Preparing for a PDE Presentation in 1.5 Weeks

In summary, the book suggests that a quick and dirty presentation on wave equations using the separation of variables tecnique may be a viable option, while more in-depth treatments of the mathematical methods employed or derivation leading up to the expressions may be more appealing to some audiences.
  • #1
I have to give a 35-50 minute presentation on PDEs in a week and a half for my class. I really don't have much knowledge of PDE's and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good internet rescourses etc. that would help me get a decent grasp so that I could make a decent presentation and answer a few questions.

I guess I was thinking of doing the speration of variables tecnique but I am open to other suggestions, thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2
Check this:

The book is cheap and may be a quick and dirty enough to give a presentation.

Also, if you don't want to purchase anything. Download these Maple presentations:

You have to get a maple account, but it is free. These are really really nice. Very visual.
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  • #3
What about giving it on a certain function? I am worried that some of the people, might not learn anything new, its a senior level/grad course. Perhaps if I just concentrated on one function would it be better than simply giving a general talk on it?
  • #4
You will have to wait for the big sluggers to come around. I've only taken one class on PDE's and it was very basic (covered laplace, heat, and wave equations, and Fourier series solutions).

I was just posting some links that I found very helpful when I took the class. I especially enjoyed the maple worksheets.

I found the wave equation to be very interesting. It was especially cool to see it graphed and move, to see how the information propagates. I believe one of those Maple worksheets yields a solution to the two dimensional wave by starting with separation of variables to fourier, and then has some nice animations.

I'm an engineering major, so seeing it "work" in action was what I really liked. Math majors might rather see the mathematical methods employed, and physicists might like seeing the derivation leading up to the actual expressions. Just depends on the audience I guess :)
  • #5
hey thanks for those links, for the maple link, to view I guess I need maple, is there any trail download I can get to see the lesson?

I really thank you for your help, I have decided that I would like to do the wave equation. What do you think about maybe talking about a wave of a string or something classical like that, and then also doing a particle in an infinite sqaure well?
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  • #6
Isnt that too basic for a 35-50 minute presentation in senior level/grad course? Maybe you could solve some problem numerically with a finite element method or analytically solve the Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom in sphereical coordinates(See Arfken for a short introduction)
  • #7
not a bad idea, the hydrogen atom uses the separation of variables tecnique right? So I could go over an example of doing serperation of variables for a general PDE, and then go into solving the hydrogen atom?

Any other feedback would also be appreciated.
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Related to Preparing for a PDE Presentation in 1.5 Weeks

What is the best way to prepare for a PDE presentation in 1.5 weeks?

The best way to prepare for a PDE presentation in 1.5 weeks is to start by creating a detailed outline of your presentation. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you cover all of the necessary information. Next, gather all of your materials and conduct thorough research on your topic. Practice your presentation multiple times, paying attention to timing, transitions, and delivery. Finally, make sure to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated to maintain your focus and energy during the presentation.

How can I make my PDE presentation engaging and interactive?

To make your PDE presentation engaging and interactive, consider using visual aids such as slides, diagrams, or videos to support your points. Incorporate group activities or discussions to involve the audience and encourage participation. Use real-life examples or case studies to make the topic relatable and interesting. Additionally, practice your delivery and use a confident and enthusiastic tone to keep the audience engaged.

Should I include technical jargon and complex equations in my PDE presentation?

It is important to consider your audience when deciding whether to include technical jargon and complex equations in your PDE presentation. If your audience consists of fellow scientists or experts in the field, it may be appropriate to use technical language and equations. However, if your audience consists of non-scientists or individuals with limited knowledge of the subject, it is best to simplify your language and use visuals to explain complex concepts.

How do I handle difficult questions during my PDE presentation?

Handling difficult questions during your PDE presentation can be nerve-wracking, but it is important to stay calm and professional. If you do not know the answer to a question, it is okay to admit it and offer to follow up with the person later. If the question is off-topic or disruptive, politely redirect the conversation back to your presentation. Remember to listen carefully, maintain eye contact, and thank the person for their question.

What should I do to prepare for technical difficulties during my PDE presentation?

To prepare for technical difficulties during your PDE presentation, make sure to have a backup plan in case of technical issues. This can include having a printed copy of your presentation, bringing a USB with your slides, or having an alternate device available for presenting. It is also a good idea to arrive early to set up and test your equipment. If technical difficulties do occur during your presentation, try to remain calm and troubleshoot the issue calmly. If necessary, you can always continue with your presentation without visual aids or reschedule for a later time.

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