Just a Thanks to the Mentors and those who make the website the way it is.

  • Thread starter JasonRox
  • Start date
In summary, the positive feedback says that despite the occasional deletion of posts, the site has actually gotten better over the years. The negative feedback is for members who are critical of others or who ruin threads with their cool posts. There are some great members here, and the site would not be as successful as it is without them.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member
Just some positive feedback.

After reading some negative feedbacks about the rules at PF, I'd like to say everything is just fine.

I've seen my posts get deleted (well the thread not my post specifically), and threads get locked, but it's for the better.

I've been here for quite awhile now, and I've notice the site get better rather than worse. This is quite interesting because it usually gets worse. Most sites end up being anger-releasing-and-bash-everyone forums.

The mere fact that it is getting better says a lot about the those who run the site.

So, cheers to do doing a good job.

Also, cheers to all of the very valuable members we have here too.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes definetly, Great work!. This is one of the 3 forums i visit, and it's the one i visit the most!.
  • #3
I agree completely, every word of what you said... which makes me believe you stole what i was going to say from out of my head and posted it before i could...
  • #4
Aww...thanks guys! We always appreciate hearing some positive feedback from time to time as well. Though, we really owe the success of the site to the great members who have kept the discussions active and interesting...and on topic. :smile:
  • #5
  • #6

Thanks! :biggrin:
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  • #7
Hijacking thread...o:)

I also wanted to thank :
1. all PF'ers especially those who were critical of me.(if nothing else they were good help for practising English and tolerance, knowing about people from different cultures,...)

2. everyone who ruined my life by his/her cool posts!(eh, I'd almost decided to forget about sciences and do something else in(or with?) my life then I found PF and fell in love with science again:-p )

3. all people who helped me and answered my questions

4. Greg and people who were patient with me:rolleyes:

5. members whom I enjoy their company

6. people with good sense of humour who made me believe that scientists also could be humorous

7. And last but not least :wink: and Evo's montain lions

Hope my level of knowledge and fluency in English let me be a valuable member 1 day...

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  • #8
By Lisa,
Hope my level of knowledge and fluency in English let me be a valuable member 1 day...
a long life is more than can be expected, but
eternal life is a myth.
  • #9
Lisa! said:
Hope my level of knowledge and fluency in English let me be a valuable member 1 day...
I can definitely say that your English has improved quite remarkably since you first came here. I actually understand what you say now. :smile: That's the first big hurdle, to be understood. The rest are details.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
I can definitely say that your English has improved quite remarkably since you first came here. I actually understand what you say now. :smile: That's the first big hurdle, to be understood. The rest are details.

I agree. Great improvement.

I'm sure all the members here improve one way or another.
  • #11
If you need some extrenal pf postive feedback look on this http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/www.physicsforums.com/index.php"
It's site where people review other websites and in the firefox extenison(which is how I found out about this website) you just press a button and you go to it.
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  • #12
scott1 said:
If you need some extrenal pf postive feedback look on this http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/www.physicsforums.com/index.php"
It's site where people review other websites and in the firefox extenison(which is how I found out about this website) you just press a button and you go to it.
Wow, thanks scott! That is so nice to see. :approve:
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  • #13
Speaking of the moderation at PF, I found this at a website hosted by a ...ummm...dissident :

Unmoderated groups in which I'm currently active:


See the Quantum Physics section, and threads such as "Aspect’s Experiment was Flawed", "How do particles become entangled?" and one started Jan 12, 2005, "Local Realism After Bell".

[March 23, 2005: It seems the forum is, after all, effectively "moderated". The powers that be (in the form of a certain person who has also been trying to almost eliminate my pernicious influence in wikipedia!) have terminated my membership. I rejoined under another name but have now been banned again.]


Mostly for members of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, who reject Einstein's relativity theories and are beginning, with a little prodding from a certain C H Thompson, to realize that they need to reject much of quantum theory and maybe even some of Maxwell's and Newton's ideas as well.

Here's a bunch of other external mentions of PF :

calls it "A place for advanced teen physicists to discuss any topic of physics other science/math issues."

Huh ?

And what does an Average Traffic Rank of 51,902 mean ?

http://www.orangefish-directory.co.uk/139.shtml shows some of our recent traffic, on a very wacky (and inverted) scale.

And http://www.spaceandmotion.com/help/website-forum-blog.htm lists science forums with Google page ranks and Alexa ranking (daily visitors) numbers.

Someone wrote up an analysis of PF for an English course at Purdue : http://joe.english.purdue.edu/sp06/shuler4/node/389
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  • #14
Gokul43201 said:
Speaking of the moderation at PF, I found this at a website hosted by a ...ummm...dissident :

It sounded like Caroline Thomson, or at least along the same vein as what she was doing. I believe she was actively involved in trying to rewrite parts of Wikipedia to reflect her beliefs.

  • #15
ZapperZ said:
It sounded like Caroline Thomson, or at least along the same vein as what she was doing. I believe she was actively involved in trying to rewrite parts of Wikipedia to reflect her beliefs.


Sounds like a nut case. :eek:
  • #16
JasonRox said:
Just some positive feedback...everything is just fine...getting better says a lot about the those who run the site...cheers to do doing a good job...cheers to all of the very valuable members we have here too.

  • #17
brewnog said:
You're just jealous because he beat you to it. :-p
  • #18
thanks jason for reminding us to pay some well deserved compliments. we are all grateful for this wonderful site, and may tend to forget how much work it takes to make it that way.

Related to Just a Thanks to the Mentors and those who make the website the way it is.

What is the purpose of thanking mentors and those who maintain the website?

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