I was just making coffee for myself

  • Thread starter rachmaninoff
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of coffee and its various methods of preparation. The participants discussed the benefits of making coffee in advance, investing in a coffee maker, and using a microcontroller to make coffee. They also mentioned the unpleasantness of old coffee and the importance of drinking freshly brewed coffee for health benefits. The conversation also included recommendations for purchasing an espresso machine and the preference for straight espresso over regular coffee.
  • #1
...for tomorrow. The fumes were awful, I never realized how terrible coffee smells (I had noticed the taste). Fortunately I don't intend to drink any more today.

It's very useful to make coffee for your self in the future, that way you don't have to bother with it first thing in the morning. Sort of like an investment.

Oh yeah, I observe there was no "where's rachmaninoff?" thread in GD? No one noticed that I went missing for a full seven days? Hmm.

(In fact I was at a very successful physics conference. We met on a tropical island; it was sunny and ~25C for the whole time [except for one unexpected and brilliant thunderstorm]. The hotel did in fact have high-speed internet access; unfortunately it was more expensive than a flock of flying ferraris. Hence my inexplicable absence. I can't tell you much about the conference itself, as it is so extremely specific that I'd likely lose my anonymity. I will however mention, the Atlantic pond makes for a very good swim this time of year - if you're far enough south.)
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  • #2
Ewww, old coffee is horrible!

Are you kidding me? Coffee smells GREAT... How can you even think of drinking old coffee like that? You should get one of those coffee makers which you can program to make you coffee at a certain time. Or, better yet, program your own microcontroller and have it do it for you!
  • #3
rachmaninoff said:
I will however mention, the Atlantic pond makes for a very good swim this time of year - if you're far enough south.)
So, what you're saying is that you were swallowed up by the Bermuda Triangle for a week.
  • #4
Have Integral brew you up another cup. Or Ivan. Or whoever.
  • #5
Cold coffee is the best!

It's 6:58 AM and I could care less. :cool:
  • #6
I love the smell of coffee in the morning! It's smells like . . . well not quite victory. But it helps to get me going. :smile: (adaptation from Apocalypse now).

Sorry, I didn't notice you were absent for 7 days. I was kind of preoccupied myself.

So, how was the conference, and if you don't mind, what was the subject matter?
  • #7
I love the smell of coffee...tastes good to.
  • #8
The yummy aroma of coffee brewing is the best thing first thing in the morning. It starts waking me up before the first sip even gets into me. I can't imagine choosing purposely to drink it old and cold. All those reports that tell you there are some good things in coffee say it's only in freshly brewed coffee; if it sits around longer than 15-30 min, they break down or evaporate or something (trying to remember which...I think they were volatile, but I could be remembering wrong) and you're only left with the stuff that's bad for you. So, for your health, drink fresh coffee. :approve:
  • #9
Moonbear said:
So, for your health, drink fresh coffee.

Does that include fresh instant or are we talking real fresh?

/is lazy.
  • #10
I seriously need a good espresso machine. Then I could wake up to a nice triple shot every morning. Mmmmmm.
  • #11
damn, ..i like coffee? almost bought a machine, but its expensive and probably a novelty buy. sounds like you met the Lost island.
  • #12
fasterthanjoao said:
Does that include fresh instant or are we talking real fresh?

/is lazy.
Real, brewed from ground beans stuff. Instant is already over-processed.
  • #13
franznietzsche said:
I seriously need a good espresso machine. Then I could wake up to a nice triple shot every morning. Mmmmmm.
You can get a fairly inexpensive one if you don't need the fancy attachments for capuccino. I had one, but broke the pot that went with it when I moved (it didn't even start the move, I dropped it on a concrete floor in my basement while organizing things for the move). :frown: I should dig it up though, because I can brew the espresso right into a cup, so don't really need the pot (other than it had the markings on it for how much water to add).
  • #14
how much is a one?

I would love a espresso in the morning. Straight esspresso is amazing. (Yet ironicly, I still add some sugar to my coffee. Fiqure that one out)
  • #15
Cosmo16 said:
how much is a one?

I would love a espresso in the morning. Straight esspresso is amazing. (Yet ironicly, I still add some sugar to my coffee. Fiqure that one out)
I LOVE straight espresso. Absolutely love it. I don't care for "american coffee" (regular coffee to most of you), but espresso is great.

Moonbear said:
You can get a fairly inexpensive one if you don't need the fancy attachments for capuccino. I had one, but broke the pot that went with it when I moved (it didn't even start the move, I dropped it on a concrete floor in my basement while organizing things for the move). I should dig it up though, because I can brew the espresso right into a cup, so don't really need the pot (other than it had the markings on it for how much water to add).

Well, I would prefer the attachments(I do like a good cappuccino for more of a relaxed drink than straight espresso), but I could live without them, since having the ability to brew my own espresso is better than nothing. That said, the cheapest I ever saw was still $400.
  • #16
I like http://www.1-800-espresso.com/saeco-espresso-classico-30054-61.html" for $250 (reg price $290). That's about the upper end of what I can afford. If I could find something good for $200, I'd go for it. Saeco is supposedly one of the best (I've been told). Caveat: I need a good grinder too. Crap, forgot about that.
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  • #17
This is the one I had (though without all the extra accessories). http://www.everythingkitchens.com/melitta_MEXKITB.html

The biggest problem is the nozzle for steaming/frothing the milk is too low/close to the counter top, and too short, so it's hard to get a decent-sized container under it to hold the milk without it splashing everywhere when you start to froth it.

I don't order cappucino's from most coffee shops, only if I'm at a nice restaurant...I think the coffee shops have to cave into the mentality that the cup should be full to the brim rather than make a proper cappucino, so top it up with too much milk (people complain if they get a cup filled with foam :rolleyes:). So, I just order latte's and hope for the best. I don't find too many shops that have a really nice espresso roast, so don't often order straight espresso either. I like a really good espresso, but it's just too hard to find a place that makes a good one.

Or if you are willing to pay a bit more, they have a slightly better model that is supposed to leave the espresso a bit creamier. http://www.everythingkitchens.com/melitta_MEPE15B.html No, it's not going to be the same quality as from a really high end machine, but if you're just looking to make a cup every once in a while for yourself without breaking the bank, it's pretty decent.
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  • #18
Moonbear said:
This is the one I had (though without all the extra accessories). http://www.everythingkitchens.com/melitta_MEXKITB.html

The biggest problem is the nozzle for steaming/frothing the milk is too low/close to the counter top, and too short, so it's hard to get a decent-sized container under it to hold the milk without it splashing everywhere when you start to froth it.

I don't order cappucino's from most coffee shops, only if I'm at a nice restaurant...I think the coffee shops have to cave into the mentality that the cup should be full to the brim rather than make a proper cappucino, so top it up with too much milk (people complain if they get a cup filled with foam :rolleyes:). So, I just order latte's and hope for the best. I don't find too many shops that have a really nice espresso roast, so don't often order straight espresso either. I like a really good espresso, but it's just too hard to find a place that makes a good one.

Or if you are willing to pay a bit more, they have a slightly better model that is supposed to leave the espresso a bit creamier. http://www.everythingkitchens.com/melitta_MEPE15B.html No, it's not going to be the same quality as from a really high end machine, but if you're just looking to make a cup every once in a while for yourself without breaking the bank, it's pretty decent.

Wow, that's really inexpensive.

As for price, I'm definitely willing to pay more (since the way I drink coffee currently, anything will be cheaper than my current method, its costing me almost $20 a week right now, which is not something I can continue to maintain, and I dread what will happen when I'm no longer getting at least my daily triple espresso.) for quality, but there's still a limit to what I can spend, obviously. The only thing is I need one that can handle 4-5 cups a day 4-5 days a week, and will last a long time under that usage. The coffee itself is relatively cheap, pods are only about $0.40 each(I know, I'd rather do my own grinding, but I needed a per serving example for price, and besides they would save money on a grinder), so aside from the initial invesment, it will save me a lot of money in the long run.
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  • #19
I found this one on amazon for $200. Looks like it's normally $350, but is on sale.

The customer reviews are mostly positive as well.

Related to I was just making coffee for myself

1. Why were you making coffee for yourself?

As a scientist, I often work long hours and need caffeine to stay alert and focused. Making coffee for myself helps me stay productive and energized.

2. What type of coffee were you making?

I typically make a medium roast coffee using a French press. This method allows for a stronger and richer flavor compared to using a traditional coffee maker.

3. Did you add any flavorings or creamer to your coffee?

No, I prefer my coffee black. I find that adding flavorings or creamer can mask the true taste of the coffee and can also add unnecessary calories.

4. How did you make your coffee?

As a scientist, I am very precise in my measurements and brewing process. I use a scale to measure out the perfect ratio of coffee grounds to water, and I let it steep for exactly four minutes before pressing.

5. Did you enjoy your coffee?

Yes, I did! As a scientist, I appreciate the taste and aroma of a good cup of coffee. It also helped me stay focused and productive during my work.

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