How to Use AOPS Books for Self-Learning: Tips and Recommendations

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the Art of Problem Solving (AOPS) books, particularly the Prealgebra and Introduction to Algebra books. The books are designed to build problem-solving skills and are recommended for top 5% students, but can also be used by a broader group. It is suggested to not skip any topics and to use the books as a primary curriculum. For those who have already studied through calculus, it is recommended to start with the AOPS books without any prequel studies. However, for those who have not studied this material before, it is suggested to first study a regular prealgebra and algebra book before using the AOPS books.
  • #1
member 624364
Hi, I just acquired the art of problem solving prealgebra book.

So I would like to ask, how does one use the AOPS books, are they meant to be supplementary to a full textbook? Or are they used for introducing new concepts that you would have leant in a textbook etc.
I am hoping to use the AOPS Introduction to algebra book alongside a full textbook on algebra 1 once I am finished with prealgabra. I would like advice on how to get the most out of it, as a self learner that is.

Also, would anyone be able to recommend a complementary full algebra 1 textbook for my introduction to algebra book? I already know about open stax. I could use that one, but I am wondering if there is anything people consider better?

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  • #2
If you have a good book from where you have already learned and understood the topics well, then it is of no use to again study the topics from another book, because that is simply waste of time. I'll advice you to first concentrate on the problems: study the solved examples before starting with the exercises. That will help you understand whether the book has anything extra that you've not studied. In such a case, you can just go through that topic from that book. This will save you time, and also help you to get in touch with advanced problem solving strategies.

Regarding the algebra 1 book, I haven't got one in hand, so let's hope someone else will help you. :smile:
  • #3
Wrichik Basu said:
If you have a good book from where you have already learned and understood the topics well, then it is of no use to again study the topics from another book, because that is simply waste of time. I'll advice you to first concentrate on the problems: study the solved examples before starting with the exercises. That will help you understand whether the book has anything extra that you've not studied. In such a case, you can just go through that topic from that book. This will save you time, and also help you to get in touch with advanced problem solving strategies.

Regarding the algebra 1 book, I haven't got one in hand, so let's hope someone else will help you. :smile:
Thanks for the reply. I understand what you are saying for prealgebra since I pretty much already know all of it.

However, when I go on to learn algebra which I don't know all of. Is it still best to use just one book instead of 2? Would it be considered a waste of time to use 2 books even when your learning from both at the same time, and not simply using it to review everything you already know?
  • #4
As well, to anyone that knows about the Aops books, should I use them as a full textbook?
Or more as a problem solving book when learning which ever part of algebra is in the accompanying textbook I would be using?
  • #5
Novantix said:
However, when I go on to learn algebra which I don't know all of. Is it still best to use just one book instead of 2? Would it be considered a waste of time to use 2 books even when your learning from both at the same time, and not simply using it to review everything you already know?
If you can use two books at the same time in the way you've mentioned, I'll not stop you. I cautioned you because I've seen many students wasting time in studying same topics from different books. If you can use two books properly, then you're welcome to do so. In higher classes, we need to refer to three or more books, in case neither book is self-sufficient.
  • #6
Hi Novantix,

How do you like the AoPS Prealgebra book?

For anyone looking for a similar approach . .

Understanding the curriculum:
- AoPS curriculum is designed to build mathematical thinking aka problem solving ability aka 'mathematical maturity'. (You get a genuine 'feel' for how math works.) Complete the curriculum and the 'maturity' (or problem-solving skills) you gain will be formidable. This ability will be increasingly useful in upper-undergraduate level STEM courses.
- They recommend not skipping topics covered (e.g. Counting and Probability) before advancing in the curriculum.
- It is very comprehensive coverage, so you don't 'need' another textbook.

Intended use of the curriculum:
- It's targeted at top 5% (in the US) students, who would use it as a primary curriculum.
- They think it is 'accessible' to top 20% students, when used as a primary curriculum--in a class which is targeting that broader group.
- If you are a top 5% (in the US) student who's already covered the material, you could simply do the two problem solving books (more fast paced coverage, than found in the main curriculum).

I disagree with the 'top 20%' idea and would suggest anyone can do this stuff, not just 'top 20%' students. For people who have already studied through calculus, I think Jenny Olive's "Maths: A Student's Survival Guide" would probably be an excellent prequel. Or you could start with the AoPS Prealgebra book (and continue) without any prequel studies. Since AoPS books are designed to build 'maturity', it is perfectly OK--or even desirable--to work through them in subjects that you've already 'learned'.

For regular people (not 'top 20%') who haven't studied this stuff (not even prealgebra), I suggest studying from a text designed to teach everyone first. That is, first study a regular prealgebra book. And second, then start a regular algebra book--at the same time you study the AoPS Prealgebra book. Third, study a regular geometry book--at the same time you study the AoPS Intro to Algebra book. By the time you've completed the AoPS Intro to Geometry book, you might have gained enough 'maturity' to jump straight into the AoPS Counting and Probability book without first studying a 'normal' counting and probability book.

I would suggest both of these groups of people start with the AoPS Prealgebra book. AoPS guys actually have a training software (covering the first half of the AoPS curriculum) which provides excellent solutions to problems after you complete them. It's called "Alcumus." They basically have a proof approach to problems even at the prealgebra level. I would suggest emulating that approach to your best ability for every problem. So you find it easy? Great, then concentrate on the quality of your solutions (as opposed to simply getting a right answer). AoPS is about the approach, not about simply being 'right'.

Note: AoPS is targeting mathematical thinking, so plan on being challenged and actually getting some problems wrong. Perfectly normal. Starting with the Prealgebra book should ease the transition.

Regular books that might be useful as prequels:
- No idea about prealgebra.
- I've seen some people really like Harold Jacobs' "Elementary Algebra" and "Geometry" (Geometry 2nd edition is supposed to be less colorful picture oriented and more proof oriented than Geometry 3rd edition).
- Intro problem solving / love-of-math: Harold Jacobs' "Mathematics: A Human Endeavor" (Jacobs' algebra and geometry books follow a similar approach). This book 'can be used before or after algebra' and touches on algebra, geometry, combinatorics, and more.
- Chris Jeris had some interesting recommendations that might be useful, here (for a second look, at least). The Gelfand books were written for distance learning:
Gelfand/Shen "Algebra"
Gelfand/Glagoleva/Shnol "Functions and Graphs"
Gelfand/Glagoleva/Kirillov "The Method of Coordinates"
David Cohen's "Precalculus with Unit Circle Trigonometry" (note Cohen wrote several different precalculus books)
- Or, if in a rush, you could try Jenny Olive's book as a primary 'regular' text (starts with algebra and goes through basic calculus).Hope this helps!
  • #7
Novantix said:
Hi, I just acquired the art of problem solving prealgebra book.

So I would like to ask, how does one use the AOPS books, are they meant to be supplementary to a full textbook? Or are they used for introducing new concepts that you would have leant in a textbook etc.
I am hoping to use the AOPS Introduction to algebra book alongside a full textbook on algebra 1 once I am finished with prealgabra. I would like advice on how to get the most out of it, as a self learner that is.

Also, would anyone be able to recommend a complementary full algebra 1 textbook for my introduction to algebra book? I already know about open stax. I could use that one, but I am wondering if there is anything people consider better?


Im not using AoPS algebra book but based on my experience with its introduction to geometry I’d say the book itself can be used as a full textbook ( I looked through some other introductory geometry textbooks and the contents are quite similar, but this may be different from person to person).

Sorry can't help u with the algebra book recommendation though as I am not very familiar with the books out there regarding the field

Related to How to Use AOPS Books for Self-Learning: Tips and Recommendations

What are the benefits of using AOPS books for self-learning?

There are several benefits of using AOPS books for self-learning. Firstly, they are specifically designed for students who are interested in advanced mathematical topics and are looking for a challenge. These books cover a wide range of topics and provide in-depth explanations and examples. Additionally, they offer a problem-solving approach that encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Moreover, AOPS books are written by experienced and knowledgeable authors who have a passion for mathematics and teaching, making the learning experience more engaging and enjoyable.

How can I choose the right AOPS book for my level and interests?

AOPS offers a variety of books covering different levels of mathematics, from elementary to advanced. To choose the right book for you, it is important to consider your current level of knowledge and interests. AOPS provides placement tests and online forums where you can ask for recommendations based on your skills and interests. You can also browse the table of contents and read reviews to get a better understanding of the content and difficulty level of each book.

What is the recommended approach for using AOPS books for self-learning?

The recommended approach for using AOPS books for self-learning is to start from the basics and build a strong foundation of fundamental concepts. It is also important to actively engage with the material by attempting the example problems and challenging yourself with the exercises. It is recommended to work through the books in order and not skip any sections, as each topic builds upon the previous ones. Moreover, it is helpful to use the online community and resources provided by AOPS to ask questions and get support when needed.

Can AOPS books be used for preparing for competitions and olympiads?

Yes, AOPS books are a popular resource for students preparing for mathematics competitions and olympiads. These books cover a wide range of topics and provide challenging problems that are similar to those found in competitions. Additionally, AOPS offers online classes and forums specifically designed for competition preparation, making it a comprehensive resource for aspiring mathematicians.

Are there any tips for maximizing the learning experience with AOPS books?

One tip for maximizing the learning experience with AOPS books is to actively engage with the material by taking notes and attempting the example problems and exercises. It is also helpful to collaborate with other students using AOPS through online forums and study groups. Additionally, it is important to not get discouraged by difficult problems and to persistently work through them, as this will greatly improve problem-solving skills and understanding of the material.

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