Is the number of atoms the same as during the Big Bang

In summary, Paul Davies explains that the number of particles within the observable universe increases as it expands over time. This means that in the past, when the universe was smaller, there were fewer particles. At the time of inflation, the entire universe had a very small number of particles, causing a high degree of ambiguity in physical laws. Additionally, the number of atoms in the universe has increased since the Big Bang, with the first atoms not appearing until approximately 380,000 years after the event.
  • #1
This comes from Paul Davies the Cosmic Jackpot

the radius of the horizon isn’t fixed but increases with time at the speed of light. The number of particles contained within a volume of space bounded by the horizon is therefore going up year by year as the horizon expands to encompass more and more matter — so in the past, this number was smaller. At one second after the big bang, for instance, the horizon encompassed only about 10^86 particles — still too large for the implied inaccuracy to make much difference. At the time of inflation, however, the horizon was a mere trillion-trillionth of a centimeter in radius, and the total information content of a horizon volume was then only about a billion bits. Such a small number of bits represents a very large degree of looseness, or ambiguity, in the operation of any physical laws, including the laws of string/M theory (or whatever theory is supposed to govern the inflationary process).

He says that as "space expands the number of particles contained within a volume of space bounded by the horizon is therefore going up year by year as the horizon expands to encompass more and more matter." I thought that number of 10^80 particles was fixed and it neither increases or decreases.
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  • #2

First, keep in mind Davies is speaking of the comoving patch - the observable universe. Because our spacetime is finite in age, and light is finite in speed, we have a particle horizon, the point at which we could see no further ('see' may not be a good term, as light from this region is extremely redshifted.). This point is where we see the cosmic microwave background, the first light emitted.

So, as time goes by, the observable universe gets larger - more light can reach us, and we can observe regions we could not see before. Also, the observable universe grows larger because of expansion. That's why it has a radius of 46.5 billion light years, compared to the 13.7 billion light years you may expect. 1080 is the estimated number of nuclei in the observable universe - that is all we can ever speak of. This increases through time, as our observable portion makes up a larger piece of the universe, so we can observe more particles.

If you consider the universe as a whole, atoms weren't even around at the time of the big bang. Electrons weren't held in orbit by nuclei until ~380,000 years after the bang.
  • #3
The number of atomic nuclei has decreased over the history of the universe - 1] 'naked' neutrons only 'live' for about 880 seconds. 2] fusion combines nuclei resulting in fewer total nuclei.
  • #5
Thanks for the input. I forgot about the fact below.

Mark M said:
If you consider the universe as a whole, atoms weren't even around at the time of the big bang. Electrons weren't held in orbit by nuclei until ~380,000 years after the bang.
  • #6
robertjford80 said:
Thanks for the input. I forgot about the fact below.

Oh. I missed that. Mark M beat me to it.

Related to Is the number of atoms the same as during the Big Bang

1. What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as an incredibly hot and dense singularity, which expanded and cooled over billions of years to form the universe as we know it today.

2. How many atoms were present during the Big Bang?

It is estimated that only a few minutes after the Big Bang, the universe contained mostly hydrogen and helium atoms. As the universe expanded and cooled, these atoms began to form stars and galaxies. Therefore, the number of atoms present during the Big Bang was significantly less than what exists in the universe today.

3. Is the number of atoms in the universe constant?

No, the number of atoms in the universe is not constant. Through processes such as nuclear fusion in stars and radioactive decay, atoms are constantly being created and destroyed. However, the total number of atoms in the universe remains roughly the same.

4. Are there more atoms in the universe now or during the Big Bang?

There are significantly more atoms in the universe now compared to during the Big Bang. As the universe has expanded and cooled, atoms were able to form and combine to create the vast structures we see today, such as galaxies and planets.

5. Can we determine the exact number of atoms present during the Big Bang?

It is not possible to determine the exact number of atoms present during the Big Bang. The conditions at that time were so extreme that our current understanding of physics cannot accurately predict the number of atoms that existed. However, through observations and mathematical models, scientists have estimated the number to be around 1078.

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