Limbaugh - Leader of the Republican Party?

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  • Thread starter LowlyPion
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In summary, some Republicans are challenging Obama to a debate and have faced backlash from the conservative figure Rush Limbaugh. Democrats have created a website mocking Limbaugh and some believe he is not as important as he thinks. Limbaugh has made controversial statements about women, the environment, and evolution. Some believe he is a return to conservative values while others believe he is part of the problem. Overall, there is a call for more productive solutions to the current economic crisis rather than bickering and misrepresenting one another.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Apparently he seems to think so, and now can't wait 4 more years and bother to get the nomination and wants to debate Obama now.
Rush challenges Obama to debate

It's been laughable to see Michael Steele and any congressman that criticizes him then have to kowtow to the bloviating Limbaugh and apologize and say what were they thinking or that their words came out wrong.

I think when Limbaugh figures out he isn't as important as he thinks he is - likely an impossibility in any event - he'll be back in the news abusing some other addictive substance.
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  • #2
LowlyPion said:
It's been laughable to see Michael Steele and any congressman that criticizes him then have to kowtow to the bloviating Limbaugh and apologize and say what were they thinking or that their words came out wrong.

The Democrats have produced a form letter for Republicans to use when they apologize to Rush.
  • #3
Democrats' 'apology' Web site mocks Limbaugh

I don't think the democrats should be doing that. I don't think professional people should be paid for doing such things.

I haven't seen where Limbaugh speaks for the GOP. He is entitled to state his opinions, and perhaps a lot of republicans agree with him.

I believe his statement about hoping Obama will fail has been taken out of context.

It would be better if people spent time productively developing solutions to current economic crisis rather than spend it bickering and misrepresenting one another. This country deserves better.

I disagree with Limbaugh, and IMO tax cuts by themselves just won't do it. Tax cuts certainly don't help the unemployed, and business and most individuals already pay relatively low taxes. If there are to be tax cuts, then the government must cut expenses to be in line with the revenue.
  • #4
Astronuc said:
I haven't seen where Limbaugh speaks for the GOP. He is entitled to state his opinions, and perhaps a lot of republicans agree with him.

The chairman of the RNC was just forced to go crawling back to Rush and beg for forgiveness. What more proof do you need?

I believe his statement about hoping Obama will fail has been taken out of context.

How was it taken out of context? He said that he wants Obama to fail. Then he tries to add his hogwash about "turning this into a Socialist State", or whatever. That is not what Obama is trying to do. Obama is trying to save our financial systems, and Rush is fighting him tooth and nail. He creates a strawman and then rallies the troops against Obama.

It would be better if people spent time productively developing solutions to current economic crisis rather than spend it bickering and misrepresenting one another. This country deserves better.

Rush is one of the people who helped to get us where we are. He IS part of the problem. The Democrats are simply recognizing what has been true for some time now: The Republican party is powered by hate radio [and Fox Noise]. If the Republicans are exposed for what they have become - the party of the fringe - then perhaps they will be forced to get a grip.
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  • #5
The first time I heard Limbaugh's comment, he indicated that the wanted Obama to fail in his attempt to 'socialize' the US economy. Of course Obama is not attempting to that, and it is disingenuous of Limbaugh to make such an assertion.

I'm sure Limbaugh wants the economy to improve, but he obviously would do it differently. So the democrats should invite Limbaugh et al to propose a viable alternative.
  • #6
Astronuc said:
Democrats' 'apology' Web site mocks Limbaugh

I don't think the democrats should be doing that. I don't think professional people should be paid for doing such things.

I agree with that. Politicians definitely need to act more professionally and stay detached from their personal opinions (no one way is the best).

I disagree with Limbaugh, and IMO tax cuts by themselves just won't do it. Tax cuts certainly don't help the unemployed, and business and most individuals already pay relatively low taxes. If there are to be tax cuts, then the government must cut expenses to be in line with the revenue.

IMO, it would also raise production (less unemployment). I am unsure about its effectiveness. It's more easier to implement than the bailouts.
  • #7
Astronuc said:
I'm sure Limbaugh wants the economy to improve, but he obviously would do it differently.

I rather think that the economy he wants to preserve is his own.

Like Howard Stern in a different venue, if it shocks, if it grabs headlines, then the more the listeners, the more his own economy prospers.

I suspect that so long as Rush prospers he couldn't give a flip about the general economy, if that would cost him listeners.
  • #8
Boss Limbaugh's Truths
23. Evolution cannot explain Creation.
24. Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to
the mainstream of society.

6. The Earth's eco-system is not fragile.
8. The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you
cut it down.

16. Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud.
  • #9
LowlyPion said:
Apparently he seems to think so, and now can't wait 4 more years and bother to get the nomination and wants to debate Obama now.

It's been laughable to see Michael Steele and any congressman that criticizes him then have to kowtow to the bloviating Limbaugh and apologize and say what were they thinking or that their words came out wrong.

I think when Limbaugh figures out he isn't as important as he thinks he is - likely an impossibility in any event - he'll be back in the news abusing some other addictive substance.

Many regard the GOP as "having fallen away from fundamental conservative values". GOP leadership is now an oxymoron; most people would agree that the Republican Party is facing bad times. With this in mind, many conservatives see Rush as a new return to those old values, whether you yourself agree with them or not. As for my opinion on Rush, he comes off too strong and wild at times, and I don't agree with things he has said.
  • #10
Limbaugh is a joke. hehehe... Steele got it right, Limbaugh is an entertainer, period. IF the Republican party wants a joker to be their leader or chief spokeman and to rally their base... well, here is an advice from Batman: if you play with fire, you will eventually get burnt. :smile:
IF Limbaugh represents the conservative American values then I think we may have a problem...
  • #11
Astronuc said:
The first time I heard Limbaugh's comment, he indicated that the wanted Obama to fail in his attempt to 'socialize' the US economy. Of course Obama is not attempting to that, and it is disingenuous of Limbaugh to make such an assertion.
Um, have you seen what Obama is proposing? Maybe you're using a different definition of "socialize" than Limbaugh is? I think by "socialize", he means more gov't control over the economy, which Obama clearly favors.

I agree with you about the Obama failure wish. I would think it would be obvious to anyone by now that Rush (and many others) believes that it would be bad for America for Obama's agenda to succeed. Even if you disagree with that opinion, at least you recognize that Rush believes it.
  • #12
Well, Rush Limbaugh is a radio host, he is as well informed about politics as Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and the rest of the Fox News boneheads. He mentioned on Hannity and Colmes that Obama is taking away our right to liberty, what about the Patriot Act and domestic eavesdropping that Bush introduced? The word Republican has become a swear word because of people like Limbaugh, Palin , Cheney, Bush etc. The only decent Republicans who care about the country are Ron Paul and John McCain, two senators that deserve the respect they are shown.
  • #13
Maybe Limbaugh is just a legend in his own mind?

This report seems to show Rush as not exactly aligned with Republican thought.
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  • #15
Al68 said:
Um, have you seen what Obama is proposing? Maybe you're using a different definition of "socialize" than Limbaugh is? I think by "socialize", he means more gov't control over the economy, which Obama clearly favors.

Exactly the opposite is true. Contrary to the implications of Limbaugh's strawmen, it is when the government owns the bank, for example, that we have socialism. While it was considered one of the most viable options, Obama has specifically avoided a government take-over of the failed financial institutions. There were many economists who were saying that we would have to nationalize the banks; that we would have no choice.

Obama has in fact gone out of his way to avoid socialist policies. So once again we see that Limbaugh is a big bag of hot air.

The only socialist policies are claimed by Republicans and the Bush administration - the take-over of Freddie and Fannie.
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  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
Exactly the opposite is true. Contrary to the implications of Limbaugh's strawmen, it is when the government owns the bank, for example, that we have socialism. While it was considered one of the most viable options, Obama has specifically avoided a government take-over of the failed financial institutions. There were many economists who were saying that we would have to nationalize the banks; that we would have no choice.

Obama has in fact gone out of his way to avoid socialist policies. So once again we see that Limbaugh is a big bag of hot air.

The only socialist policies are claimed by Republicans and the Bush administration - the take-over of Freddie and Fannie.
My post said that Rush used the word socialize to mean more gov't control over the economy, not complete control, or what you would consider too much control.

I never claimed that Rush used the word to mean gov't takeover of banks. And Freddie and Fannie are gov't created public institutions, not private companies. It's hard for gov't to "take over" what it already had.

As far as Obama going out of his way to avoid socialist policies, I would say that Obama is the least socialist president we have ever had, well, except for all the other ones.
  • #17
Limbaugh, Ivan's favorite object of scorn, is a party, or has a party in his own mind. Which it is, is a matter of heated debate among the grammatically challenged and philosophically enhanced.
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Related to Limbaugh - Leader of the Republican Party?

1. Who is Limbaugh and why is he considered the leader of the Republican Party?

Rush Limbaugh is a conservative radio talk show host who is known for his strong political views. He is considered the leader of the Republican Party because of his significant influence on conservative politics and his large audience of devoted listeners.

2. How long has Limbaugh been the leader of the Republican Party?

Rush Limbaugh has been a prominent figure in conservative politics for over three decades. He first gained national attention in the early 1990s and has remained a leading voice in the Republican Party since then.

3. What are Limbaugh's political views and beliefs?

Limbaugh is a staunch conservative and has been a vocal supporter of Republican policies and candidates. He is known for his strong opposition to progressive ideals and has been a vocal critic of the Democratic Party.

4. How does Limbaugh influence the Republican Party?

As a highly popular and influential radio host, Limbaugh has the ability to shape public opinion and sway political discourse. His strong conservative views and loyal following make him a powerful force in the Republican Party, often influencing their policies and messaging.

5. Is Limbaugh officially affiliated with the Republican Party?

No, Rush Limbaugh is not officially affiliated with the Republican Party. However, he is considered a leading figure within the party and his views often align with their beliefs and agenda.

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