Prove Basis to Basis Isomorphism

In summary: W.In summary, to prove that t is an isomorphism, it must be shown that it carries a basis for V to a basis for W. This can be proven by assuming that T maps a basis for V to a basis for W and showing that it is bijective. To do so, it must be shown that T is both surjective and injective. To prove surjectivity, it can be shown that the image of T spans W. To prove injectivity, it can be shown that the kernel of T is equal to zero. Furthermore, to prove that T maps a basis of V onto a basis of W, an arbitrary element of W can be written as a linear combination of the basis
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let [tex]t \in L(V,W)[/tex]. Prove that t is an isomorphism iff it carries a basis for V to a basis for W.

Homework Equations

L(V,W) is the set of all linear transformations from V to W

The Attempt at a Solution

So I figured I would assume I have a transformation from a basis for V to a basis for W and prove that it is bijective (and hence isomorphic).

So let [tex]B_{v} = \{v_{i} | i \in I\}[/tex] be a basis for V and
[tex]B_{w} = \{w_{j} | j \in J\}[/tex] be a basis for W

So t is surjective if im(t) = W so...
[tex]im(t) = \{tv_{i} | v_{i} \in B_{v}\} =[/tex]
[tex]\{w_{j} | w_{j} \in B_{w}\}[/tex]
Since B_w spans W can I simply say then that, given above, the next line would be:
= W
so im(t) = W

Now to prove it is injective I need to show that ker(t) = {0}
[tex]tv_{i} = tv_{j}[/tex] implies
[tex]t(v_{i} - v_{j}) = 0[/tex] implies
[tex]v_{i} - v_{j} \in ker(t)[/tex]

If ker(t) = {0} then implies v_i = v_j but this doesn't seem like a formal way to prove this... any help?
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  • #2
iamalexalright said:

Homework Statement

Let [tex]t \in L(V,W)[/tex]. Prove that t is an isomorphism iff it carries a basis for V to a basis for W.

Homework Equations

L(V,W) is the set of all linear transformations from V to W

The Attempt at a Solution

So I figured I would assume I have a transformation from a basis for V to a basis for W and prove that it is bijective (and hence isomorphic).

So let [tex]B_{v} = \{v_{i} | i \in I\}[/tex] be a basis for V and
[tex]B_{w} = \{w_{j} | j \in J\}[/tex] be a basis for W

So t is surjective if im(t) = W so...
[tex]im(t) = \{tv_{i} | v_{i} \in B_{v}\} =[/tex]
[tex]\{w_{j} | w_{j} \in B_{w}\}[/tex]
Since B_w spans W can I simply say then that, given above, the next line would be:
= W
so im(t) = W

Now to prove it is injective I need to show that ker(t) = {0}
[tex]tv_{i} = tv_{j}[/tex] implies
[tex]t(v_{i} - v_{j}) = 0[/tex] implies
[tex]v_{i} - v_{j} \in ker(t)[/tex]

If ker(t) = {0} then implies v_i = v_j but this doesn't seem like a formal way to prove this... any help?

So, you have assumed that if [tex]v_i[/tex] is a basis element of V then its image under t is [tex]w_i[/tex], which is a basis element of W. Now, observe that, by assumption, no two basis elements of V are mapped to the same basis element in W. Now, write your [tex]v_i,v_j[/tex] as a linear combo of vectors in V and then use the linearity of t to distribute it across the linear combo.

Also, you need to prove that if t is an isomorphism, then it maps a basis of V to a basis of W, that is, the image of the basis of V under T forms a basis of W.
  • #3
So i did assume it was 1-1.

okay, well for v_i in the Basis of V:

[tex]t(a_{1}v_{1} + ... + a_{n}v_{n} = [/tex]
[tex]a_{1}tv_{1} + ... + a_{n}tv_{n}[/tex]

If it is an isomorphism then the ker(t) should be zero:

[tex]ker(t) = \{v \in B_{v} | tv = 0\}[/tex]
[tex]a_{1}tv_{1} + ... + a_{n}tv_{n} = 0[/tex]
since I assume t maps to a basis in W then the only solution to this is when = 0 so that implies that the ker(t) = {0}, yes?

Now the image of t is simply tv, and since I assume tv is in a basis of W then the image spans W so I can write im(t) = W. Correct?

I still feel i am wrong
  • #4
iamalexalright said:
So i did assume it was 1-1.

okay, well for v_i in the Basis of V:

[tex]t(a_{1}v_{1} + ... + a_{n}v_{n} = [/tex]
[tex]a_{1}tv_{1} + ... + a_{n}tv_{n}[/tex]

If it is an isomorphism then the ker(t) should be zero:

[tex]ker(t) = \{v \in B_{v} | tv = 0\}[/tex]
[tex]a_{1}tv_{1} + ... + a_{n}tv_{n} = 0[/tex]
since I assume t maps to a basis in W then the only solution to this is when = 0 so that implies that the ker(t) = {0}, yes?

Now the image of t is simply tv, and since I assume tv is in a basis of W then the image spans W so I can write im(t) = W. Correct?

I still feel i am wrong

You have done enough to show that t is 1-1 and onto and hence an isomorphism. The only problem is that you need to be a *little* more formal in your proof that it is onto, but you have the idea.

I'd start by writing every element in W as the linear combo of a basis for W. Which basis? Well, given your assumptions (that is, T takes a basis for V to a basis for W) which basis do you think you should use?
  • #5
Yeah, when I write it up I will take care of being a bit more formal

let [tex]u \in W[/tex]
[tex]u = a_{1}w_{1} + ... + a_{n}w_{n}[/tex]
where w is in a basis for W
then since [tex]w_{i} = b_{1}tv_{1} + ... + b_{n}tv_{n}[/tex] (v in basis for V)

we can combine and get:
[tex]u = a_{1}[b_{11}tv_{1} + ... b_{n1}tv_{n}] + ... + a_{n}[b_{1n}tv_{1} + ... + b_{nn}tv_{n}][/tex]

[tex]u = c_{1}tv_{1} + ... + c_{n}tv_{n} =[/tex]

Thanks for the help
  • #6
One simplifying step:

You are saying that T maps SOME basis of V to SOME basis of W. So, you don't know what the bases are, but you know there exists a basis for V and a basis for W such that T(v_i)=w_i. Now, write your arbitrary element of W as a linear combination of the w_i's. This way you can skip the portion about combining the linear combinations.Now, if you haven't, you need to prove the other way of this bi-conditional statement. That is, assume that it is an isomorphism and show that it maps a basis of V onto a basis of W.
  • #7
So if it is an isomorphism we know that

im(t) = W so each w in W can be written as a combination a_1*tv_1 + ... + a_n*tv_n

since the kernel(t) = {0} this implies only the zero vector is a solution to:
a_1* tv_1 + ... a_n* tv_n = 0

so then these vectors v_n are linearly independent. I don't know how to show that these span V however.

Eh... not so sure about these half of it..
  • #8
iamalexalright said:
So if it is an isomorphism we know that

im(t) = W so each w in W can be written as a combination a_1*tv_1 + ... + a_n*tv_n

since the kernel(t) = {0} this implies only the zero vector is a solution to:
a_1* tv_1 + ... a_n* tv_n = 0

so then these vectors v_n are linearly independent. I don't know how to show that these span V however.

Eh... not so sure about these half of it..

It hasn't been said explicitly, but if T is an isomorphism from V to W, then what can you say about the dimensions of V and W. That is, which one, if any, is true:
dim(V) < dim(W)
dim(V) >dim(W)
dim(V) <= dim(W)
dim(V) >=dim(W)
dim(V) = dim(W)
(HINT: use nullity plus rank theorem and use the fact that ker(T)={0})

Now, as you pointed out a_1* tv_1 + ... a_n* tv_n = 0 implies that a_1=...=1_n=0. What does this say about these vectors? Now, look to see how many of these vectors you have. Do you have a basis?
  • #9
The dimensions are the same

if the coeffecients being zero is the only way the linear combination of vectors is zero then the vectors are linearly independent. I have n vectors so assuming the dimension of my space is n then I have a basis.
  • #10
iamalexalright said:
The dimensions are the same

if the coeffecients being zero is the only way the linear combination of vectors is zero then the vectors are linearly independent. I have n vectors so assuming the dimension of my space is n then I have a basis.

Perfect! You have shown a)T is 1-1 b)every w in W is a linear combo of the T(v_i)'s, so T is onto.

You're done!
  • #11
: D
Thanks so much for the help!

Related to Prove Basis to Basis Isomorphism

1. What is the concept of basis isomorphism?

The concept of basis isomorphism is a mathematical concept that relates to vector spaces. It states that two vector spaces are isomorphic if there exists a linear transformation between them that preserves the structure of the vector spaces. In simpler terms, it means that two vector spaces have the same basis, which allows for a one-to-one mapping between them.

2. What is the purpose of proving basis to basis isomorphism?

The purpose of proving basis to basis isomorphism is to establish a relationship between two vector spaces. This can be useful in understanding the properties and characteristics of the vector spaces and can also aid in solving problems related to linear transformations and operations on these spaces.

3. How is basis to basis isomorphism proved?

To prove basis to basis isomorphism, one must show that there exists a linear transformation between two vector spaces that maps the basis of one space to the basis of the other space. This can be done by showing that the transformation is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto).

4. What are the implications of proving basis to basis isomorphism?

The implications of proving basis to basis isomorphism are that the two vector spaces are essentially equivalent in terms of their structure. This means that any operations or transformations that can be applied to one space can also be applied to the other space, making it easier to solve problems and understand the properties of the spaces.

5. Can basis to basis isomorphism exist between vector spaces of different dimensions?

No, basis to basis isomorphism can only exist between vector spaces of the same dimension. This is because the basis of a vector space determines its dimension, and if the dimensions are different, then the two spaces cannot have the same basis and therefore cannot be isomorphic.

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