much work as needed if one had to take a final exam?
You see things not in the textbooks, you can ask questions and you get feedback on your homework problems.
  • #3
Just a few more questions

What would be the most efficient method of studying considering time and being able to understand it 100%?
Like, I know it's good to use multiple books too, and the optimal method would be to work out everything, but it seems too time-consuming to be able to learn enough and go into the research field and publishing faster.

And where exactly does talent play in the process? Is it just about understanding things quicker and applying it more efficiently? I find that I can do math and physics with relative ease; are there people with varying degrees of talent and how pertinent is it to have the "most" talent in terms of being one the top in math and physics research career?

  • #4
Ishida52134 said:
What would be the most efficient method of studying considering time and being able to understand it 100%?
Is that possible?
Helping other with their problems is certainly a method to improve the understanding.

And where exactly does talent play in the process? Is it just about understanding things quicker and applying it more efficiently? I find that I can do math and physics with relative ease; are there people with varying degrees of talent and how pertinent is it to have the "most" talent in terms of being one the top in math and physics research career?
That question will get 5 different answers within 4 replies, I don't want to add yet another opinion about that.
  • #5
Ishida52134 said:
And how long does it usually take one to finish a textbook?

I have never taken or taught a class that actually used an entire textbook. Textbooks generally cover a set of core topics that are considered essential for whatever field they cover, plus a range of secondary topics that exceeds what can actually be covered in any real course.

Every instructor has his/her own set of favorite secondary topics. Textbook publishers don't want to lose any sales by omitting someone's pet topic(s).
  • #6
Ishida52134 said:
Just curious about how people usually self study these subjects.
Is it the most efficient to read through the chapters, and write down theorems, definitions, and take notes of important parts and work out all the proofs and examples? And then make sure you can re-prove everything after finishing a chapter? Like for example, studying analysis, topology, etc. And the same with physics.

I like to read sections, and then re-write them in my own words, taking care to place importance on the concepts that require it and clearly show derivations and important theorems. I take notes with the (semi-paranoid) theme that if I wake up with amnesia tomorrow, I should be able to learn from just my notes. I do this with math and physics; the only downside is that it takes some time.

Ishida52134 said:
Or is it better to just do all the problems and move on?

After I'm done with my notes, I attempt the problems, usually they are all fairly simple as the note taking process really forces you to understand the chapter well.

Ishida52134 said:
And how long does it usually take one to finish a textbook? What are the advantages to taking a class than self-studying assuming one would put in as much work as needed if one had to take a final exam?


I usually work through about 2-3 textbooks at a time, assuming you're focusing on one at a time and spend an hour a day on it, I would say no more than two months (and probably quicker). But there are many other factors in this and by no means is that an absolute estimate.

One advantages to class is that you have a clear indication of how well you're understanding the material. In addition, having a good teacher explain a difficult concept can really make the difference.
  • #7
An hour a day for 2 months would really be adequate? Like over the summer, I was working with the book, "Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms," by Hubbard, and it was split into at least 60 different sections. It was pretty impossible to cover a whole section and rewrite everything and do all the problems in even 3 hours.

By the way, just one more question, how important is like physics or math competitions to physics or math careers in research? I only got interested in these subjects very recently, so although they were my best subjects in school and I understood them easily, I never really practiced for olympiads or anything. And the only thing I did was math team in competitions like ARML.

What do you guys think about my natural talent question?

  • #8
Ishida52134 said:
An hour a day for 2 months would really be adequate? Like over the summer, I was working with the book, "Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms," by Hubbard, and it was split into at least 60 different sections. It was pretty impossible to cover a whole section and rewrite everything and do all the problems in even 3 hours.

I didn't care much for Hubbard, he's very very wordy, and I don't think he explains things all that well.

Don't focus so much on time restraints. If you're constantly thinking about time, you'll end up rushing through the text. Give yourself the time YOU feel you need. We can't tell you how fast you should be working through any given text. Learning is a very individual thing, one persons method is not guaranteed to work for anybody else.

Try to enjoy what you're learning.
  • #9
Thanks. Still, unless it's a relatively small book, I don't think it'd be possible to finish in that time period.
What do you think of the other questions?
"1)By the way, just one more question, how important is like physics or math competitions to physics or math careers in research? I only got interested in these subjects very recently, so although they were my best subjects in school and I understood them easily, I never really practiced for olympiads or anything. And the only thing I did was math team in competitions like ARML.
2) And where exactly does talent play in the process? Is it just about understanding things quicker and applying it more efficiently? Like getting through a textbook quicker? I find that I can do math and physics with relative ease; are there people with varying degrees of talent and how pertinent is it to have the "most" talent in terms of being one of the top in math and physics research career?"

Related to Quick questions about studying math and physics?

1. What is the best way to study math and physics?

The best way to study math and physics is to actively engage with the material. This can include practicing problems, explaining concepts to yourself or others, and seeking help from classmates or a tutor when needed. It is also important to stay organized and manage your time effectively to ensure you have enough time to review and practice.

2. How can I improve my problem-solving skills in math and physics?

Improving problem-solving skills in math and physics requires practice. Start by breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable parts and understanding the underlying concepts. You can also try solving problems in different ways or seeking out challenging problems to push yourself. Additionally, seeking help from professors or peers can provide valuable insights and techniques.

3. Is it important to have a strong foundation in math before studying physics?

While having a strong foundation in math can certainly be helpful in studying physics, it is not always necessary. Many physics concepts can be understood and applied without an extensive background in math. However, a basic understanding of algebra, trigonometry, and calculus can make learning physics easier.

4. How can I stay motivated while studying math and physics?

Staying motivated while studying math and physics can be challenging, but there are a few strategies that can help. Setting achievable goals, rewarding yourself for completing tasks, and finding a study group or accountability partner can all help keep you motivated. Remember to also take breaks and engage in activities you enjoy to avoid burnout.

5. How can I prepare for exams in math and physics?

To prepare for exams in math and physics, start by reviewing your notes and practicing problems from class or textbooks. Make sure you understand the key concepts and formulas, and seek help if you are struggling with any topics. Additionally, try to simulate exam conditions by timing yourself and practicing under pressure. Finally, get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast before the exam to ensure you are mentally and physically prepared.

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