Propositional Logic - Derivations and Trees - Chiswell and Hodges, Section 3.4

In summary: Let me know if you have any further questions. In summary, Example 3.4.3 is showing an application of the rules of propositional natural deduction, specifically with regards to the use of dandahs and branches in a tree.
  • #1
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I am reading the book Mathematical Logic by Ian Chiswell and Wilfred Hodges ... and am currently focused on Chapter 3: Propositional Logic and, in particular, Section 3.4: Propositional Natural Deduction ...

I need help with understanding an aspect of Example 3.4.3 which reads as follows:
View attachment 5021
I am having trouble understanding the structure of the labelled tree D' ... which I imagine is something like the following (see diagram below), with D stretching above the leaf containing the node labelled \(\displaystyle \phi\) on the left and RAA on the right ... as follows:
View attachment 5022
I imagine that in the branches of tree D somewhere are some nodes labelled \(\displaystyle ( \neg \phi )\) ... ... is that right?
In the above text of Example 3.4.3 we read the following:

"" ... ... There remains (g) with \(\displaystyle ( \neg \phi )\) for \(\displaystyle \chi\) : here D' follows (g)(ii) ,so the added dandahs are allowed ... ... "

(Note: dandahs are lines/slashes through a symbol indicating a discharged assumption ... ... )I do not see how the above statement follows: can someone explain ...
Particularly puzzling is the fact that the statement seems to assume that the node(s) with \(\displaystyle ( \neg \phi )\) on it is joined to the node labelled \(\displaystyle \phi\) on the left and RAA on the right ... that is the node that is the bottom of the tree as shown ... (at least this is the impression I get in reading Definition 3.4.1 - see below) ... ... but surely this need not/cannot be the case as the tree D stretching above may have several ( \neg \phi ) signs on various nodes ...Hope someone can clarify and explain the above issues ...
Now, so that MHB members can follow the above post I need to provide the introduction to Section 3.4 including Definition 3.4.1 ... sorry about the length but for those with a good understanding of logic it will only be necessary to skim it quickly ... ...
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View attachment 5025Hope someone can help ... ...

*** EDIT ***I think my problem is to read "branch"as "edge" in (g)(ii) of Definition 3.2.4 so that when I write:

" ... ... the statement seems to assume that the node(s) with \(\displaystyle ( \neg \phi )\) on it is joined to the node labelled \(\displaystyle \phi\) on the left and RAA on the right ... that is the node that is the bottom of the tree as shown ... ... "

there is no problem because it can be joined by a branch ... that is a number of edges ...

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  • #2

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your post and for providing the necessary background information. I have studied the example and definitions you mentioned, and I believe I can provide some clarification for you.

First, let's review the definitions you mentioned:

Definition 3.2.4 states that a branch is a set of nodes in a tree such that every node in the branch is connected to a previous node in the branch by an edge.

Definition 3.4.1 states that a tree is a set of nodes with a designated root node and a set of edges such that:

1. Every node in the tree is connected to the root node by a unique path of edges.
2. Every node in the tree is connected to at least one other node by a branch of edges.
3. There are no cycles in the tree.

Now, let's look at Example 3.4.3. In this example, we have a tree D with a root node labelled \phi and a rightmost node labelled RAA. The tree also has branches stretching above the leaf containing the node labelled \phi on the left and RAA on the right.

In (g) of Definition 3.4.1, we are considering a branch with a node labelled ( \neg \phi ) for \chi. This means that there is a node in the branch labelled ( \neg \phi ), which is connected to the root node by a unique path of edges. This node is also connected to at least one other node in the branch by a branch of edges.

In (g)(ii), we are considering the case where the added dandahs are allowed. This means that the branch with the node labelled ( \neg \phi ) for \chi can be extended to include the node labelled \phi on the left and RAA on the right. This extension can be done through a branch of edges, as defined in Definition 3.2.4.

So, in short, the statement "There remains (g) with ( \neg \phi ) for \chi : here D' follows (g)(ii) ,so the added dandahs are allowed" is saying that the branch with the node labelled ( \neg \phi ) for \chi can be extended to include the node labelled \phi on the left and RAA on the right, and this extension is allowed according to the rules of propositional natural deduction.

I hope this helps clarify the issue for

Related to Propositional Logic - Derivations and Trees - Chiswell and Hodges, Section 3.4

1. What is propositional logic?

Propositional logic is a branch of mathematical logic that deals with logical statements or propositions. These propositions can either be true or false, and are connected by logical operators such as "and", "or", and "not". Propositional logic is used to analyze the logical relationships between these propositions.

2. What is a derivation in propositional logic?

A derivation is a sequence of logical steps that lead to the conclusion of a statement using the rules of propositional logic. Each step in a derivation is justified by a specific rule, and the final step should be the desired conclusion. Derivations are used to prove the validity of arguments and to determine whether a statement follows from a set of premises.

3. What is a tree in propositional logic?

A tree is a graphical representation of the logical relationships between propositions. It is used to determine the truth value of a complex proposition by breaking it down into simpler propositions and applying logical rules. The branches of a tree represent the different possible combinations of truth values for the propositions, and the final conclusion can be found at the bottom of the tree.

4. How do you construct a derivation in propositional logic?

To construct a derivation, you must first determine the desired conclusion and list it as the last line. Then, work backwards by applying logical rules to previous lines until you reach the premises or known statements. Each step should be justified by a specific rule, and the final line should be the desired conclusion. If you are unable to reach the desired conclusion, the argument is invalid.

5. What are some common logical rules used in derivations and trees?

Some common logical rules used in derivations and trees include modus ponens, modus tollens, conjunction introduction and elimination, disjunction introduction and elimination, conditional introduction and elimination, and negation introduction and elimination. These rules help to establish the relationships between propositions and determine the validity of arguments.

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