Image of ring hom is ideal, kernel is subring.

In summary: So in summary, if the image of a ring homomorphism is an ideal of the codomain, then the homomorphism must be trivial and the codomain must be the zero ring. Additionally, if the kernel of the homomorphism is a subring with unity of the domain, then the homomorphism is surjective.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let [itex] \phi: R \to S [/itex] be a ring homomorphism from R to S. What can you say about [itex] \phi [/itex] if its image [itex] \text{im}\phi [/itex] is an ideal of S? What can you say about [itex] \phi [/itex] if its kernel [itex] \ker \phi[/itex] is a subring (w unity) of R?

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the second one is easy. Since [itex] \ker \phi [/itex] is a subring with unity, we have that [itex] \phi(1_R) = 0_S [/itex]. But it is necessary that [itex] \phi(1_R) = 1_S [/itex] since [itex] \phi [/itex] is a homomorphism. Thus [itex] \phi \equiv 0 [/itex] the trivial homomorphism. I think this is all I can say about this.

The second one is a bit trickier. I want to say that [itex] \phi [/itex] is surjective, and here is my reasoning. If [itex] \text{im}\phi [/itex] is an ideal, then for all [itex] s \in S, t \in \text{im}\phi [/itex] we get that [itex] st \in \text{im}\phi [/itex]. Let [itex] u, v \in R [/itex] be such that [itex] \phi(u) = s, \phi(v) = st [/itex], then
[tex] \phi(v) = st = s \phi(u) [/tex]
So now I want to be able to say that there is necessarily a [itex] w \in R [/itex] such that [itex] \phi(w) = s [/itex], but I can't quite see how to get there.
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  • #2
Kreizhn said:

Homework Statement

Let [itex] \phi: R \to S [/itex] be a ring homomorphism from R to S. What can you say about [itex] \phi [/itex] if its image [itex] \text{im}\phi [/itex] is an ideal of S? What can you say about [itex] \phi [/itex] if its kernel [itex] \ker \phi[/itex] is a subring (w unity) of R?

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the second one is easy. Since [itex] \ker \phi [/itex] is a subring with unity, we have that [itex] \phi(1_R) = 0_S [/itex]. But it is necessary that [itex] \phi(1_R) = 1_S [/itex] since [itex] \phi [/itex] is a homomorphism. Thus [itex] \phi \equiv 0 [/itex] the trivial homomorphism. I think this is all I can say about this.

That's not all you can say about this. How can [itex]\phi[/itex] ever be the trivial homomorphism 0 if [itex]\phi(1_R)=1_S[/itex]. The only way phi can ever be trivial is if [itex]\phi(1_R)=0[/itex]. Thus...

The second one is a bit trickier. I want to say that [itex] \phi [/itex] is surjective, and here is my reasoning. If [itex] \text{im}\phi [/itex] is an ideal, then for all [itex] s \in S, t \in \text{im}\phi [/itex] we get that [itex] st \in \text{im}\phi [/itex]. Let [itex] u, v \in R [/itex] be such that [itex] \phi(u) = s, \phi(v) = st [/itex], then
[tex] \phi(v) = st = s \phi(u) [/tex]
So now I want to be able to say that there is necessarily a [itex] w \in R [/itex] such that [itex] \phi(w) = s [/itex], but I can't quite see how to get there.

Can you do something with the information that [itex]1_S\in im(\phi)[/itex]?
  • #3
I had thought that first part was a bit fishy. My first inclination was to declare that S had to be the zero-ring, though the question asks what we can say about the homomorphism not what we can say about the codomain. Is this what you were going for?

Haha, I just figured out what you meant about 1 in the image. Obviously, if unity is in the ideal, the ideal is the whole ring, so the function is surjective.

  • #4
Kreizhn said:
I had thought that first part was a bit fishy. My first inclination was to declare that S had to be the zero-ring, though the question asks what we can say about the homomorphism not what we can say about the codomain. Is this what you were going for?

Yes, this was what I meant. S has to be the zero ring, and phi has to be trivial!

Haha, I just figured out what you meant about 1 in the image. Obviously, if unity is in the ideal, the ideal is the whole ring, so the function is surjective.


Related to Image of ring hom is ideal, kernel is subring.

1. What is the "image of a ring hom"?

The image of a ring homomorphism (or ring hom) is the set of all elements in the co-domain (target ring) that are mapped from elements in the domain (source ring). In other words, it is the set of all possible outputs of the homomorphism.

2. What is an ideal in a ring?

In abstract algebra, an ideal is a subset of a ring that is closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication by any element in the ring. This means that if you take any element from the ideal and multiply it by any element in the ring, the result will still be in the ideal. In other words, the ideal is a subring of the ring that is "closed" under multiplication.

3. How is the image of a ring hom related to an ideal?

If the image of a ring hom is an ideal in the co-domain, it means that all of the elements in the image are closed under multiplication by any element in the co-domain. This is because the image of a ring hom is the set of all elements that are mapped from the source ring, and the ideal is a subset of the co-domain that is closed under multiplication.

4. What is the kernel of a ring hom?

The kernel of a ring hom is the set of all elements in the domain that are mapped to the additive identity (zero) in the co-domain. In other words, it is the set of all elements that are "ignored" or "mapped to zero" by the homomorphism.

5. How is the kernel of a ring hom related to a subring?

If the kernel of a ring hom is a subring of the domain, it means that all of the elements in the kernel are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication by any element in the domain. This is because the kernel is the set of elements that are mapped to zero, and the subring is a subset of the domain that is closed under these operations.

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