Overcoming Fear of Writing to Pursue Engineering Degree

In summary: This is a condition that causes those afflicted to have difficulty with communication and it often goes hand in hand with dyslexia. With that being said, you might want to consider taking a class or two in public speaking to help you with your presentation skills. While it won't be a cure-all, it will definitely help.Hi Guys,I'm looking for some guidance and motivation. I’ve always been very interested in engineering and have pondered returning to school and obtaining a degree. I never went to college because I really fear and dislike writing.For the last 10 years this has been the only thing keeping me from enrolling. Lately my urge and desire has grown too strong to ignore and I
  • #1
Hi Guys,
I'm looking for some guidance and motivation. I’ve always been very interested in engineering and have pondered returning to school and obtaining a degree. I never went to college because I really fear and dislike writing. For the last 10 years this has been the only thing keeping me from enrolling. Lately my urge and desire has grown too strong to ignore and I’m now ready to face my fear of having to write college papers. While I’m ready to face my fear I still realize that my writing skills will be severely lacking. I was the guy in High School that aced the Math, Science and Chem. classes but barely passed the English. I’d like to know how much of a detriment this will be for a M.E. degree?
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  • #2
I think this is a bit off-topic, even in reply, but your english seems good enough to where if you take the classes and work worth a tutor, or at least work closely enough with your English professors so that you understand their expectations, you'll do fine.

It doesn't hurt to buy an MLA book (find out what your university or class uses for technicalities, it may not be MLA) to reference all the picky parts of it that English classes demand like commas and grammar.
  • #3
I think you just have to attack it head-on, and use whatever resources your university provides - tutoring, office hours, remedial or supplemental writing classes - and most of all just persistance.

Hopefully, what advantage you have is being more mature than likely the other freshman in your class - starting assignment early, not procrastinating, asking for help, etc.

One tip is to go to the professors office hours the very 1st opportunity and just say flat out "I'm no good at writing" and that you will work hard and would like any advice/help on how to pass. It is _much_ easier for them to give good advice _before_ the 1st bad grade :)
  • #4
It won't be the same for every college, but at mine, during our first year basic classes, like physics, all labs had to go through a writing style tutor to be signed off. It was definitely tough to get the lab reports the way the school wanted them. I also had a technical writing class as well in my junior year. Again, depending on the school, you should have ample resources to help you with your writing skills and getting them up to snuff. This is not a good excuse for putting off a great educational experience. There should be advisors at the school you are considering that can show you the options available to help you.

The part that I don't think you have realized is that in a professional engineering environment, you will have to do paperwork. You will have to present your work/findigs/designs, etc...If you really do have this kind of fear, you need to get around it now.

Buckle down, don't let your ego get in the way. Ask for help and if needs be, get a tutor.
  • #5
Yeah, Fred makes an excellent point. As much as we'd all like to, we can't communicate in pure numbers. You have to mix it with english to clearly communicate your point.

In fact, communications class has become a requirement at most universities because of the common trait, aphasia, in the science community.

Related to Overcoming Fear of Writing to Pursue Engineering Degree

What is the fear of writing and how does it affect pursuing an engineering degree?

The fear of writing, also known as graphophobia, is the intense and irrational fear of writing or trying to write. This fear can greatly impact an individual's pursuit of an engineering degree as it may hinder their ability to effectively communicate their ideas and thoughts through writing, which is a crucial skill in the field of engineering.

What are some common reasons for having a fear of writing?

There are a variety of reasons why someone may have a fear of writing. Some common reasons include past negative experiences with writing, lack of confidence in one's writing abilities, perfectionism, and fear of being judged or criticized for their writing.

How can one overcome their fear of writing to pursue an engineering degree?

First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge and understand the root cause of one's fear of writing. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial in addressing and overcoming this fear. Additionally, practicing writing regularly, setting achievable goals, and seeking feedback from others can also help in building confidence and overcoming the fear of writing.

Are there any specific writing techniques or strategies that can be helpful for engineering students?

One helpful writing technique for engineering students is to break down larger writing tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. This can help alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed and make the writing process less daunting. Additionally, outlining and brainstorming before starting to write can help organize thoughts and ideas, making the writing process more efficient and effective.

How can writing skills benefit an engineering career?

Strong writing skills are essential for success in the field of engineering. As engineers often need to communicate complex technical information to various audiences, the ability to write clearly and effectively is crucial. Additionally, writing skills can also help with problem-solving, critical thinking, and project management, all of which are important skills in the engineering industry.

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