Maths: Back to Basics for 21-Year-Old Luke

  • Thread starter Luke101
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In summary, Luke is looking for recommendations on books to study basic mathematics in order to prepare for a university access course. He is specifically interested in physics and quantum mechanics. The conversation recommends "Basic Mathematics" by Serge Lang as a mature and comprehensive book that covers all important topics except for calculus. The index of the book is also provided for reference.
  • #1
Hey there everyone! I posted here a while back with basically the same query but I can find the post and I'm now ready to get my *** into gear!

I'm 21 years old, In school i wasn't the best behaved child, I regularly skipped it which i most certainly regret now! Anyways, in Maths i managed to get a C however i have pretty much forgotten everything! Due to my burning passion to learn more about Physics and QM in particular I need to go back to basics.

So, subjects ill need to know, I am guessing Geometry, Algebra, Calc etc? I'm a fairly intelligent person, and I'm highly motivated to learn now I've matured... A little :P

Can you give me a list of books to buy so i can crack on learning please :) My plan is, if i really enjoy learning the mathematics is to jump only a Uni access course and continue my education. So having the maths already in my brain would help me out alot!

Cheers guy and garls :) much appreciated!

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  • #2
I can highly recommend "basic mathematics" by Serge Lang. It's a book that isn't dumbed down and teached the math as is. It presents the mathematics exactly how it should be presented.

Don't expect this book to contain nice pictures and cartoons, though. It's a real math book, and should be read as such.

But still, if you're preparing for college, then this is a very good and mature book.
  • #3
Does this book cover all subjects? Will it also go right up to university standards?

Thanks for the reply!
  • #4
It doesn't cover calculus, but it covers nearly everything else that is important. Here is the index:

Chapter 1: Numbers
Chapter 2: Linear Equations
Chapter 3: Real numbers
Chapter 4: Quadratic Equations
Chapter 5: Distance and Angles
Chapter 6: Isometries
Chapter 7: Area and Applications
Chapter 8: Coordinates and Geometry
Chapter 9: Operations on Points
Chapter 10: Segments, Rays and Lines
Chapter 11: Trigonometry
Chapter 12: Some Analytic Geometry
Chapter 13: Functions
Chapter 14: Mappings
Chapter 15: Complex Numbers
Chapter 16: Induction and Summations
Chapter 17: Determinants

If you complete all these chapters, then I'd say you're well prepared for calculus and university math!
  • #5

I am excited to hear about your passion for learning more about physics and quantum mechanics. It is never too late to go back to basics and refresh your knowledge in mathematics. You are correct in identifying geometry, algebra, and calculus as important subjects to review for a deeper understanding of physics.

I would recommend starting with a basic algebra textbook, such as "Algebra for Dummies" or "Basic Algebra" by Serge Lang. From there, you can move on to a geometry textbook like "Geometry Essentials for Dummies" or "Geometry" by Ray C. Jurgensen. For calculus, I would suggest "Calculus for Dummies" or "Calculus: Early Transcendentals" by James Stewart.

In addition to textbooks, I also recommend utilizing online resources such as Khan Academy or MIT OpenCourseWare for interactive lessons and practice problems. Don't be afraid to reach out to professors or tutors for additional support and guidance.

Most importantly, stay motivated and focused on your goal. With determination and hard work, you can definitely succeed in mastering the basics of mathematics and continue your education in physics. Good luck, Luke!

Related to Maths: Back to Basics for 21-Year-Old Luke

1. What is the purpose of "Maths: Back to Basics for 21-Year-Old Luke"?

The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive review of foundational math concepts for readers who may have forgotten or never fully understood them. It aims to refresh and solidify basic math skills to help readers excel in their academic or professional pursuits.

2. Who is the target audience for this book?

The target audience for this book is 21-year-old Luke, who may have struggled with math in the past but is now looking to improve his understanding and skills. However, anyone who wants to brush up on their math fundamentals can benefit from this book.

3. What topics are covered in "Maths: Back to Basics for 21-Year-Old Luke"?

This book covers a range of topics including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and basic statistics. It also includes practice problems and exercises to reinforce the concepts covered.

4. How is this book different from other math textbooks?

This book is specifically designed for someone like Luke, who may have struggled with math in the past and is now looking for a refresher. It focuses on the most essential and commonly used math concepts, rather than diving into advanced topics. It also includes real-world examples and relatable scenarios to make the material more engaging.

5. Can this book be used as a standalone resource for learning math?

While this book provides a strong foundation in math basics, it may not cover all topics and may not be sufficient as a standalone resource for learning math. It is best used as a supplement to other resources, such as textbooks or online tutorials, to reinforce and solidify understanding of key concepts.

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