Question about weak convergence in Hilbert space

In summary, given a bounded domain A in R^n and a series of real functions Xm in L^2(A), if Xm converge weakly to X in L^2(A) and (Xm)^2 converge weakly to Y in L^2(A), then Y=X^2. This theorem has been proven by showing that if a sequence in L^2(A) converges weakly, then the sequence of integrals is bounded and that two functions in L^2(A) are equal if their integrals are equal for all functions in L^2(A). The proof is then given by using these properties and choosing appropriate values to show that X^2 = Y.
  • #1
The Question is as follows:

let A be a bounded domain in R^n and
Xm a series of real functions in L^2 (A).
if Xm converge weakly to X in L^2(A)
and (Xm)^2 converge weakly to Y in L^2(A)
then Y=X^2.

i don't know if the above theorem is true and could sure use any help i can get.
if anyone has any proof please post it... thanks.
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  • #2
As I am not experienced in these matters, this proof should be checked for errors by one of the mentors.

For starters, I will remind everyone what the definition of weak convergence in [tex]L^{2}(A)[/tex] is:

A sequence [tex]{X_{n}}[/tex] is said to converge weakly to [tex]X[/tex] (written [tex]X_{n} \stackrel{w}{\rightarrow} X[/tex]) if for all functions [tex]Z[/tex] in [tex]L^{2}(A)[/tex], we have [tex]\int X_{n}Z \rightarrow \int XZ[/tex]

Next, I will show that if a sequence [tex]{X_{n}}[/tex] in [tex]L^{2}(A)[/tex] converges weakly, then the sequence of integrals [tex]|\int X_{n}|[/tex] is bounded. Just let [tex]Z[/tex] be the constant function [tex]Z(x) = 1[/tex]. Then by the definition of weak convergence,

[tex]\int X_{n} = \int X_{n}Z \rightarrow \int XZ = \int X[/tex]

and [tex]\int X_{n}[/tex] convergent means [tex]|\int X_{n}|[/tex] is bounded.

Next, I will point out that there is a theorem that says that two functions [tex]X[/tex] and [tex]Y[/tex] in [tex]L^{2}(A)[/tex] are equal if for all [tex]Z[/tex] in [tex]L^{2}(A)[/tex] we have

[tex]\int XZ = \int YZ[/tex]

Finally, I get to the proof.

Let [tex]M[/tex] be the bound on [tex]|\int X_{n}|[/tex]. Let [tex]L = |\int X|[/tex]. Let [tex]Z[/tex] be in [tex]L^{2}(A)[/tex], and choose [tex]\epsilon > 0[/tex].

Since [tex]{X_{n}} \stackrel{w}{\rightarrow} X[/tex], we can find [tex]N_{1}[/tex] such that for all [tex]n \ge N_{1}[/tex] we have [tex]|\int X_{n}Z - \int XZ| < \frac{\epsilon}{3L}[/tex].

Also, we can find [tex]N_{2}[/tex] such that for all [tex]n \ge N_{2}[/tex] we have [tex]|\int X_{n}Z - \int XZ| < \frac{\epsilon}{3M}[/tex].

Since [tex]{X_{n}^2} \stackrel {w}{\rightarrow} Y[/tex] we can find [tex]N_{3}[/tex] such that for all [tex]n \ge N_{3}[/tex] we have [tex]|\int X_{n}^{2}Z - \int YZ| < \frac{\epsilon}{3}[/tex].

Let [tex]N[/tex] be the maximum of [tex]N_{1}[/tex], [tex]N_{2}[/tex], and [tex]N_{3}[/tex], then for all [tex]n > N[/tex] we have

[tex]|\int X^{2}Z - \int YZ|[/tex]
[tex]\le |\int X^{2}Z - \int X_{n}XZ| + |\int X_{n}XZ - \int X_{n}^{2}Z| + |\int X_{n}^{2}Z - \int YZ|[/tex]
[tex]\le |\int X||\int XZ - \int X_{n}Z| + |\int X_{n}||\int XZ - \int X_{n}Z| + |\int X_{n}^{2}Z - \int YZ|[/tex]
[tex]< L\frac{\epsilon}{3L} + M\frac{\epsilon}{3M} + \frac{\epsilon}{3} = \epsilon[/tex]

So, [tex]X^{2} = Y[/tex]

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  • #3

The above theorem is indeed true and is known as the "Sobolev Embedding Theorem". It states that if a sequence of functions in a bounded domain A converges weakly in L^2(A) and the square of the sequence converges weakly in L^2(A), then the square of the limit function is equal to the limit of the squares. This can be proven using the properties of weak convergence and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.

To start, we can rewrite the weak convergence conditions as follows:

∫A Xmφ dx → ∫A Xφ dx for all φ ∈ L^2(A)
∫A (Xm)^2φ dx → ∫A Yφ dx for all φ ∈ L^2(A)

where φ is a test function. Now, we can use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to obtain:

|∫A (Xm)^2φ dx| ≤ ||(Xm)^2||_2 ||φ||_2

where ||·||_2 denotes the L^2 norm. Similarly, we can write:

|∫A X^2φ dx| ≤ ||X^2||_2 ||φ||_2 = ||X||_2^2 ||φ||_2^2

Since Xm converges weakly to X in L^2(A), we have ||Xm||_2 → ||X||_2. Therefore, ||Xm||_2^2 → ||X||_2^2. Similarly, ||(Xm)^2||_2 → ||X^2||_2. This means that the right-hand side of the first inequality goes to the right-hand side of the second inequality as m → ∞.

Now, since we have shown that the right-hand side of the first inequality goes to the right-hand side of the second inequality, and that the left-hand side of the first inequality is bounded, it follows that the left-hand side of the second inequality is also bounded. This means that Y ∈ L^2(A) and we can apply the weak convergence condition to obtain:

∫A Yφ dx = ∫A (Xm)^2φ dx → ∫A X^2φ dx

for all φ ∈ L^2(A). This proves that Y = X^2.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Related to Question about weak convergence in Hilbert space

1. What is weak convergence in Hilbert space?

Weak convergence in Hilbert space refers to a type of convergence in which a sequence of vectors in a Hilbert space approaches a limit vector in a weaker sense compared to the usual convergence in norm. This means that the sequence may not converge in norm, but it will converge in a weaker sense, known as weak convergence.

2. What is the difference between weak convergence and strong convergence in Hilbert space?

The main difference between weak and strong convergence in Hilbert space is the type of convergence they describe. Strong convergence refers to the usual convergence in norm, while weak convergence refers to a weaker sense of convergence. Additionally, strong convergence implies weak convergence, but the reverse is not always true.

3. What are the applications of weak convergence in Hilbert space?

Weak convergence in Hilbert space has various applications in mathematics and physics. It plays a crucial role in functional analysis, where it is used to prove the existence of solutions to certain problems. It is also applied in quantum mechanics, where it is used to describe the behavior of quantum systems.

4. How is weak convergence related to compact operators in Hilbert space?

Compact operators in Hilbert space are those that map bounded sets to relatively compact sets. Weak convergence is closely related to compact operators, as it characterizes the convergence of compact operators in Hilbert space. This means that a sequence of compact operators converges weakly if and only if it converges in the weak operator topology.

5. Can weak convergence occur without strong convergence in Hilbert space?

Yes, weak convergence can occur without strong convergence in Hilbert space. This is because strong convergence is a stronger form of convergence compared to weak convergence. In other words, a sequence can converge weakly without converging strongly, but the reverse is not always true. However, if a sequence converges strongly, it will also converge weakly.

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