Need some help with some various integrals (studying for finals)

I'm pretty sure it's all x, but I'm not going to check). So this way you can check for yourself.In summary, a student is preparing for their Calc II final and has some questions about problems they are working on. They are struggling with finding the correct integral and partial fractions for certain problems. They are seeking guidance and are determined to work hard and improve in the class.
  • #1
< Mentor Note -- thread moved from General Math to the Homework Help forums >Hi all,

Calc II finals is 4-5 weeks away...We're on Taylor Series right now, but I wanted to get started early on studying for the final. I have a few questions that are confusing me that I took from a final exam I saw online (not my college):

Problem 1:

Find f(x) given f prime (x) = ( 2x^(2/3) - 3x ) / x , and f(8) = 4.

I got 3x^(2/3) - 3x

I think the integral is correct, but am not sure what to do with the f(8) = 4. What does it mean in relation to this problem?

Problem 2:

Integral of (2x+3) * (sin(x/2))

-Here, I used Int. by parts --> u = 2x+3, du = 2dx, dV = sin(x/2), V = -2cos(x/2)

I ended up with -4xcos(x/2) - 6cos(x/2) + 8sin(x/2) + C <--This is incorrect/partially correct, as per the answers (on the bottom of that page [I can also post them here]).

Problem 2B:

The Integral of (15+4x-x^2) / (x-1)(x^2 + 5)
<---This seems/seemed like a partial fractions problem. I have:

A(x^2 + 5) + B(x-1) = 15+4x - x^2

Let x = 1, 6A = 18 --> A = 3.
I am stuck here. I can't make x into anything to get rid of the 5. What am I missing here? System of Equations? Completing the square? Would appreciate the guidance.

These are what I'm working on. This class has been hard for me, so I'm just trying to work hard and chug through problems.

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  • #2
leo255 said:
Problem 1:

Find f(x) given f prime (x) = ( 2x^(2/3) - 3x ) / x , and f(8) = 4.

I got 3x^(2/3) - 3x

I think the integral is correct, but am not sure what to do with the f(8) = 4. What does it mean in relation to this problem?

Your integral is almost correct, you're just missing the constant +c at the end. So now that you have


You can now apply f(8)=4 to find the value of the constant.
leo255 said:
Problem 2:

Integral of (2x+3) * (sin(x/2))

-Here, I used Int. by parts --> u = 2x+3, du = 2dx, dV = sin(x/2), V = -2cos(x/2)

I ended up with -4xcos(x/2) - 6cos(x/2) + 8sin(x/2) + C <--This is incorrect/partially correct, as per the answers (on the bottom of that page [I can also post them here]).

Why is it incorrect? It looks good to me. The only thing I would change would be to factorize the two cos(x/2) terms.

leo255 said:
Problem 2B:

The Integral of (15+4x-x^2) / (x-1)(x^2 + 5)
<---This seems/seemed like a partial fractions problem. I have:

A(x^2 + 5) + B(x-1) = 15+4x - x^2

Let x = 1, 6A = 18 --> A = 3.
I am stuck here. I can't make x into anything to get rid of the 5. What am I missing here? System of Equations? Completing the square? Would appreciate the guidance.
When you use partial fractions, the reason you choose constants such as A and B is because it's implied that the denominator has linear factors. What you're actually doing is choosing a polynomial of degree one less than the factor in your denominator. So the way you should decompose the above integral is into


We chose Bx+C because this is a general linear equation (one degree less than the quadratic in the denominator).

Now, for your other problem in not knowing what to plug in:

If you've studied complex numbers at all, you are allowed to choose x such that [itex]x^2+5=0[/itex] which would be [itex]x=\pm\sqrt{5}i[/itex]. But if you haven't or aren't comfortable with complex numbers, you're allowed to choose any value of x which will turn it into an equation with A,B,C unknown, but since you already found the value of A easily, you'll be left with two equations in the other 2 unknowns B and C, which you can of course solve simultaneously.
So choose something simple like x=0, or whatever else you feel will make the numbers easy to work with. You wouldn't choose x=100 for example, but any x will give the same result for the unknowns if you've done everything correctly up to that point.
leo255 said:
These are what I'm working on. This class has been hard for me, so I'm just trying to work hard and chug through problems.

Good luck!
  • #3
Thanks for the help! Yeah, I see that for the integration by parts question that I did, they just left it as (2x+3)(-2cos(x/x)), so that's probably where I was confused.

As far as the partial fractions problem:

putting together a system of equations, I'm getting:

A + B = -1
C - B = 4
5A - C = 15

I did this after plugging x = 0 into the equation to get rid of Bx, and got that C = 0, and later got that B = -4. As you can see, the system of equations above will still yield the same results.

The answer for the problem is 3ln(x-1) - 2ln(x^2 + 5) + C --> Obviously A is correct at 3, but I'm pretty sure I got B and C wrong.
  • #4
leo255 said:
Thanks for the help! Yeah, I see that for the integration by parts question that I did, they just left it as (2x+3)(-2cos(x/x)), so that's probably where I was confused.

As far as the partial fractions problem:

putting together a system of equations, I'm getting:

A + B = -1
C - B = 4
5A - C = 15

I did this after plugging x = 0 into the equation to get rid of Bx, and got that C = 0, and later got that B = -4. As you can see, the system of equations above will still yield the same results.

The answer for the problem is 3ln(x-1) - 2ln(x^2 + 5) + C --> Obviously A is correct at 3, but I'm pretty sure I got B and C wrong.

You can always check for yourself to confirm if you've gotten it right or not. Do your values satisfy the result? i.e. does

[tex]15+4x-x^2\equiv A(x^2+5)+(Bx+C)(x-1)[/tex]

given your values of A,B,C? I used the equivalent symbol [itex]\equiv[/itex] in this case to denote that it is true for all x.

Related to Need some help with some various integrals (studying for finals)

1. What are integrals?

Integrals are mathematical tools that are used to calculate the area under a curve. They are also used to find the volume of a solid with a curved surface.

2. How do I solve integrals?

Solving integrals involves using various techniques such as substitution, integration by parts, and trigonometric substitution. It is important to understand the properties of different types of integrals and their corresponding methods of solution.

3. Why are integrals important?

Integrals are important because they are used to solve a wide range of problems in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are also essential in understanding the concept of accumulation and the fundamental theorem of calculus.

4. How do I know which method to use when solving integrals?

The method used to solve an integral depends on the form of the integral and the functions involved. It is important to recognize the form of the integral and choose the appropriate method or combination of methods to solve it.

5. Are there any tips for solving integrals more efficiently?

Some tips for solving integrals more efficiently include practicing regularly, understanding the properties and rules of integrals, and breaking down complex integrals into smaller parts. It is also helpful to use online tools or software to check your solutions and provide step-by-step explanations.

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