Optimizing Point Estimates: Bias and Variance Analysis for Mean Estimation

In summary, the bias of the point estimate for μ = 3 is zero, the variance of the point estimate is 13, and the mean square error is 8.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose that:
E(X1) = μ, Var(X1) = 7,
E(X2) = μ, Var(X2) = 13,
E(X3) = μ, and Var(X3) = 20,

and consider the point estimates:

μˆ1 = X1/3 + X2/3 + X3/3
μˆ2 = X1/4 + X2/3 + X3/5
μˆ3 = X1/6 + X2/3 + X3/4 + 2

(a) Calculate the bias of each point estimate. Is anyone of
them unbiased?
(b) Calculate the variance of each point estimate. Which
one has the smallest variance?
(c) Calculate the mean square error of each point estimate.
Which point estimate has the smallest mean square
error when μ = 3?

Homework Equations

Var(μ) = [itex]\frac{1}{n-1}[/itex] [itex]\sum[/itex](xi -[itex]\bar{X}[/itex])2 from i=1 to n for unbiased
Var(μ) = [itex]\frac{1}{n}[/itex] [itex]\sum[/itex](xi -[itex]\bar{X}[/itex])2 from i=1 to n for biased

The Attempt at a Solution

I found out part a) pretty easily: I just replaced all the Xn values with μ and if it returned μ again, it was unbiased.

The problem I'm having with, is part B. I just don't know what to plug into the forumulae displaed above!
I tried plugging in the variance for each of the X values, subtracting what I assumed to be the mean of those values and squaring what I got. Then I divided it by n for unbiased (b and c)
This is what I did for b) as an example:


But the answer I'm getting is wrong. It was a wild shot anyway. I tried watching a few videos on Youtube to understand the concept and I think I get it. But it's the Variance OF the mean that's really bothering me.
After that, c) should be easy since all I have to do is to subtract the square of the bias from the variance I'm getting.
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  • #2
emperorvinayak said:

Homework Statement

Suppose that:
E(X1) = μ, Var(X1) = 7,
E(X2) = μ, Var(X2) = 13,
E(X3) = μ, and Var(X3) = 20,

and consider the point estimates:

μˆ1 = X1/3 + X2/3 + X3/3
μˆ2 = X1/4 + X2/3 + X3/5
μˆ3 = X1/6 + X2/3 + X3/4 + 2

(a) Calculate the bias of each point estimate. Is anyone of
them unbiased?
(b) Calculate the variance of each point estimate. Which
one has the smallest variance?
(c) Calculate the mean square error of each point estimate.
Which point estimate has the smallest mean square
error when μ = 3?

Homework Equations

Var(μ) = [itex]\frac{1}{n-1}[/itex] [itex]\sum[/itex](xi -[itex]\bar{X}[/itex])2 from i=1 to n for unbiased
Var(μ) = [itex]\frac{1}{n}[/itex] [itex]\sum[/itex](xi -[itex]\bar{X}[/itex])2 from i=1 to n for biased

The Attempt at a Solution

I found out part a) pretty easily: I just replaced all the Xn values with μ and if it returned μ again, it was unbiased.

The problem I'm having with, is part B. I just don't know what to plug into the forumulae displaed above!
I tried plugging in the variance for each of the X values, subtracting what I assumed to be the mean of those values and squaring what I got. Then I divided it by n for unbiased (b and c)
This is what I did for b) as an example:


But the answer I'm getting is wrong. It was a wild shot anyway. I tried watching a few videos on Youtube to understand the concept and I think I get it. But it's the Variance OF the mean that's really bothering me.
After that, c) should be easy since all I have to do is to subtract the square of the bias from the variance I'm getting.

If ##X_1, X_2, X_3## are dependent, you cannot say what the above variances are without also knowing the covariances between different ##X_j##. If they are independent, you have not used known elementary results about combining variances in linear combinations. Back to square one.

Never mind Youtube; try reading some actual articles on-line or in your textbook.
  • #3
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for "you have not used known elementary results about combining variances in linear combinations."!

I looked that up and got the answer.. So it's nothing but [itex]\frac{7}{16}+\frac{13}{9}+\frac{20}{25}[/itex]

I don't have the exact answer to this but I tried a similar problem that had the solutions at the back and it's correct! All I had to do was to square the constants being multiplied by the Xn variables and add them up.

Thanks again for your time I really appreciate it! :)

Related to Optimizing Point Estimates: Bias and Variance Analysis for Mean Estimation

What is the mean and why is it important to estimate its variance?

The mean is a measure of central tendency that represents the average value of a dataset. It is important to estimate the variance of the mean because it provides information about the spread or variability of the data around the mean. This can help determine the reliability and precision of the mean as a representation of the dataset.

How is the variance of the mean calculated?

The variance of the mean is calculated by taking the sum of the squared differences between each data point and the mean, and then dividing by the total number of data points. This value is also known as the mean squared deviation.

What does a low variance of the mean indicate?

A low variance of the mean indicates that the data points are closely clustered around the mean, suggesting that the mean is a reliable representation of the dataset. This is also known as a "tight" or "narrow" distribution.

What does a high variance of the mean indicate?

A high variance of the mean indicates that the data points are more spread out or dispersed, suggesting that the mean may not accurately represent the dataset. This is also known as a "wide" or "loose" distribution.

How can the variance of the mean be used in hypothesis testing?

The variance of the mean can be used in hypothesis testing to determine the statistical significance of a difference between two means. If the difference between the means is larger than the expected variance of the mean, it is more likely to be a true difference and not due to chance. This can help researchers make more accurate conclusions about their data.

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