Need Help: Volume of Ellipse Rotated at X=-2 Using the Shell Method

In summary: I got after using the disk/washer method.In summary, the conversation discusses how to find the volume of a solid obtained by rotating an ellipse about a specific axis using the Shell Method. The speaker rearranges the equation for the ellipse and uses the Shell Method formula to set up the problem. They then consider integrating only the top half of the ellipse to simplify the process. After making a substitution and using trigonometric identities, they are able to find the volume. The result is then checked using the Disk/Washer Method, and the speaker concludes that both methods yield the same answer.
  • #1
Pull and Twist
The question is...

Take-Home Problem said:
Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the ellipse \(\displaystyle {x}^{2}+4{y}^{2}=4\) about \(\displaystyle x=-2\) using the Shell Method. *Table of Integrals is not allowed for integration.

So of course I rearrange my ellipse formula to get \(\displaystyle y=\pm\sqrt{1-\frac{{x}^{2}}{4}}\)

Then I calculate my radius as \(\displaystyle x-(-2)=r \implies x+2=r\)

I know the formula for finding volume with the Shell Method is \(\displaystyle V=\int_{a}^{b}2\pi x\cdot f(x) \,dx\)

To make it easier I decide to just find the volume of the top half and times my equation by two. Having graphed the equation I know I need to integrate between \(\displaystyle -2\le x\le2\)

So I then have...

\(\displaystyle 2\int_{-2}^{2} 2\pi(x+2)(\sqrt{1-\frac{{x}^{2}}{4}})\,dx\)

\(\displaystyle 4\pi\left\{\int_{-2}^{2} x(\sqrt{1-\frac{{x}^{2}}{4}})\,dx + \int_{-2}^{2} 2(\sqrt{1-\frac{{x}^{2}}{4}})\,dx\right\}\)

\(\displaystyle 4\pi\left\{\int_{-2}^{2} x(\sqrt{1-\frac{{x}^{2}}{4}})\,dx + 2\int_{-2}^{2}(\sqrt{1-\frac{{x}^{2}}{4}})\,dx\right\}\)

Using \(\displaystyle u=1-\frac{{x}^{4}}{4}\) substitution for the first integral I get...

\(\displaystyle 4\pi\left\{-\frac{4}{3}\left[{\left(1-\frac{{x}^{2}}{4}\right)}^{\frac{3}{2}}\right]_{-2}^{2} + 2\int_{-2}^{2}(\sqrt{1-\frac{{x}^{2}}{4}})\,dx\right\}\)

Am I taking the right approach?? If so... how do I integrate the second integral w/o using a table of integrals?? Would this problem be easier utilizing the disk/washer method?

I need me some help. Thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2
First off, we know this is a torus, and so the volume will be:

\(\displaystyle V=2\pi(2)\pi(2)(1)=8\pi^2\)

We can use this to check our answer. So to set this problem up, I would begin with the volume of an arbitrary shell:

\(\displaystyle dV=2\pi rh\,dx\)


\(\displaystyle r=x+2\)

\(\displaystyle h=2y=2\frac{\sqrt{4-x^2}}{2}=\sqrt{4-x^2}\)

And so we find:

\(\displaystyle V=2\pi\int_{-2}^2(x+2)\sqrt{4-x^2}\,dx=2\pi\left(\int_{-2}^2 x\sqrt{4-x^2}\,dx+2\int_{-2}^2\sqrt{4-x^2}\,dx\right)\)

For the first integral, I would use the odd-function rule (it is zero), and for the second integral I would use the even function rule to get:

\(\displaystyle V=8\pi\int_{0}^2\sqrt{4-x^2}\,dx\)

Next, I would use the substitution:

\(\displaystyle x=2\sin(\theta)\,\therefore\,dx=2\cos(\theta)\)

Or you could argue that the remaining integral represents the area of a quarter circle having radius 2. :D

Can you proceed?
  • #3
Awesome, that worked! I didn't even think about substituting \(\displaystyle x=2\sin\left({\theta}\right)\). I've been spoiled by using my Table of Integrals.

That left me with \(\displaystyle {\cos}^{2}\left({\theta}\right)\) after utilizing my trig identities and combining terms.

Replaced that using the half angle formula... substituted \(\displaystyle u=2\theta \) \(\displaystyle \frac{du}{2}=dx\) and integrated the result.

\(\displaystyle 8\pi\left[u+\sin\left({u}\right)\right]_{0}^{\pi}\)

Which gives you \(\displaystyle 8\pi\left[\pi\right]\) or \(\displaystyle 8{\pi}^{2}\)

Related to Need Help: Volume of Ellipse Rotated at X=-2 Using the Shell Method

What is the Shell Method?

The Shell Method is a technique used in calculus to calculate the volume of a solid of revolution, such as an ellipse, rotated around a specific axis. It involves using cylindrical shells to approximate the volume of the solid.

How do you use the Shell Method to find the volume of an ellipse rotated at x=-2?

To use the Shell Method to find the volume of an ellipse rotated at x=-2, you will need to set up an integral with the limits of integration being the height of the ellipse (from -b to b) and the radius of the ellipse at that height (from 0 to a). The formula for the Shell Method is V = 2π∫(radius)(height)dx.

What information do you need to use the Shell Method?

In order to use the Shell Method, you will need to know the equation of the ellipse, the limits of integration (height and radius), and the axis of rotation (in this case, x=-2).

Can the Shell Method be used for any solid of revolution?

Yes, the Shell Method can be used for any solid of revolution, as long as the limits of integration and the axis of rotation are known. It is a general method that can be applied to a variety of shapes and objects.

What are the advantages of using the Shell Method over other volume calculation methods?

One advantage of using the Shell Method is that it can be used for a wider range of shapes and objects compared to other volume calculation methods. It also tends to be more straightforward and easier to set up the integral. Additionally, the Shell Method often results in simpler integrals, making it easier to calculate the volume.

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