Is it OK if your cat cuddles with someone else?

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
  • Start date
In summary, the neighbors down the street have a cat called "The Evil Nigel". Nigel started coming over to visit my neighbor, Amelia, and she began petting him and feeding him and letting him stay in her apartment overnight. I don't think he was getting much attention at his house and the food was much better at Amelia's, so for all intents and purposes, The Evil Nigel is now Amelia's cat.
  • #1
Math Is Hard
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
My neighbors down the street have (well actually had) a cat called "The Evil Nigel". Nigel started coming over to visit my neighbor, Amelia, and she began petting him and feeding him and letting him stay in her apartment overnight. I don't think he was getting much attention at his house and the food was much better at Amelia's, so for all intents an purposes, The Evil Nigel is now her cat.

The neighbors at the house are a little peeved at Amelia, but ultimately it was the cat's decision. They aren't quite irritated enough to lock up Nigel at their house, but they do make snide comments about Amelia "stealing their cat".

So, do your cats suck up to the neighbors? Ever make you insecure?
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  • #2
Actually, that's how I got my cat. The neighbors had two cats and two dogs, but my cat did not get along with other animals, so she would come over to our house. When we tried to take her back into the house she would fight and kick and scratch. Eventually, they said we should just keep her.
  • #3
cyrusabdollahi said:
Actually, that's how I got my cat. The neighbors had two cats and two dogs, but my cat did not get along with other animals, so she would come over to our house. When we tried to take her back into the house she would fight and kick and scratch. Eventually, they said we should just keep her.

Now that you mention it, they do have some other dogs and cats at that house.
  • #4
This sounds like something right out of ABC's newest show:

"Desperate Houscats":smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:HAHAHA! I'm sorry. I couldn't resist!:biggrin:
  • #5
Math Is Hard said:
Is it OK if your cat cuddles with someone else?
Yes, but only for money. :-p

Congratulations on your promotion! :approve:
  • #6
G01 said:
This sounds like something right out of ABC's newest show:

"Desperate Houscats":smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:
Good one! Here's a clip from one of the episodes:

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  • #7
Aether said:
Yes, but only for money. :-p
:smile: I could never pimp out my cat!

Congratulations on your promotion! :approve:
Thanks! :smile:
  • #8
I lost two of my cats to the cat lady who lives on our road, she apparently has loads of them and most if not all are ex owned by the people in the area, she puts out treats and stuff to encourage cats to move in, cats being disloyal tend to go where the living is easy.

I'd say it's wrong, and I want my cats back but I'm not going to drag them screeching back to my house. Let's just say the nutty cat lady is not that popular though, one day she will get her come uppance, perhaps all her cats will leave in a mass exodus.

I imagine her as a lonely (at least for human company) Crazy old lady, it makes me feel better in a schardenfroider sort of way. :smile:
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  • #9
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Let's just say the nutty cat lady is not that popular though, one day she will get her come uppance, perhaps all her cats will leave in a mass exodus.
Or they will eat her. I guess that "Got Milk" commercial about the cat lady who ran out of cream never made it across the pond..?
  • #10
We had a beautifully-marked mixed-breed dog when I was a kid, and she was quite an escape artist. About the time I left for college and my sisters were left with responsibility of taking her out for her morning bathroom break, she would take off running and disappear only to return home about 1/2 hour. When I came home for a visit, I went looking for her, only to see her coming out the front door of an old farmhouse about 4 houses away. I started to scold her for running away and the woman who was letting her out asked that I not scold her because she was responsible for Lady's morning disappearances. It seems that Lady would show up on their front steps most mornings and scratch at the door a bit and the woman would let her in and cook her a scrambled egg and a piece of dry toast. That explained why Lady seemed less interested in her kibble dog-food. She was getting the royal treatment at the neighbor's. The woman was a retired nutritionist and she had moved into take care of her 95+ year-old uncle and befriended our dog.
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  • #11
Math Is Hard said:
Or they will eat her. I guess that "Got Milk" commercial about the cat lady who ran out of cream never made it across the pond..?

:smile: it has now. Thanks.
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  • #12
turbo-1 said:
..the woman would let her in and cook her a scrambled egg and a piece of dry toast.
Incredible! That IS the royal treatment!

Schrodinger's Dog said:
it has now. Thanks.
Yes, yes! That's the one! I love that commercial!
  • #14
Greg Bernhardt said:
I tend to "whore" my cat out :biggrin:

:eek:I never want to meet any of your customers...ever.
  • #15
I think Greg was just teasing me about my use of the word "pimp". or... maybe he's completely serious. :bugeye:
I try not to ask too many questions. Going back to stock the fish freezer now.
  • #16
I had a cat that I had to put a little sign on her collar. She would vanish for days on end. With in a week, she was home every night.
  • #17
hypatia said:
I had a cat that I had to put a little sign on her collar. She would vanish for days on end. With in a week, she was home every night.

:smile: That's great! And, that gets right to the point of my concern about a cat having multiple homes...I know I'm very fussy about what I feed my cat and monitoring what she eats and making sure she stays a healthy weight, so if someone else is supplementing their diet, you have no way to know what they are getting fed and how much and before you know it, you have Tubby the cat, or one that has a nutrient deficiency from pigging out on unbalanced diets, etc.

When I lived in apartments, one cat came around on a freezing cold night. That one I took in for a night because I thought it was way too cold for a cat to be outside (any water would have been frozen over, and they had advisories to keep pets indoors). I was going to put a similar collar on it the next day, "If I have an owner, please keep me home on freezing nights or I'm adopting a neighbor," but someone else recognized the cat and told me it belonged to someone just a few units down. I still didn't like the idea they left the cat out on such a bitter night, and it seemed eager to come indoors when I let it (I didn't even have tasty treats, just a bowl of unfrozen water). With apartments, you never can be sure if a new visitor is a new tenant's cat or one that escaped and got left behind during a move, and I didn't want to leave it out in such horrid weather if it was abandoned.
  • #18
My friends dog used to do the same thing. She would be let outside to use the bathroom, then would scamper off to a neighbors to be fed. The people kept it for 3 days once, and my friend and her family were freaking out.

Back in New Hampshire, everyone around us had a lot of acreage. Everyone's pets have free roam over it, and we all recognize each others. The horses graze across all the properties, the dogs all get together and have a little pack, and the cats know which houses they can go to on cold nights. You know what they say "It takes a village to raise a... pet."
  • #19
hypatia said:
I had a cat that I had to put a little sign on her collar. She would vanish for days on end. With in a week, she was home every night.

:smile::smile:That is awesome!
  • #20
Sounds like it was darned effective, too!
  • #21
Math Is Hard said:
I think Greg was just teasing me about my use of the word "pimp". or... maybe he's completely serious. :bugeye:
I try not to ask too many questions. Going back to stock the fish freezer now.

For cuddling! $5 a cuddle. :biggrin:
  • #22
Greg Bernhardt said:
For cuddling! $5 a cuddle. :biggrin:

So that's what they're calling it these days...:wink:
  • #23
Greg Bernhardt said:
For cuddling! $5 a cuddle. :biggrin:

I remember reading about a very cat-friendly bed and breakfast establishment (I forget where it was). If you did not "BYOC", the hotel would actually loan you one of their resident cats for the night. No extra charge. The service was included in the price of the room. :smile:
  • #24
Math Is Hard said:
I remember reading about a very cat-friendly bed and breakfast establishment (I forget where it was). If you did not "BYOC", the hotel would actually loan you one of their resident cats for the night. No extra charge. The service was included in the price of the room. :smile:
<smacks herself on the head> I should have opened a cat bed & breakfast.

I know that Foofer sleeps around. He can't even look me in the eye when he comes home anymore. His breath reeks of fancy canned cat food.
  • #25
Well, with a name like Foofer, it's a wonder he's around at all. Cats know when you are making fun of them and they know how to get EVEN ...

It's alright for cats to humiliate us --
the owners (more correctly the food providers) --
but no reciprocity is allowed.
  • #26
I can't even parse the kitten-speaking-text-message pictures.

- Warren
  • #27
Evo said:
<smacks herself on the head> I should have opened a cat bed & breakfast.

I know that Foofer sleeps around. He can't even look me in the eye when he comes home anymore. His breath reeks of fancy canned cat food.
jim mcnamara said:
Well, with a name like Foofer, it's a wonder he's around at all. Cats know when you are making fun of them and they know how to get EVEN ...

It's alright for cats to humiliate us --
the owners (more correctly the food providers) --
but no reciprocity is allowed.
Ain't it the truth!
Aether said:
Front much for those?
I'm going to get me some little feetsies, myself. Love those little toes.:!)

chroot said:
I can't even parse the kitten-speaking-text-message pictures.

- Warren
It's hard to type messages when you have claws. I'm still trying to figure out how the ladies at the DMV with the fancy three-inch nails do it.
  • #28
Math Is Hard said:
It's hard to type messages when you have claws. I'm still trying to figure out how the ladies at the DMV with the fancy three-inch nails do it.

I think they're all the fast typists. In order to slow them down to DMV standards, they were required to install those 3-inch claws as a handicap.
  • #29
Moonbear said:
I think they're all the fast typists. In order to slow them down to DMV standards, they were required to install those 3-inch claws as a handicap.

hee hee hee <snort> :smile:
  • #30
hypatia said:
I think I need to get that on a T-shirt for my wife.:biggrin:
  • #31
mgb_phys said:
I think I need to get that on a T-shirt for my wife.:biggrin:

:smile: Too funny!
  • #32
mgb_phys said:
I think I need to get that on a T-shirt for my wife.:biggrin:
lol sexual innuendo of the day.
  • #33
Thrice said:
lol sexual innuendo of the day.
What sexual innuendo? Even my wife couldn't see any.
She is cute, can't cook, likes food and is prepared to use cute to get someone (usually me) to cook for her.

Related to Is it OK if your cat cuddles with someone else?

1. Can my cat get jealous if they cuddle with someone else?

It is possible for cats to experience jealousy, but it is not a common behavior. Cats are generally independent creatures and may not feel the same emotions as humans. However, if your cat is showing signs of jealousy, it is important to provide them with extra attention and reassurance.

2. Is it normal for my cat to cuddle with someone else?

Yes, it is normal for cats to seek affection and cuddling from multiple people. Cats are social animals and enjoy bonding with their owners as well as other people they trust. As long as your cat is happy and comfortable, there is no harm in them cuddling with someone else.

3. Will my cat become less attached to me if they cuddle with someone else?

No, your cat's attachment to you is not solely based on physical affection. Cats form strong bonds with their owners through daily interactions, such as feeding, playing, and grooming. Cuddling with someone else will not diminish their bond with you.

4. Can my cat catch any diseases from cuddling with someone else?

It is unlikely for your cat to catch any diseases from cuddling with someone else, as long as the person is healthy and your cat is up-to-date on their vaccinations. However, it is always a good idea to monitor your cat's interactions with other people and make sure they are not exposed to any potential illnesses.

5. Should I be concerned if my cat only cuddles with someone else and not me?

Not necessarily. Cats have different preferences when it comes to physical affection. Some may prefer to cuddle with one person over another. As long as your cat is still showing signs of love and affection towards you, there is no need to be concerned.

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