Need slow flow high pressure wind generator fan design

In summary, Albert was discussing his idea to produce electricity from the wind by using a wind turbine on one of his windows. He mentioned that the turbine would need to be efficient in order to produce a high pressure output with low flow. He also said that a feasibility study would be needed before any such installation could be made.
  • #1

I have been toying with the idea of producing electricity from the cross winds that build up in my house.

Basically when I leave a window open one one side of my flat and open a window on the other the wind blows through the house very strong.

I want to place a wind generator on one of the windows and tie into the grid (the tie in bit I already know about) to get power.

The problem is that I don't want lost of wind flowing through my house, what I want is to use the pressure that builds up and let the air flow slowly but that has lost of pressure behind it.

Im getting confused myself but basically what I need is a fan design that will work well with low wind speed but high air pressure, imagine the old watermills turning slowly but with lots of power due to the water.

Any ideas

Albert Pizzarello - Gibraltar
Engineering news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Wind doesn't have a high pressure behind it, otherwise your house would blow up like a balloon and the power available in the wind is what it is - any power taken from it reduces the flow through the house by exactly the fraction of the volume you have flowing through the house. IE, if you recover half the power, you cut your flow rate in half.

Why not locate the turbine outside?
  • #3

Thanks but we can't place any object like dishes etc outside, due to community regulations etc.

Would a turbine type prop be more efficient under these circumstances ?

  • #4
More efficient than what and what do you mean by efficient? There are an awful lot of variables that go into designing a wind turbine and no single "efficiency" number. Your biggest limitation here is that you've got a very small cross sectional area exposed to the wind, so a very small amount of available wind energy. I'd just see what the specs are on wind turbines of the size of your window openings.
  • #5
Ok, Let's look at this a different way.

If I had a motor and wanted to produce high pressure (for example to inflate a car tyre) and the speed at which it pumps that up is not important.
Assuming same motor, same power applied to the motor, what prop type would produce the highest pressure more psi. An airplane type prop or a ducted fan type prop ?

What I am getting to is that why do jet engines use "props" with many blades all near each other, I assumed that that design produces more compression in the jet engine whilst a normal 2 or 3 bladed prop would not.

In my simple mind I would then use that configuration but inverse.

The problem is I don't know much about fan designs so I might be talking bu??it. :) Which is not the first time.

  • #6
OK OK, you have some bad terminology here. If you are trying for a really high pressure with low flow using a motor (e.g. your inflating car tires example), you would typically use a positive displacement pump. Other than this, there are things like centrifugal compressors which act on the same principle to increase pressure.

When you're talking about jet engines, I'm assuming that you're referring to the fan rotor. The thing you see in the front. The design for the fan rotors is really to suck air into the engine. They typically do not have very high pressure ratios.

The first question I would ask is what type of wind velocities do you expect through the window? Is it possible to duct between the windows (even possibly going up along the ceiling, then back down)?
  • #7
I think a feasability study would be in order.

Wind-turbines are expensive, and yield little for the cost, well that's my opinion.

I looked into buying one, and it would take 5 years to pay for its-self.

OK, making one can be a fair bit cheaper, but when you consider time you need to put in, is it really?

Loads of threads on here about Wind Generators/Turbines, so you should find all the calculations one would ever need.

I have seen one of these things using a type of turbine blade, but its far of the blades of the fan on an aircraft, more like Water Turbine Blades.

I would find out what you can expect to yield first, if its 10watts then your going to be able to power 1 energy saving light-bulb only, i doubt you'll get much above 50watts with the C.S.A that would be available.

Wind power is great, just expensive, even though its free in theory.

Related to Need slow flow high pressure wind generator fan design

1. What is a slow flow high pressure wind generator fan?

A slow flow high pressure wind generator fan is a type of fan designed to operate at low speeds while still producing high levels of pressure. This makes it ideal for use in wind turbines, where the wind speed may not always be high enough to turn traditional fans at a sufficient speed.

2. How does a slow flow high pressure wind generator fan work?

A slow flow high pressure wind generator fan works by using specially designed blades and a unique shape to capture and accelerate the wind. This creates a high pressure zone behind the fan, which helps to generate electricity when connected to a turbine or generator.

3. What are the benefits of using a slow flow high pressure wind generator fan?

One of the main benefits of using a slow flow high pressure wind generator fan is its ability to produce electricity at lower wind speeds. This makes it a more reliable and efficient option for wind power generation, especially in areas with lower wind speeds.

4. How is the design of a slow flow high pressure wind generator fan different from a traditional fan?

The design of a slow flow high pressure wind generator fan is different in several ways. It typically has a larger diameter and narrower blades, which help to capture more wind and create higher pressure. It also has a unique shape and angle of attack, optimized for low speeds and high pressure generation.

5. Can a slow flow high pressure wind generator fan be used in other applications besides wind turbines?

Yes, a slow flow high pressure wind generator fan can be used in other applications besides wind turbines. It can also be used in ventilation systems, cooling systems, and other industrial processes where high pressure and low speeds are required. However, its design may need to be adapted for each specific application.

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