Problems relating to Absolute Continuity

In summary: I don't know the correct statement.In summary, the conversation focused on studying Lebesgue measure and absolute continuity. The individual was struggling with some problems and asked for help, while also providing a definition and theorem on absolute continuity. The conversation then shifted to Question 3, which asks if a function satisfying a specific inequality must be absolutely continuous. Various theorems and tools were mentioned, but the individual was still struggling to find a solution. Ultimately, the conversation ended with a discussion on Lipschitz continuity and its relationship to absolute continuity. However, the individual was unsure of the correct statement connecting the two concepts.
  • #1
Hi, it's been awhile since I have studied Lebesgue measure so I'm trying to re-learn the material on my own. Most of my friends don't remember much as well so it's been a bit of a struggle trying to work on these problems on my own. Thank you for any kind of help!

OMIT Question 1. If [itex]f:[a,b]\rightarrow \mathbb{R} [/itex] is absolutely continuous and one-to-one, then is [itex]f^{-1}[/itex] absolutely continuous? If so, prove. If not, provide a counterexample.

OMIT Question 2. If [itex]f:[a,b]\rightarrow [c,d] [/itex] is 1-1 and absolutely continuous, then
OMIT a. is [itex]f^{-1}[/itex] of bounded variation on [itex][c,d] [/itex]?
OMIT b. if [itex]E \subseteq [c,d] [/itex] and [itex]m(E)=0[/itex], then do you think [itex]m(f^{-1}(E))=0[/itex]? If I know that [itex]f^{-1}[/itex] is absolutely continuous, then I can prove that [itex]f^{-1}[/itex] sends sets of measure zero to sets of measure zero...

Question 3. Let [itex] f:[0,1] \rightarrow\mathbb{R} [/itex] satisfy [itex] |f(x) - f(y)|\leq |x^{1/3}-y^{1/3}| [/itex] for all [itex]x,y \in [0,1][/itex]. Must [itex]f [/itex] be absolutely continuous? Justify.

My question 3 is hard...

Edit: I removed the last problem which I eventually figured out...
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  • #2
Definition and Theorem

By the way, here are a definition and a theorem in case one has forgotten some terms relating to absolute continuity.

Definition: We say f is absolutely continuous if for any [itex]\epsilon > 0[/itex] there is some [itex]\delta > 0 [/itex] so that

[itex]\sum_{j=1,...,N} \left| f(b_j)-f(a_j) \right| < \epsilon[/itex] whenever [itex]\left{ \sum_{j=1,...,N} (b_j-a_j) < \delta \right} [/itex], where the intervals [itex](a_j, b_j) [/itex] are disjoint.

Theorem: If f is absolutely continuous on [a,b], then f' exists almost everywhere and [itex]f \in L^1([a,b]) [/itex]. Moreover, for [itex]a \leq x \leq b[/itex],

[itex] \int_a^x f'(y) dy = f(x) -f(a)[/itex].

A few other tools/facts: If f is absolutely continuous, then f is of bounded variation. If f is Lipschitz continuous, then f is absolutely continuous. If f is absolutely continuous, then f is uniformly continuous and continuous.

The reason why I'm having a hard time with these problems is because I don't know enough theorems relating to absolute continuity. So I don't have enough tools which I can apply to these problems.

I'll think about these some more...
  • #3
absolute continuity is the property you need to insure that having derivative = 0, a.e., makes the function constant, i believe. that's what it is really for, to generalize the MVT, and hence make integration possible. so to me these questions seems pretty artificial and technical, if i may say so.
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  • #4
Thanks for your reply Mathwonk! And thanks for all the other comments from the other (algebra) post. I haven't been able to keep up with all the comments because I'm currently reviewing analysis. But I will read them in next week's time.

I figured out all of the above except for my Question 3. I can type what I came up with so far (a partial proof), but I can't finish it or can I come up with a counterexample...

By the way, above comment is a good intuition! It helps to understand absolute continuity better!
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  • #5
Let's modify the above problem and assume [itex] |f(x) - f(y)|\leq |x^{1/2}-y^{1/2}| [/itex] instead. I don't know if this is easier.

Proof: Let [itex]\cup_{i=1}^N (a_i, b_i)[/itex] be a disjoint union of open intervals in [0,1] such that [itex]\sum_{i=1}^n (b_i-a_i) < \delta [/itex].

Then [itex]\sum_{i=1}^N |f(b_i)-f(a_i)|\leq \sum_{i=1}^N |(b_i)^{1/2}-(a_i)^{1/2}| = \sum_{i=1}^N | b_i-a_i |/|(b_i)^{1/2}+(a_i)^{1/2}| [/itex]

I want to show that this is less than epsilon.

Since [itex] (a_i, b_i)[/itex] is an open interval, [itex]a_i \not = b_i[/itex] right? So we have [itex]\sum_{i=1}^n b_i+ a_i > c [/itex] for some c...

I would like to find a lower bound...
  • #6
i guess for 3, i would take f = x^1/3 and see if it is lipschitz, probably not. then try to see if abs contin.

this also suggests answers to questions about inverses of abs cont fcns.

and read the lebesgue decomposition lemma.?

it seems also that an absolutely continuous fcn is the integral of its derivative. now the derivative of x^1/3 is unbounded but has an improper integral.

i don't know how to use this. probably a little reading or googling is in order.

well wiki says local absolute continuity is equivalent to absolute continuity of the distribution derivative. so the unboundedness of the derive may imply x^1/3 is not abs contin. see royden if available. this is my weakest basic pure subject.
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  • #7
Here's another thm for you: Differentiable ==> Lipschitz continuous.

So if you want to follow mathwonk's program, you just have to investigate lipschitz zness at x=0. (it probably isn't)
  • #8
it does not have to be diffble everywhere, just a.e.

and i think the result is that continuous derivative implies lipschitz.

but check out this page.

it all depnds on whether x^(-2/3) is L1 on [0,1] or not and represents x^(1/3) as an integral which i think it does, in the lebesgue sense.

i.e. x^1/3 does seem to be the lebesgue integral of its unbounded derivative. so then one just applies the defn of abs con to get the answer yes? to prob 3?
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  • #9
mathwonk said:
and i think the result is that continuous derivative implies lipschitz.

Allow me. :biggrin:

Since f is differentiable at x, given e>0, there is a d>0 such that |h|<d ==>

[tex]|f(x+h) - f(x) - f'(x)h| \leq \epsilon |h|[/tex]

Thus, by the "modified" triangle inequality,

[tex]|f(x+h) - f(x)| \leq |f'(x)h|+\epsilon |h|=(|f'(x)|+\epsilon)|h|[/tex]

This is the inequality required for Lipschitz continuity at x.
  • #10
Thanks for all your input!

I was joyful at first but I don't think f is Lipschitz continuous at x for almost all x implies that f is absolutely continuous.

Maybe f is Lipschitz continuous at x for almost all x implies that f is almost absolutely continous?

Related to Problems relating to Absolute Continuity

1. What is absolute continuity?

Absolute continuity is a mathematical concept that describes the relationship between two sets of numbers or values. It means that the values in one set are related to the values in another set in a precise and continuous way, without any gaps or breaks. In other words, the values in one set can be determined or predicted based on the values in the other set.

2. How is absolute continuity different from continuity?

Continuity describes the relationship between two sets of values where there are no sudden changes or breaks. In contrast, absolute continuity requires that there are no gaps or breaks between the values in the two sets. This means that a set of values can be continuous without being absolutely continuous, but if it is absolutely continuous, it must also be continuous.

3. What are some real-world applications of absolute continuity?

Absolute continuity is used in many areas of science and mathematics, such as calculus, differential equations, and probability theory. It is also used in physics, engineering, and economics to model and predict relationships between different variables. For example, the relationship between voltage and current in an electrical circuit is described by absolute continuity.

4. How is absolute continuity related to the concept of derivatives?

Derivatives are a mathematical tool used to describe the rate of change between two sets of values. Absolute continuity is closely related to this concept because it also describes a precise and continuous relationship between two sets of values. In fact, the derivative of a function is defined as the absolute continuity of that function.

5. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using absolute continuity?

While absolute continuity is a useful concept in many mathematical and scientific applications, it is not always applicable. In some cases, the values in one set may not be related to the values in another set in a precise and continuous way, making it difficult to use absolute continuity. Additionally, absolute continuity may not hold true for very complex or chaotic systems where there are many factors and variables at play.

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