Is There a Double Standard when it Comes to Prostitution in Our Society?

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  • Thread starter JOEBIALEK
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In summary, prostitution is known as the world's oldest "profession" and is defined as the act of selling oneself for sexual purposes. While it is illegal in most states, it has been culturally accepted for centuries. There is a double standard in society, where prostitution is illegal but using physical beauty to attain a luxurious lifestyle is not. Some argue that prostitution should be legalized and regulated, similar to the legalization of drugs. However, this raises questions about the moral implications and societal consequences. There are similarities between buying dinner for a woman with the expectation of sex and directly paying for sex, but the former is more accepted and legal. This contradiction reveals the ongoing struggle between laws and morality in our society.
  • #1
world's oldest "profession"

Referred to as the world's oldest "profession," prostitution is defined as the act or practice of selling oneself for sexual purposes. It is also defined as an unworthy use of a talent, quality, or the like, especially for personal gain. What's interesting is that the former is illegal in all states except Nevada while the latter has been morally and culturally accepted since the beginning of time. This begs the question: is there any difference between a street walker/escort and a person who uses their physical beauty to attain a lifestyle that others labor very hard to attain? Too often in our society we see evidence of the "trophy spouse"; a reward received by those who achieve success in business or entertainment. The marriage consists of a person who sees a beautiful spouse as something to obtain and a person who deliberately shops lifestyle by any sexual means necessary.

Some would argue that prostitution should be made legal so that (just as with drugs) it can be regulated by the state and become a source of revenue enhancement. Furthermore, sex between strangers would be safer since the government (as in Nevada) would require regular medical examinations to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The problem facing this country is that we haven't reconciled these two definitions thus creating the existence of a double standard. We are quick to arrest and condemn the street walker/escort but would never think to shun a sexual opportunist. In many ways, prostitution already is legal in our society. People pay to watch two people have sex with each other but yet cannot pay each other for sex. I recall two people comparing their lifestyles while waiting in line at the airport. One person told the other "the difference between you and me is that you pay for your sex with cash and I pay for it with dinners, clothing and jewelry". The problem with this country today is not that we are a nation of laws but rather a nation that continually contradicts itself when it comes to morality.
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  • #2

Originally posted by JOEBIALEK

Some would argue that prostitution should be made legal so that (just as with drugs) it can be regulated by the state and become a source of revenue enhancement.

The government pimping the people. That is the most interesting thing I've heard all day.

Originally posted by JOEBIALEK
One person told the other "the difference between you and me is that you pay for your sex with cash and I pay for it with dinners, clothing and jewelry". The problem with this country today is not that we are a nation of laws but rather a nation that continually contradicts itself when it comes to morality.

I guess one can view it from the vantage point of Valentines Day. Its a typical stock situation and occurs all the time on sit-coms: The guy spends money on the girl (flowers, chocolates, etc.) and hopes to "score" later on during that night *cough* hubba-hubba *cough*. Is this not prostitution? My argument may seem extreme (to point of absurdity) but in a sense it is true.
  • #3

Originally posted by motai
The guy spends money on the girl (flowers, chocolates, etc.) and hopes to "score" later on during that night *cough* hubba-hubba *cough*. Is this not prostitution? My argument may seem extreme (to point of absurdity) but in a sense it is true.

Not really, that sounds more like low stakes gambling to make it an appropriate comparision...if the guy doesn't "score" later that night...the dates big "Daddy" beats the crap out of her and kicks her out into the street. "No daughter of mine is going to live here and not put out!" (absurd I know, but you get the point)
  • #4
I admit that the two are very similar. It's an interesting comparison, certainly. However, regardless of the ethics, legalizing prostitution (the legal definition, anyway) is horribly impractical. Society isn't organized properly to allow such a thing without significant consequences.

Imagine there being no social recourse for bringing up a daughter under the premise that her only value lies in servicing random men for money.

We'd probably end up having to spend more money in social services and regulation than it's costing us.

  • #5
How many places did you post this?
  • #6

Originally posted by JOEBIALEK

Some would argue that prostitution should be made legal so that (just as with drugs) it can be regulated by the state and become a source of revenue enhancement.

Why not kill wto birds with one stone? You can legalise both and have a real "corperate pimp" relationship by using addiction to keep yer ho's in there place!
  • #7
So, buying dinner for a lday is only done at the expectation of sex. I'll not touch this one.
  • #8
Originally posted by phatmonky
So, buying dinner for a lday is only done at the expectation of sex. I'll not touch this one.

I don't think he was saying that this is always done with the expectation of sex. Just that it does happen and is a much more accepted way of "purchasing" sex.
  • #9
Originally posted by master_coda
I don't think he was saying that this is always done with the expectation of sex. Just that it does happen and is a much more accepted way of "purchasing" sex.

Exactly, as kat mentioned earlier, it is like low stakes gambling. The guy may or may not get it but it is certainly far more legal than 'direct' prostitution.
  • #10
Gambling is also illegal in most states.
  • #11
Originally posted by russ_watters
Gambling is also illegal in most states.
Lol, unless it's state sponsored!
  • #12
I'm confused by what some people have posted. The point was to show the similarities between gold-digging/romancing with money and gifts and prositution and then point out the oddity of the legal difference, wonder what the distinction is that justifies the legal difference, and people responded by saying that the legal difference is the distinction!
  • #13

Originally posted by JOEBIALEK
Referred to as the world's oldest "profession,"

NOT! The world's oldest profession is farming/gardening.
  • #14
Jobialek, I happened to drop by the forums on Bill Maher's site, just for the hell of it, and I noticed a very familiar-seeming post...
  • #15
Make it legal
  • #16
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
Jobialek, I happened to drop by the forums on Bill Maher's site, just for the hell of it, and I noticed a very familiar-seeming post...
He's posted it about 120 different places.
  • #17
Originally posted by Peter Pan
Make it legal

Here, here! (or "Hear, hear!"?)
  • #18
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
Here, here! (or "Hear, hear!"?)

Do we have someone to second this decision?
  • #19
Originally posted by motai
Do we have someone to second this decision?
Heck, I think it is a fin eidea...and then we can tax it!
  • #20
Originally posted by Zero
Heck, I think it is a fin eidea...and then we can tax it!

It would certainly make accounting more interesting.

  • #21
Originally posted by Njorl
It would certainly make accounting more interesting.

How would you fill out the line on your taxes labeled "occupation"...and would lonely IRS people jot down your phone number, just in case they are in town?
  • #22
Originally posted by Zero
Heck, I think it is a fin eidea...and then we can tax it!

It sure would make the federal defecit decline, and it will give more money to things such as education and decrease unemployment (due to IRS Pimps and more jobs for women). The STD rate can be controlled (the user must take a test before business with government prostitute), and it sure would generate a lot of revenue.
  • #23
Originally posted by Zero
How would you fill out the line on your taxes labeled "occupation"...

  • #24
Recreational Consultant. Makes it sound all business like.
  • #25
I saw Recreational Therapist for it in a book last week.
  • #26
I can just imagine federal bordellos. Take a number, fill out forms, wait in line behind the non-English speaker who has some special problem...

By the time my turn came up I wouldn't be horny anymore.

Hmmm, if the bible thumpers ever consider that, they might come out for state-sponsored prostitution.

  • #27
Wouldn't that be a hoot?? Pat Robertson supporting prostitution would absolutely make my millenium!

Related to Is There a Double Standard when it Comes to Prostitution in Our Society?

What is the world's oldest profession?

The world's oldest profession is prostitution, or the act of exchanging sexual services for money or other forms of payment. This has been documented in various cultures and societies throughout history.

How long has prostitution been around?

It is difficult to determine exactly how long prostitution has been around, as it has likely existed since the beginning of human civilization. However, there is evidence of prostitution in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, dating back thousands of years.

Why is prostitution considered the oldest profession?

Prostitution is often referred to as the oldest profession because it is believed to have been practiced for thousands of years and is one of the few occupations that has remained relatively unchanged over time. Additionally, sexual desire and the need for companionship are considered basic human instincts, making the demand for prostitution always present.

Is prostitution legal anywhere in the world?

The legality of prostitution varies greatly around the world. In some countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany, it is legal and regulated. In other countries, it is illegal and can result in severe penalties for both the seller and buyer. It is important to note that even in places where it is legal, there are often strict regulations and restrictions in place.

What are some of the reasons people engage in prostitution?

There are many reasons why people may choose to engage in prostitution, including financial need, coercion, drug addiction, or simply personal choice. It is a complex issue with many social, economic, and psychological factors at play. It is important to consider these underlying reasons when discussing and addressing the issue of prostitution.

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