Physics Curriculum: Am I Leaving Anything Out?

In summary, you are an undergrad who has switched majors and is now doing all of the math for a 4 year physics major in order to do most of the graduate core program next year. You are doing well in most of the classes you are taking and are hoping somebody can look at the classes you are planning on taking and tell you if this is adequate preparation.
  • #1
Hi, I thought perhaps some of the more experienced members of the forum could give me some advice: So I'm an undergrad I've got 3 more semesters to go before I graduate, and basically last summer I just woke up one day and decided I wanted to be a theoretical or mathematical physicist, so I switched out of my old major and into the math program after not having studied any math before (past baby single variable calculus); now starting with the current semester (the one that's about to end) I'm doing the entire 4 year math major this year so I can do most of the graduate core program next year and I'm also taking basically all the grad theoretical physics classes they have (people keep telling me nobody does this and nobody can blah blah blah but I jumped into classes like grad quantum mechanics without any prior knowledge and I'm getting mostly A's, a few B's and definitely nothing lower than that, it's just a matter of picking up background material). Anyways, I was hoping somebody could look at the classes I was planning on taking the next 3 semesters and let me know if this is adequate preparation to do well in a graduate theoretical or mathematical physics program or if I'm leaving out some important subjects. I know that's what I have an academic advisor for, but the physics faculty over here all just tell me I'm crazy for trying to do this and that they can't understand how I'm just able to jump into high level classes and do so well but they still think I should take a more traditional approach, and I'm not interested in listening to that from them no matter who they are (I stood up to a prof. who has over 200 publications in math/physics and who is also a former editor in chief of the journal of mathematical physics, so that should let you know how serious I am about it). Anyways:
(This semester I took the standard real analysis, topology, grad quantum, a grad math methods for physics, linear algebra, and Fourier analysis)
Next semester: Grad quantum II, General Relativity, Classical Mechanics, Topology II (basic algebraic topology), Abstract Algebra, and Differential Geometry (this was is an Independent study with a professor who is encouraging me to do some research with him this summer in discrete
Riemannian geometry and possibly some applications to mathematical physics)
Then: Quantum Field Theory, Symplectic Geometry, Representation Theory, Electromagnetism, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis
Last Semester: Algebraic Topology (more advanced grad class), continue with the E&M and QFT and Complex Analysis and Functional Analysis sequences...
So am I leaving anything big out? Is doing all of this in 2 years good enough to make up for not studying any physics at all up until this point as far as graduate school goes? Thanks for your time.
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  • #2
Well you sound like a very smart person. Just two things to remember. Basic fundamental physics is important. Though it may not be as interesting as the courses you are taking make sure you understand the basics as well as anybody who has taken the course. The other thing, i wuldn't stand up to your profesors too much. Where do you think you letters of recommendation come from. Anything else, ask someone else, I'm still an undergrad myself.
  • #3
Hey thanks for the resopnse, I do agree with you about understanding the basics (though on one hand it seems like understanding every detail of the fundamentals helps most in placing the more advanced subject in context and understanding why results are significant). in my very limited experience and from talking with physics majors it seems as though the core graduate classes do cover the basics, just in a more rigorous and also a more mathematical way...I realized that I missed thermodynamics and statistical physics in my planning, is this somebody I absolutely need for theoretical and mathematical work? As for standing up to profs, I'm never out to fight with anybody but of course I won't listen to them if I don't agree; besides, and perhaps this is foolish, but I think I would much rather have a on a rec letter "student didn't listen to me and was able to make it work very well his own way" than pretty much most other things since that shows independence...
  • #4
I realized that I missed thermodynamics and statistical physics in my planning, is this somebody I absolutely need for theoretical and mathematical work?
I am too very interested in hearing the answer for this as I am in the same situation in that I also missed taking thermodynamics and statistical physics. I know some basic stuff and the main concepts, but in general very little.

Related to Physics Curriculum: Am I Leaving Anything Out?

1. What topics should be covered in a physics curriculum?

A typical physics curriculum should cover topics such as mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, optics, and modern physics. It is important to also include concepts such as scientific inquiry, problem-solving skills, and experimental design.

2. How do you ensure a well-rounded understanding of physics in a curriculum?

A well-rounded understanding of physics can be achieved by incorporating a combination of theoretical concepts, hands-on experiments, and real-world applications. It is also important to provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills in different contexts.

3. Can a physics curriculum be tailored to different grade levels?

Yes, a physics curriculum can be tailored to different grade levels by adjusting the level of difficulty and complexity of the content. For example, younger students may focus more on basic concepts and practical applications, while older students can delve deeper into mathematical equations and abstract theories.

4. How can technology be integrated into a physics curriculum?

Technology can be integrated into a physics curriculum in various ways, such as using simulations and virtual experiments to enhance understanding of complex concepts, incorporating data collection and analysis tools, and incorporating multimedia resources for visual and interactive learning experiences.

5. How do you keep a physics curriculum relevant and up-to-date?

To keep a physics curriculum relevant and up-to-date, it is important to regularly review and update the content to reflect new discoveries and advancements in the field. It is also beneficial to incorporate current events and real-world applications of physics to engage students and show the relevance of the subject in their daily lives.

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