Problem 2.2 in Nielsen & Chuang - Properties of the Schmidt number

Applying this to our problem, we have:$$|\alpha \bar{\beta} \langle \phi \lvert \gamma \rangle|^2 = |\alpha|^2 |\beta|^2 |\langle \phi \lvert \gamma \rangle|^2 \leq |\alpha|^2 |\langle \phi \lvert \phi \rangle| |\beta|^2 |\langle \gamma \lvert
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I started reading the Nielsen and Chuang book on quantum computation and quantum informations. I got stuck by the last question of Problem 2.2. I got the other problems, but i can't see this one. I guess it's not really difficult, but as i am new in this field, some help will be nice :)

Homework Statement

Suppose ##\rvert \psi \rangle ## is a pure state of a composite system with components ##A## and ##B##, such that: $$\vert \psi \rangle = \alpha \rvert \phi \rangle + \beta \rvert \gamma \rangle$$
Prove that:
$$ \textrm{Sch}(\psi) \geq \rvert \textrm{Sch}(\phi) - \textrm{Sch}(\gamma) \rvert$$

where ##\textrm{Sch}(x)## is the Schmidt number of the pure state labeled ##x##.

2. The attempt at a solution

Here is what i tried. Let's assume that ## \textrm{Sch}(\phi) > \textrm{Sch}(\gamma)##. If we write the Schmidt decomposition of ##\phi## and ##\gamma##:
\rvert \phi \rangle = \sum_i \phi_i \rvert a_i^{\phi} \rangle \rvert b_i^{\phi} \rangle\\
\rvert \gamma \rangle = \sum_i \gamma_i \rvert a_i^{\gamma} \rangle \rvert b_i^{\gamma} \rangle

we can then calculate the partial trace of ##\psi## regarding component ##A##:

\rho \equiv tr_B(\rvert \psi \rangle \langle \psi \lvert) = |\alpha|^2 \rho_{\phi \phi} + |\beta|^2 \rho_{\gamma \gamma} + \alpha \bar{\beta} \rho_{\phi \gamma} + \bar{\alpha} \beta \rho_{\gamma \phi}
\rho_{\phi \phi} \equiv tr_B(\rvert \phi \rangle \langle \phi \lvert) = \sum_i \phi_i^2 \rvert a_i^{\phi} \rangle \langle a_i^{\phi} \lvert\\

\rho_{\gamma \gamma} \equiv tr_B(\rvert \gamma \rangle \langle \gamma \lvert) = \sum_i \gamma_i^2 \rvert a_i^{\gamma} \rangle \langle a_i^{\gamma} \lvert\\

\rho_{\phi \gamma}\equiv tr_B(\rvert \phi \rangle \langle \gamma \lvert) = \sum_i \phi_i \rvert a_i^{\phi} \rangle \sum_j \gamma_j \langle b_j^{\gamma} | b_i^{\phi} \rangle \langle a_j^{\gamma} |\\

\rho_{\gamma \phi}\equiv tr_B(\rvert \gamma \rangle \langle \phi \lvert) = \sum_i \gamma_i \rvert a_i^{\gamma} \rangle \sum_j \phi_j \langle b_j^{\phi} | b_i^{\gamma} \rangle \langle a_j^{\phi} |

it can be seen that ##Im(\rho_{\phi \gamma})## is a subspace of ##Im(\rho_{\phi})##, and similarly that ##Im(\rho_{\gamma \phi})## is a subspace of ##Im(\rho_{\gamma})##. We define ## P_{\gamma} ## the projector onto ##Im(\rho_{\gamma})## and
P_{\gamma}^{\perp} = I - P_{\gamma}
the projection onto the orthogonal complement of ##Im(\rho_{\gamma})##. As ##\textrm{Sch}(\gamma) < \textrm{Sch}(\psi)##, the subspace corresponding to ##P_{\gamma}^{\perp}## is not reduced to the zero vector.
We end-up with:
\rho = P_{\gamma}( |\alpha|^2 \rho_{\phi \phi} + |\beta|^2 \rho_{\gamma \gamma} + \alpha \bar{\beta} \rho_{\phi \gamma} + \bar{\alpha} \beta \rho_{\gamma \phi} ) + P_{\gamma}^{\perp} ( |\alpha|^2 \rho_{\phi \phi} + \alpha \bar{\beta} \rho_{\phi \gamma} )

As the subspaces corresponding to the two defined projectors are orthogonal:
rank(\rho) = rank(P_{\gamma}( |\alpha|^2 \rho_{\phi \phi} + |\beta|^2 \rho_{\gamma \gamma} + \alpha \bar{\beta} \rho_{\phi \gamma} + \bar{\alpha} \beta \rho_{\gamma \phi} )) + rank(P_{\gamma}^{\perp} ( |\alpha|^2 \rho_{\phi \phi} + \alpha \bar{\beta} \rho_{\phi \gamma} )) \geq rank(P_{\gamma}^{\perp} ( |\alpha|^2 \rho_{\phi \phi} + \alpha \bar{\beta} \rho_{\phi \gamma} ))
I was hopping to conclude by claiming that:
rank(P_{\gamma}^{\perp} ( |\alpha|^2 \rho_{\phi \phi} + \alpha \bar{\beta} \rho_{\phi \gamma} )) \geq \textrm{Sch}(\phi) - \textrm{Sch}(\gamma)
but it is not correct, as i find counter examples. Therefore i don't think that i am following the right track.
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  • #2
Any help would be appreciated.Hello,

I am a fellow scientist and I would be happy to help you with this problem. First, let's define the Schmidt decomposition for a pure state ##\rvert \psi \rangle## of a composite system with components ##A## and ##B##:

\rvert \psi \rangle = \sum_i \lambda_i \rvert a_i \rangle \rvert b_i \rangle

where ##\lambda_i## are the Schmidt coefficients and ##\rvert a_i \rangle## and ##\rvert b_i \rangle## are orthonormal bases for components ##A## and ##B##, respectively. The Schmidt number of a pure state is defined as the number of non-zero Schmidt coefficients, so for our state ##\rvert \psi \rangle##, we have ##\textrm{Sch}(\psi) = k##, where ##k## is the number of non-zero Schmidt coefficients.

Now, let's look at the Schmidt decomposition for the states ##\rvert \phi \rangle## and ##\rvert \gamma \rangle## given in the problem:

\rvert \phi \rangle = \sum_i \phi_i \rvert a_i^{\phi} \rangle \rvert b_i^{\phi} \rangle\\
\rvert \gamma \rangle = \sum_i \gamma_i \rvert a_i^{\gamma} \rangle \rvert b_i^{\gamma} \rangle

where ##\phi_i## and ##\gamma_i## are the Schmidt coefficients and ##\rvert a_i^{\phi} \rangle##, ##\rvert b_i^{\phi} \rangle##, ##\rvert a_i^{\gamma} \rangle##, and ##\rvert b_i^{\gamma} \rangle## are orthonormal bases for components ##A## and ##B##, respectively. We can see that the Schmidt numbers for these states are ##\textrm{Sch}(\phi) = n## and ##\textrm{Sch}(\gamma) = m##, where ##n## and ##m## are the number of non-zero Schmidt coefficients for ##\rvert \phi \rangle## and ##\rvert \gamma \rangle##, respectively.

Now, to prove the inequality, we will use the Cauchy-S

Related to Problem 2.2 in Nielsen & Chuang - Properties of the Schmidt number

1. What is the Schmidt number and why is it important in quantum mechanics?

The Schmidt number is a measure of entanglement in a quantum system. It quantifies how strongly two subsystems are entangled with each other. In quantum mechanics, entanglement is a fundamental property that allows two or more particles to have a shared state, regardless of the distance between them. The Schmidt number helps us understand the degree of entanglement in a system, which is essential for various quantum information processing tasks.

2. How is the Schmidt number related to the concept of quantum superposition?

The Schmidt number is closely related to quantum superposition. In a quantum system with two subsystems, the Schmidt number is equal to the number of terms in the superposition of the overall state that are needed to describe the entanglement between the two subsystems. In other words, the higher the Schmidt number, the more complex the entanglement between the subsystems, and the more terms are needed in the superposition to describe it.

3. Can the Schmidt number be greater than the dimension of the smaller subsystem?

No, the Schmidt number cannot be greater than the dimension of the smaller subsystem. This is because the Schmidt number is limited by the number of terms in the superposition needed to describe the entanglement between the subsystems. Since the dimension of the smaller subsystem represents the maximum number of terms in a superposition, the Schmidt number cannot exceed it.

4. How can we calculate the Schmidt number of a quantum system?

The Schmidt number can be calculated by finding the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix of the subsystems. The reduced density matrix is obtained by tracing out the degrees of freedom of the other subsystem. The Schmidt number is then equal to the number of non-zero eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix. Alternatively, it can also be calculated by finding the square root of the sum of squares of the Schmidt coefficients, which are obtained by performing a singular value decomposition of the overall state of the system.

5. Are there any general properties of the Schmidt number that hold for all quantum systems?

Yes, there are a few general properties of the Schmidt number that hold for all quantum systems. For example, the Schmidt number is always non-negative and is equal to 1 for separable (non-entangled) states. It also follows the triangle inequality, meaning that the Schmidt number of a composite system cannot be greater than the sum of the Schmidt numbers of its subsystems. Additionally, the Schmidt number is invariant under local unitary transformations, which means that it does not change when we apply operations to individual subsystems.

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