Insanely Cool Resumes really

  • Thread starter rhody
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In summary, some people like the last resume, some people like the first resume, but all of them are boring.
  • #1
Gold Member
While reading the news today, I stumbled on". After a quick look, I was left wondering, would YOU use any of these forms of resumes in hopes of landing you your next job ? Seriously... DISCUSS...(copyright by Pengy... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, my fine flippered friend)

Rhody... :confused:
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Physics news on
  • #2
If my job required a) people skills, b) creativity, and c) graphic/artistic skills, then absolutely I would. But if you used this style for an engineering job application, for instance, then your resume would probably get a laugh, then get chunked.
  • #3

Anyhow, for creative positions, yah I guess this is pretty cute.

For actual jobs, that's stupid.
  • #4
I like the last one that is demoed - I think something like that could work for an engineering company.
  • #5
While those are cool, if you look at them almost every person is applying for a job in graphic design.
  • #6
rhody said:
While reading the news today, I stumbled on". After a quick look, I was left wondering, would YOU use any of these forms of resumes in hopes of landing you your next job ? Seriously... DISCUSS...(copyright by Pengy... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, my fine flippered friend)

Rhody... :confused:

Pengwuino said:

Anyhow, for creative positions, yah I guess this is pretty cute.

For actual jobs, that's stupid.


See my edit to original post, above, I thought about giving you credit when I posted it, but said, heck, let's see if pengy coughs up a squid over it, and you did not fail to disappoint me, hehe... I hope this edit meets with your approval.

Rhody... :redface: :biggrin: :devil:
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  • #7
What's wrong with a LaTeXed CV?

Related to Insanely Cool Resumes really

What are "Insanely Cool Resumes"?

"Insanely Cool Resumes" are creative and eye-catching resumes that showcase an individual's skills and experience in a unique and memorable way. They often incorporate elements such as graphics, colors, and unconventional layouts to stand out from traditional resumes.

Do "Insanely Cool Resumes" actually work?

Yes, they can be very effective in catching the attention of employers and standing out in a sea of resumes. They can also demonstrate an individual's creativity and ability to think outside the box, which can be appealing to certain industries and positions.

How can I make my resume stand out?

To make your resume stand out, you can incorporate elements of "Insanely Cool Resumes" such as creative layouts, unique fonts, and graphics. However, it is important to also ensure that your resume is still professional and easy to read. You can also focus on highlighting your accomplishments and skills in a concise and impactful manner.

Are "Insanely Cool Resumes" appropriate for all industries?

While "Insanely Cool Resumes" can be effective in many industries, they may not be suitable for more traditional or conservative industries such as law or finance. It is important to research the industry and company you are applying to and tailor your resume accordingly.

Are there any downsides to using an "Insanely Cool Resume"?

One potential downside is that some employers may not appreciate or understand the creativity and uniqueness of an "Insanely Cool Resume" and may prefer a more traditional format. Additionally, these types of resumes may not be suitable for online job applications that require a plain text resume. It is important to consider the preferences and requirements of the company you are applying to before using an "Insanely Cool Resume".
