I claim the discovery of the first time machine but i wont go any further since

In summary, our friend believes that a time machine could be created easily, but also that people might not know what their true intentions are when they engage in physical fights. He also believes that the "P" in "PF" stands for "physics" not "poetry." He has a stream of consciousness that is rhythmical and cadence-wise pleasing. However, he warns against using "really" and "real" in the same sentence. He also suggests line breaks that are more interesting.
  • #1
since i ve been menaced
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
of course not with the physical body but with the soul (astral travelling)

i know this is metaphisics but please keep this post Integral
  • #3
Hey this IS Theory Development. So make up anything you want. :wink:
  • #4
Haha! Good one Integral!
  • #5
A time machine would be an invention, not a discovery. Unless of course you found it under a rock or in that goo between your toes.
  • #6
I don't know may be i should stop playing games and watching fantastic movies and get rid off my paranoia
  • #7
whats the integral of 0?
  • #8
of course i won't go any further not because of any menace but because I won't play to be god
  • #9

of course as our friend says really powerfull engines can be built very easily, in fact so easily they happen in nature all the time
but sometimes people don't really know what the real intention is behind what they consider to be a fair joust although their souls shouted at their hearts the truth
  • #10
The "P" in "PF" stands for "physics" not "poetry." YOurs is intriguing stream of conciousness. . THis part scans nicely for rhythm and cadence. I'd avoid the use of "really" and "real" in the same line. Maybe work on interesting line breaks, like

" but sometimes people don't really
know what the real intention is behind what they consider to be a fair joust
although their souls shouted at their
hearts the truth"

edit: this reminds me of WCW
  • #11
im afraid I am getting paranoid i could not use the name of sea wizard and i thougth that somebody didnt let me use it and it was just that i had to activate the acount
and this paranoia started just by a simple coincidence of an email that probably was wrong adresed
  • #12
i try to believe in god but certainly don't believe in the creation of matter, maybe slight transferences between diferent time universes when the centrifugal force of the conciousness of a life without will and without soul opened more and more contacting others universes or god knows

it would be very dificult to measure a soul but certainly there is a different balance of energy between one person and the same person only one parallel time away (when they behave diferently). Or may be its just one atom that exchanged place at the bang and changed it all giving the result of a completely different universe of the bing.
but matter and energy don't have will they just follow the physical laws of this universe.So there must be a reason for this diferences
to get almost infinite universes you just need a time space disincronity and then everybody will have different lifes that besides will be controlled by time travellers in this case the last will be the first in tecnology i supose because time travel only can be controlled one way, though aparently two.
then time travellers will notice the more in the future they go the more that people will seem to have learned from the past life which i supose from the shortways the soul gets, or maybe because advanced time travellers that take care of other people.
In fact would be very dificult to see the first original universe and would probably just happen once

this is what i think and its funny because i almost don't believe in god.
when a soul dies its soul goes much faster through time this would be resonations of resonations if you want to call it this way
the soul would probably looked dead to weight measure but on the other hand should be universes smaller if it was to be the same, or may be the resonations of the not free will universe would afect the first creating the proportions of the soul again.
anyhow but having a disincronity of the disincronity in the relation matter- time- matter -time

if there's any real danger, like somebody stuck in a photogram for ever or something i would not dare to ask anything,
but if is not dangerous for our universe i would please ask to be allowed to go however far to be happy

i know I've been used very much and very long but just by trigging what's good on me

besides i have the feeling of having gone from the huge to the minisculous because of being too proud. far away from all the bastards who would kill anybody for what
instead of turning into 0 i became a tiny 1 or maybe a 437403

it would be funny a universe in which becuse of being jewish or visigodic you got a preference treat.
if i didnt have a reason to live i would bet nobody could kill my soul in fact this guy who thougth he had the theory of gravity of einstein, look again you sure is there

i think that i have met time travelers and certainly i have met angels
  • #13
i know I am crazy i think that the cia is behind me, and i think people is reading my mind
so i better start posting to a psyquiatric forum
  • #14
by the way when i said the lasts were the first in tecnology i didnt think you may come back to your space time in which case i supose it would be the oposite
  • #15
You should be paranoid...because we are laughing at you for being an idiot. Keep it up though. I'm getting a good laugh out of it!
  • #17
Originally posted by russ_watters
A time machine would be an invention, not a discovery. Unless of course you found it under a rock or in that goo between your toes.
but finding that time travel is possible would be a discovery.
  • #18
neutron why do you think I am an idiot
  • #19
Originally posted by sea_wizard
neutron why do you think I am an idiot

i know I am crazy i think that the cia is behind me, and i think people is reading my mind
so i better start posting to a psyquiatric forum

i think that i have met time travelers and certainly i have met angels.

i claim the discovery of the first time machine but i won't go any further sinceof course not with the physical body but with the soul (astral travelling)

Ok...you're not an idiot. You just really need to get help.

Related to I claim the discovery of the first time machine but i wont go any further since

1. What evidence do you have to support your claim of a time machine?

As a scientist, I base my claims on empirical evidence and replicable experiments. In this case, I have conducted multiple tests that have successfully transported objects through time.

2. Can you provide details about how your time machine works?

Unfortunately, I cannot disclose the exact mechanisms of my time machine at this time. This technology is still in the early stages of development and requires further research and testing.

3. Have you tested the time machine on living organisms?

No, testing on living organisms is not ethically or legally permissible at this point in time. My experiments have been limited to inanimate objects.

4. How far into the future or past can your time machine travel?

At this point, my time machine can only transport objects a few seconds into the future or past. Further advancements and testing may allow for longer periods of time to be traversed.

5. Are there any potential dangers or consequences of using a time machine?

As with any new technology, there are always potential risks and consequences. It is important to proceed with caution and extensive testing to ensure the safety and ethical implications of time travel.

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