Is the Sum of Digits Always Nine?

In summary, this mathematician found that when you sum the digits of a multiple of nine, the pattern of first appearance of multiples of nine will be found.
  • #1
I don't know if this has been posted already, but anwho...

If you pick any positive integer greater than 9 and subtract the sum of its digits from that number, you'll end up with a multiple of 9. How do I know it's a multiple of 9? Curiously enough, the sum of the digits of a positive integer that is a multiple of 9 is a multiple of 9. Do this enough times and you'll end up with 9.

I tried this with other number systems and it seems to hold. This is the most interesting play of numbers if found to date.
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  • #2
If you pick any positive integer greater than 9 and subtract the sum of its digits from that number, you'll end up with a multiple of 9.

Let a_n...a_1a_0 = a_0 * 10^0 + a_1 * 10^1 + ... + a_n * 10^n be a number (in base 10). Since 10 == 1 (mod 9), we have that 10^n == 1 (mod 9). Thus

a_0 * 10^0 + a_1 * 10^1 + ... + a_n * 10^n == a_0 + a_1 + ... + a_n (mod 9).

Subtracting the sum of the digits, a_0 + a_1 + ... + a_n, from both sides gives the desired result.

Curiously enough, the sum of the digits of a positive integer that is a multiple of 9 is a multiple of 9.

Suppose a_n...a_1a_0 = 9k for some integer k. Then a_0 * 10^0 + a_1 * 10^1 + ... + a_n * 10^n = 9k. Taking both sides modulo 9,

a_0 + a_1 + ... + a_n == 0 (mod 9),

as required.

That's enough mathematics for today ;)
  • #3
If you are not familiar with congruences and modular arithmetic, consider this...

Let the number N = w + 10x + 100y + 1000z + ... (example : 574 = 4 + 7*10 + 5*100 )
Its digits are w, x, y, z, ... So the sum of the digits is w + x + y + z + ... = S, say.

So, N - S = D = (w-w) + (10x-x) + (100y-y) + (1000z -z) + ... = 9x + 99y + 999z + ... = 9 (x + 11y + 111z + ...)

So, N - S is a multiple of 9.

Now for the second part...

Consider again, N = w + 10x + 100y + 1000z + ...
We want to prove that, if the sum of its digits, S is divisible by 9, then so is the number, N, and conversely.

If S is divisible by 9, then S = 9p. Now to this, add the number D, calculated above. S + D = 9p + D. But we saw previously that D itself is a multiple of 9, so D = 9q. Hence, S + D = 9p + 9q = 9(p+q) = 9r, say. But then, S + D is nothing but N. So N = 9r, which is what we wnted to prove.

The converse is proved by starting with N = 9r and subtracting D to yield S = 9(r-q) = 9p, say.
  • #4
Nice proof, won't the same thing work for any base a with a-1 which is always an additive generator of the residue system?

The sum of digits of any number divisible by a-1 in base a is also divisible by a-1. ?

I'm too lazy to try to crank out the proof or even find a counter to it.

My question is did you gentlemen ever see the pattern of first appearance of multiples of nine when you sum the digits of multiples of nine in order?

It is quite interesting. "[PLAIN Digits.xls"] Digits.xls[/URL]

Anyone know of any research related to that pattern? It appears that the distribution of digit sums would be roughly lognormal after some first appearance. I did find some stuff on research into this through the wiki on Digit Sums. Thanks.
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  • #5
I agree it’s very interesting. If you’d like to see some more information on this check out a previously thread called “Dissected Number Law”. Numbers 9 and 11 are key in this sort of arithmetic phenomena.
  • #6
agapeflight said:
It is quite interesting. "[PLAIN Digits.xls"] Digits.xls[/URL]Anyone know of any research related to that pattern?

I'm researching that pattern - but the creator of the above link (you?) needs to take the sum of digits to completion ie

Every total should have been reduced to one root digit 9
e.g 18 then add 1+ 8 = 9
27 then add 2 + 7 = 9

Anyway it is based on mod 9

This link may be helpful:
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  • #7
It is called 'casting out nines', and it has been used for centuries by accountants, mathemeticians, and scribes as a simple 'sanity-check' on results.

Before pocket calculators were readily available, and long- column addition and subtraction were routinely done by hand, this method was used to spot check for mistakes. Ancient scribes copying manuscripts by hand would likewise assign numeric values to specific letters, add them, and do spot-checks to keep hand-copied manuscripts free of errors as well.

The earliest use of the technique I have found referenced was by Hippolytos of Rome, a bishop from the early 3rd century AD.
  • #8
JazzFusion said:
It is called 'casting out nines'

For something really neat, go to"
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  • #9
THAT is classic! Thanks for sharing it!

Related to Is the Sum of Digits Always Nine?

1. What is the "Sum of Digits Always Nine" phenomenon?

The "Sum of Digits Always Nine" phenomenon is a mathematical property where the digits of any number, when added together, will always equal a multiple of nine. For example, the number 45 has digits that add up to 9 (4+5=9), and the number 279 has digits that add up to 18 (2+7+9=18, which is a multiple of 9).

2. Why does the sum of digits always equal nine?

This phenomenon occurs because of the way our number system is based on powers of ten. When a number is broken down into its individual digits, each digit represents a certain amount of ones, tens, hundreds, etc. When those digits are added together, it is essentially a counting of those specific place values. Since nine is one less than ten, it will always be one less than the next multiple of ten, resulting in a sum of nine.

3. Are there any exceptions to this rule?

Yes, there are a few exceptions to the "Sum of Digits Always Nine" phenomenon. One exception is the number 0, as it has no digits to add together. Another exception is numbers that already have a sum of nine, such as 18 (1+8=9). Additionally, numbers that have a sum of digits that is a multiple of nine, such as 45 (4+5=9) or 117 (1+1+7=9), will also not follow this rule.

4. How is this phenomenon used in real life?

This property is often used in digital root calculations, where the sum of the digits of a number is continually added until a single digit is reached. It is also used in divination practices, such as numerology, where a person's birth date or name is reduced to a single digit using this property to gain insight into their personality and destiny.

5. Is the "Sum of Digits Always Nine" phenomenon unique to the base ten number system?

No, this phenomenon is not unique to the base ten number system. It can also be observed in other number systems with a base that is one less than a power of two, such as the binary system (base 2) and the hexadecimal system (base 16).

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