Limits for a truncated random variable

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the limit of a derivative for a random variable X with pdf f(x) and cdf F(x), where X is only observed for values greater than y. The formula for E(X|X>y) is given as well as the limit of its derivative as y approaches b. The result of the limit is shown to depend on the shape of the distribution, with examples given for both discontinuous and continuous f(x). It is concluded that the limit is 1/2 for distributions with a discontinuous pdf at x=0, but this is not necessarily true for distributions with a continuous pdf at x=0.
  • #1
Suppose that X is a random variable distributed in the interval [a;b] with pdf f(x) and cdf F(x). Clearly, F(b)=1. I only observe X for values that are bigger than y.

I know that [itex]E(X|X>y)=\frac{\int_y^b xf(x)dx}{1-F(y)}[/itex].

Moreover, [itex]\frac{∂E(X|X>y)}{∂y}=\frac{f(y)}{1-F(y)}[E(X|X>y)-y][/itex]

I would like to evaluate this derivative as y→b.I was trying with Hopital but I could not go anywhere. Looking at Wikipedia( it appears that the solution to my question is 1/2 but I might be completely wrong.

I am new to this forum I hope that I opened this thread in the right section. Thanks to anyone who is willing to help me.
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  • #2
kobe87 said:
Suppose that X is a random variable distributed in the interval [a;b] with pdf f(x) and cdf F(x). Clearly, F(b)=1. I only observe X for values that are bigger than y.

I know that [itex]E(X|X>y)=\frac{\int_y^b xf(x)dx}{1-F(y)}[/itex].

Moreover, [itex]\frac{∂E(X|X>y)}{∂y}=\frac{f(y)}{1-F(y)}[E(X|X>y)-y][/itex]

I would like to evaluate this derivative as y→b.I was trying with Hopital but I could not go anywhere. Looking at Wikipedia( it appears that the solution to my question is 1/2 but I might be completely wrong.

I am new to this forum I hope that I opened this thread in the right section. Thanks to anyone who is willing to help me.

This is the right section.

The answer to your question depends on the form of f. Because I find it easier to deal with, I look instead at the equivalent problem [itex] M(y) = E(X|X<y) \text{ and } \partial{M(y)}/\partial{y},[/itex] for X on [0,a], a ≤ ∞; we want limits as y → 0+. Do you agree that is essentially the same problem?

Anyway, for two simple cases with f(x) discontinuous at x = 0 (viz., X ~ Uniform(0,a) and X ~ expl(rate=a)) I do get 1/2 as the limit of M'(y). However, for two cases where f(x) is continuous at x = 0, I get different answers. For f(x) = 2x/a^2, 0 < x < a, we have M(y) = (2/3)y, while for f(x) = 3x^2/a^3, 0 < x < a, we have M(y) = (3/4)y.

  • #3
Thanks for the reply. I agree that looking at the limit of M(y) as y→0+ is the same problem as well as the fact that the limit is 1/2 for the cases you mentioned. For the problem that I have in mind it is fine that the result of the limit depends on the shape of the distribution. However, I still need to have a solution for the general problem that tells me how this limit is affected by the shape of the distribution. Did you try to solve it under a general f(x)?
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  • #4
I did the proof. It is 1/2 For any distribution
  • #5
kobe87 said:
I did the proof. It is 1/2 For any distribution

That is not correct. For f1(x) = 2x/a^2, 0 < x < a, we have M1(y) = (2/3)y, while for f2(x) = 3x^2/a^3, 0 < x < a, we have M2(y) = (3/4)y. So, for f1 we have dM1/dy = 2/3, while for f2 we have dM2/dy = 3/4 near y = 0. These results for M1(y) and M2(y) are calculated using the formula
[tex] M(y) \equiv E(X|X<y) = \frac{\int_0^y x f(x) \, dx}{F(y)}, \; F(y) = \int_0^y f(x) \, dx.[/tex]
Just go ahead and use these formulas for f = f1 and for f = f2.

In fact, you will get the limit 1/2 for any X that has f(x) discontinuous at x = 0 (that is, if f(x) = 0 for x < 0 but f(x) > 0 for x → 0+). However, it is most definitely NOT true for X that have f(x) continuous at x = 0, as is shown by the two examples above.

  • #6
Yeah it's true. In my previous post I was assuming discontinuity of the pdf in my proof. Thanks for the help.

Related to Limits for a truncated random variable

1. What is a truncated random variable?

A truncated random variable is a type of random variable where the values are limited to a specific range. This means that any values outside of the specified range are not considered, and the probability of these values occurring is equal to 0.

2. What are the limits for a truncated random variable?

The limits for a truncated random variable are determined by the range of values that are considered in the probability distribution. For example, if the range is between 0 and 10, then any values outside of this range will not be included in the calculation of probabilities.

3. How are truncated random variables used in scientific research?

Truncated random variables are commonly used in scientific research to model data that is limited to a specific range. This can be useful in situations where outliers or extreme values are not relevant to the research question, and only a certain range of values is of interest.

4. Can the limits for a truncated random variable be changed?

Yes, the limits for a truncated random variable can be changed to fit the needs of the research question. However, it is important to note that changing the limits may significantly affect the results and interpretation of the data.

5. How is a truncated random variable different from a regular random variable?

A regular random variable can take on any value within a specified range, while a truncated random variable is limited to a specific range of values. Additionally, the probability distribution for a truncated random variable is adjusted to account for the limited range of values, while a regular random variable follows a standard probability distribution.

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