Mechanics questions from Oxford Physics entrance exam.

In summary, the object moves without friction under a force which depends on its coordinate x. It has a kinetic energy which is a function of x and its velocity is also a function of x.
  • #1
I'm ok with this question up until a3, I have no idea how to get velocity as a function of time from the information available. This question is taken from the Oxford Physics entrance exam. I'm not sure if it's a miss-print, perhaps the questions should be as a function of x, because that seems a lot easier and a similar level to questions from other years. Or perhaps I'm missing something.

22. A point like object with mass m = 1 kg starts from rest at point x0 = 10 m and moves without any friction under a force F which depends on the coordinate x as illustrated in figure below. The motion is confined to one dimension along x.

a1 What is its speed at x=0? [2]
a2 Sketch its kinetic energy as a function of x. [4]
a3 Sketch its velocity as well as its acceleration as a function of time t. [6]

Now consider a case when, in addition, a friction force of a magnitude of 1 N is present for x ≥ 0.
b1 Sketch how the velocity depends on x in that case. [6]
b2 How many meters this point like object traveled during the time when its position coordinate x was ≥ 0? [2]
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  • #2
Mr.A.Gibson said:
I'm ok with this question up until a3, I have no idea how to get velocity as a function of time from the information available. This question is taken from the Oxford Physics entrance exam. I'm not sure if it's a miss-print, perhaps the questions should be as a function of x, because that seems a lot easier and a similar level to questions from other years. Or perhaps I'm missing something.

22. A point like object with mass m = 1 kg starts from rest at point x0 = 10 m and moves without any friction under a force F which depends on the coordinate x as illustrated in figure below. The motion is confined to one dimension along x.

a1 What is its speed at x=0? [2]
a2 Sketch its kinetic energy as a function of x. [4]
a3 Sketch its velocity as well as its acceleration as a function of time t. [6]

You are given the force on the object and told its mass. Thus you have
ma = F(x)
m\ddot x = F(x)
You can determine an expression for F(x) from the graph. From there you can hopefully solve the resulting ODE for [itex]x[/itex], and then determine [itex]\dot x[/itex] and [itex]\ddot x[/itex] by differentiation.
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  • #3
Surely that will give you acceleration and velocity as a function of displacement not time? Since F and x vary with time i can't see how to make the differential work, in fact I cannot get any equation as a function of time.
  • #4
Based on the graph,
F(x) = \begin{cases}
-10, & x \geq 0 \\
-10 - x, & x < 0

Conveniently [itex]m = 1\,\mathrm{kg}[/itex] so we have
\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} = \begin{cases}
-10, & x \geq 0 \\
-10 - x, & x < 0

It's not necessary to solve this ODE so long as you recognise this as ballistic motion in [itex]x \geq 0[/itex] and sinusoidal oscillation about [itex]x = -10[/itex] in [itex]x < 0[/itex]. Basically when [itex]x > 0[/itex] the particle behaves as it would under constant gravity, but in [itex]x < 0[/itex] it's suddenly attached to a Hookean spring. Both of these should be covered in either A-level physics or maths/further maths, so should be familiar to someone sitting an Oxford physics entrance paper.

The difficulty is to patch together ballistic motion in [itex]x > 0[/itex] with sinusoidal motion in [itex]x < 0[/itex] in such a manner that both velocity and acceleration are continuous when the particle is at the origin. This requires finding the times at which [itex]x(t) = 0[/itex]. In fact the motion is periodic in time; this follows from consideration of the KE graph.
  • #5
pasmith said:
so long as you recognise this as ballistic motion in [itex]x \geq 0[/itex] and sinusoidal oscillation about [itex]x = -10[/itex] in [itex]x < 0[/itex].

Thanks, that's the part I missed.

Related to Mechanics questions from Oxford Physics entrance exam.

1. What is the scope of mechanics in physics?

Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of physical systems under the influence of forces or displacements. It studies the motion of objects and the forces that cause them to move.

2. What are the different types of forces in mechanics?

The different types of forces in mechanics include gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. These forces can either be contact forces or non-contact forces.

3. What is the difference between statics and dynamics in mechanics?

Statics is the branch of mechanics that deals with the study of objects at rest or in equilibrium, while dynamics deals with the study of objects in motion. In other words, statics focuses on the forces acting on a system that is not moving, while dynamics focuses on the forces that cause a system to change its state of motion.

4. What are the laws of motion in mechanics?

The laws of motion in mechanics are the three laws proposed by Sir Isaac Newton in his book "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687. These laws state that: (1) an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force, (2) the force applied to an object is directly proportional to its mass and the acceleration it experiences, and (3) for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

5. How can we apply mechanics principles to real-life situations?

Mechanics principles can be applied to real-life situations in various fields such as engineering, architecture, and sports. For example, the principles of mechanics are used in designing buildings and bridges to ensure their stability and strength. In sports, mechanics is used to analyze and improve the performance of athletes, such as understanding the mechanics of a golf swing or the trajectory of a basketball shot.

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