No distinction between positive and negative for imag nums?

So the roots are 3-2i and -3+2i. In summary, the complex n-th root of a number is not unique and can have multiple solutions, including both positive and negative values. This is different from finding the square root of a positive real number, where there is only one solution.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
I am solving for the square root of a complex number, namely: ##\sqrt{5 -12i}## Let's assume for brevity's sake that I already have the solution ##3- 2i##. This is fine and well, but the book that I am reading goes on to say that "##- (3 -2i)## is an equally valid solution, since there is no distinction between 'positive' and 'negative' for nonreal numbers." How is this so? Why do both of these solution work for the root of a complex number, while if I were calculating ##\sqrt{5 - 12 \sqrt{2}}## there would only be one solution, namely the positive one?
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  • #2
This is clearly untrue. Just consider the example ##w = a + 0i## and ##z = -(a + 0i)##. Clearly there is a distinction.

Now, for example, in the case of the reals, there is a difference between finding the square root of a number and solving for the roots of a polynomial. If I wrote "what is ##\sqrt{4}##?" then the answer would be ##2##, but if I asked for the roots of ##x^2 - 4 = 0 \Rightarrow x^2 = 4##, then there are clearly two solutions, ##-2## and ##2##.

But this is just common practice. When people write the square root symbol with no context, they mean the positive solution; however, clearly the negative solution squared will yield the term in the square root as well.
  • #3
axmls said:
But this is just common practice. When people write the square root symbol with no context, they mean the positive solution; however, clearly the negative solution squared will yield the term in the square root as well.
But neither i nor -i are positive. There is no algebraic test that can distinguish between ##i=\sqrt{-1}## and ##j=-\sqrt{-1}##
  • #4
axmls said:
This is clearly untrue. Just consider the example ##w = a + 0i## and ##z = -(a + 0i)##. Clearly there is a distinction.

The quote says "nonreal numbers". You need to give examples from ##\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}##.
  • #5
Mr Davis 97 said:
I am solving for the square root of a complex number, namely: ##\sqrt{5 -12i}## Let's assume for brevity's sake that I already have the solution ##3- 2i##. This is fine and well, but the book that I am reading goes on to say that "##- (3 -2i)## is an equally valid solution, since there is no distinction between 'positive' and 'negative' for nonreal numbers." How is this so? Why do both of these solution work for the root of a complex number, while if I were calculating ##\sqrt{5 - 12 \sqrt{2}}## there would only be one solution, namely the positive one?
When you are in the complex domain there are new rules and new ways to look at things. Example: When you say ##5 -12i## I immediately convert it to ##r\cdot e^{i\phi} ## with r being 13 and φ being -1.17601. From there you can take the square root easily - (square root of r and φ/2). But in doing so, you forget that ##e^{i\phi}## and ##e^{i(\phi+2\pi)} ## represent the same number! So, taking the square root you must include both the solution with φ/2 and the solution with φ/2+π. And, since ##e^{i\pi}=-1 ##, you see why the other solution is included...
  • #6
The n-th root of an imaginary number Z is not unique. It means all the numbers z1, z2 z3 ... the n-th power of which is Z: (zk)n=Z.

You can find the second root of 5-12i as a+ib so as (a+ib)2=5-12i. This means real equations for both the real part and imaginary part:
a2-b2=5, 2ab=-12. Eliminating b and solving the quadratic equation for a2, only one solution is positive, a2=9, so the solutions are a = 3 and b = -2; and a = -3, b = 2.

As for the complex n-th root, the n-the roots of the unit 1 are cos((2π/n)k)+isin((2π/n)k) for k=0, 1, n-1, or, in Euler's notation e((2π/n)ki). So the second roots of 1 are cos(0)+i sin(0) = 1 and cos(π) +i sin(π) = -1.
The n-th roots of a general complex number ##Z=|Z|e^{iΦ}## are ##\sqrt[n] {|Z|}e^{i(Φ/n + (2π/n) k }## for k=0, 1, 2...n-1 where |Z|1/n is the real n-th root of |Z|.
Written in trigonometric form, ##Z^{1/n}=\sqrt[n] {|Z|}(\cos(Φ/n + (2π/n) k)+i\sin(Φ/n + (2π/n) k)##.
This way the second roots of Z=5-12i are = √13 (cos(Φ/2+πk)+i sin( Φ/2+πk) ), where Φ=arctan(-12/5) cos(Φ)=5/13, sin(Φ)=-12/13, and k = 0, 1.
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Related to No distinction between positive and negative for imag nums?

What are imaginary numbers?

Imaginary numbers are numbers that can be written in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (defined as the square root of -1).

What is the difference between positive and negative imaginary numbers?

There is no distinction between positive and negative imaginary numbers, as they both follow the same rules of arithmetic and are used to represent complex numbers in the form a + bi.

Why are imaginary numbers useful?

Imaginary numbers are useful for solving problems that involve square roots of negative numbers, such as in electrical engineering, physics, and other fields.

How are imaginary numbers represented on a graph?

Imaginary numbers are represented on a graph using the complex plane, where the horizontal axis represents the real numbers and the vertical axis represents the imaginary numbers.

Can imaginary numbers be used in real-life applications?

Yes, imaginary numbers have many real-life applications, including in electrical engineering, physics, and signal processing.

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