Ideal gas configurational entropy -Swendsen 4.6?

In summary, Swendsen explains the concept of entropy and its relationship to equilibrium in section 4.6 of his book. He defines entropy as a constant value and shows that it is maximized when the system is at equilibrium. However, the conclusion that entropy is maximized when the probability distribution is maximized may be confusing. This confusion is clarified by considering the negligible difference between the exact and approximate values of entropy, which still leads to the correct result that entropy is maximized at equilibrium.
  • #1
I am teaching myself Stat Mech / thermo from Swendsen's "An Introduction to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics". To this point I find the book interesting and clear to follow.
But in section 4.6, Probability and Entropy, he confuses me by concluding that the entropy that he defines there is maximized iff the corresponding probability distribution is maximized. But this conclusion does not (seem to me to) follow from his line of reasoning. Namely:

I agree that eq. 4.18 follows from eq. 4.15 and definition 4.16, 4.17.
I agree that eq. 4.19 is the max(wrt N_A) height of the binomial distribution, and that it is negligible compared with the other terms in eq. 4.18, and therefore eq 4.20 follows to an excellent approximation. However eq. 4.20 is a very good approximation to 4.18 at any N_A, in fact it is worst at N_A equal to it's equilibrium value; eq. 4.19 gives the error in equating total S to S_A + S_B, and it is maximized at equilibrium. So to conclude that entropy as defined in eq 4.18 is maximized when equilibrium is reached (i.e., when N_A is at it's mean/peak by the binomial distribution), I'm not following. Seems the conclusion is merely that total S_tot to S_A + S_B(to a very good approx which is worst at equil), and that is all...

PS: I will add eqs when I master inserting Latex to a post..
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  • #2
I have re-written the reasoning contained in Swendsen Sec 4.6 here to my liking :). The source of my initial confusion:confused: is discussed in the last paragraph. Eq. numbers are from Swendsen:

Given a box of volume [itex]V[/itex] partitioned into two parts, A and B, such that [itex]V_A+V_B=V[/itex], and [itex]N=N_A+N_B[/itex] particles free to move within [itex]V[/itex]. Then the probability of having [itex]N_A [/itex] particles in the volume [itex] V_A[/itex] is given by the binomial distribution:

[itex]P(N_A,N_B) =\frac{N!}{N_A!N_B!}\Big(\frac{V_A}{V}\Big)^{N_A}\Big(\frac{V_B}{V}\Big)^{N_B}[/itex].

Taking ln gives: eq. 4.15: [itex]\ \ \ \ln[P(N_A,N_B)] = \ln\Big[\frac{V_A^{N_A}}{N_A!}\Big] + \ln\Big[\frac{V_B^{N_B}}{N_B!}\Big] - \ln\big[\frac{V^{N}}{N!}\big][/itex]

Defining S: eq. 4.16: [itex]S(N,V) \equiv k\ln\Big(\frac{V^{N}}{N!}\Big) + kXN\ \ \ [/itex] ([itex]k[/itex] and [itex]X[/itex] are constants.)

These give: eq. 4.18: [itex]S_{tot}(N_A,V_A,N_B,V_B) \equiv S(N_A,V_A) + S(N_B,V_B) = k\ln[P(N_A,N_B)] + S(N,V)[/itex]

Now the equilibrium value of [itex]N_A[/itex] is [itex]\langle N_A\rangle[/itex], which occurs at the maximum of the binomial distribution in the large [itex]N[/itex] limit[itex]{}^*[/itex], i.e., at the maximum of [itex]S_{tot}(N_A,V_A,N_B,V_B)[/itex] since [itex]S(N,V)[/itex] is constant. Thus we have found that equilibrium occurs when [itex]S_{tot}(N_A,V_A,N_B,V_B)[/itex] is maximized.

Further, [itex]S(N,V)[/itex], is to a very good approximation (the thermodynamic limit) an additive(extrinsic) quantity. This follows since the term [itex]\ln[P(N_A,N_B)][/itex] in eq. 4.18 is negligible in comparision to the other terms; even at it's peak we have[itex]{}^{**}[/itex]:
eq. 4.19:[itex]\ \ \ \ln[P(N_A,N_B)]|_{equil}\approx -\frac{1}{2}\ln(2\pi\langle N_A\rangle(V_B/V))[/itex],
while [itex]S(N,V)[/itex] is of order [itex]N[/itex].

[itex]S_{tot}(N_A,V_A,N_B,V_B) = S(N_A,V_A) + S(N_B,V_B)\ {\color{red}=}\ S(N,V)[/itex]
is a dangerous equation to write in the sense that [itex]S(N,V)[/itex] is exactly constant, while the variation of [itex]S_{tot}(N_A,V_A,N_B,V_B) = S(N_A,V_A) + S(N_B,V_B)[/itex] contains all the "entropy is maximized in the most probable configuration" physics. Thus we may prefer: [itex]S_{tot}(N_A,V_A,N_B,V_B) = S(N_A,V_A) + S(N_B,V_B) \approx S(N,V)[/itex].[itex]{}^*[/itex] Swendsen shows this follows from Sterling's approximation in Sec 3.12.
[itex]{}^{**}[/itex] This follows from a Gaussian approximation to the binomial distribution for large N as shown in Sec. 3.9.
  • #3
... [itex]S_{tot}(N_A,V_A,N_B,V_B)[/itex] being exactly additive,
[itex]S(N,V)[/itex]being approximately so,
and the relatively small difference
[itex]S_{tot}(N_A,V_A,N_B,V_B) - S(N,V) = k\ln[P(N_A,N_B)][/itex],
being responsible for the result that (the additive) entropy is maximized at equilibrium.

Related to Ideal gas configurational entropy -Swendsen 4.6?

1. What is ideal gas configurational entropy?

Ideal gas configurational entropy, specifically the Swendsen 4.6 model, refers to a statistical measure of the disorder or randomness in the arrangement of particles in an ideal gas. It takes into account the number of ways the particles can be arranged within the gas and is used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of the gas.

2. How is ideal gas configurational entropy calculated using the Swendsen 4.6 model?

The Swendsen 4.6 model calculates the ideal gas configurational entropy by considering the number of microstates that are available to a system at a given temperature and volume. It uses the Boltzmann equation, S = k ln(W), where S is the entropy, k is the Boltzmann constant, and W is the number of microstates.

3. What is the significance of ideal gas configurational entropy in thermodynamics?

Ideal gas configurational entropy is an important concept in thermodynamics because it helps us understand how energy is distributed within a system and how it affects the system's properties. It also helps us make predictions about the behavior of ideal gases under different conditions.

4. How does the Swendsen 4.6 model differ from other models for calculating ideal gas configurational entropy?

The Swendsen 4.6 model differs from other models because it takes into account the interactions between particles in an ideal gas, rather than assuming they are non-interacting. This leads to a more accurate calculation of the configurational entropy and allows for a better understanding of the system's behavior.

5. Can the Swendsen 4.6 model be applied to non-ideal gases?

Yes, the Swendsen 4.6 model can be applied to non-ideal gases, but it may not be as accurate as other models specifically designed for non-ideal systems. However, it can still provide valuable insights into the behavior of these gases and their thermodynamic properties.

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