How much do you guys correspond with your professors outside of class

In summary, students are encouraged to talk to their professors outside of class, as most professors enjoy discussing their field of study and are enthusiastic about communicating with students. It is suggested to prepare a question and approach the professor with it, as this can make a good impression and lead to learning something new. It is also advised to show interest in the professor's research and participate in class. Interacting with professors can be beneficial for future recommendation letters and obtaining information about specific fields. Some professors may find small talk difficult, but it is important to cultivate relationships with them for personal and academic growth.
  • #1
I always want to talk some with my profs about things beyond the scope of the course, but I am shy, and worry they will feel I'm wasting their time.

Do you guys tend to do this very often?
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  • #2
Hell i talk to my profs more outside of class then I do during class
  • #3
I am always discussing things beyond the scope of the class with my professors. They ENJOY discussing their field of study.
  • #4
and worry they will feel I'm wasting their time.

You sound like a freshman (am I right? am I right?). Most professors will in fact feel quite the opposite, and are very enthusiastic about communicating with you outside of class - especially if they feel they're 'making a difference' with you. There few exceptions are the bad-tempered ones, who spend all their free time doing research.

My advice - prepare a question about something that really, really confuses you, reread the relvant reading, think through it three times, choose your words carefully, and confront your professor. Be prepared to do the math. It'll make a good impression, and plus you'll learn something. Also you'll hopefully make some sort of connection so that you'll feel 'able' to approach him/her the next time you need to.

If you want to go 'outside the scope' of things, try asking about your prof's research...
  • #5
rachmaninoff said:
If you want to go 'outside the scope' of things, try asking about your prof's research...

Only do that if you have a least an hour to spare! :biggrin: Not gets a faculty member going like a young person who seems interested in his research.

I also see more of my professors outside the class than in class, but that's because I'm involved in administration. It's just a little difficult to remember to call these people you mainly know from meetings and receptions by their LAST name in class :-p
  • #6
A couple of observations from the "older" student.
I agree that speaking to your instructors outside class is a great idea. Everyone likes to see that there is SOMEONE listening out there. Participating in class is also very important, IMHO. There is nothing more uncomfortable to everyone involved than having the professor ask a question and wait and wait and wait for someone to answer... students are looking at their desks, professor is left up there wondering why
the students bothered to show up. If you want to make a good impression, PARTICIPATE in class. Ask a question..I promise there are people sitting around you with the same question, but won't ask. If you answer a question and happen to be wrong, you have still given the Prof a place to teach from, rather than just delivering the same lecture as last year.

Professors love interested students. Be one...introduce yourself to the instructor, compliment him/her on a particularly good lecture, make sure they know who you are and that you are interested. I guarantee that you will benefit.

I look forward to other comments.
Hope this helps,
  • #7
Interacting with professors outside of classes is always a good thing. They're the ones who will be writing your recommendation letters should you decide to go on to post-graduate work. A good letter is almost always easier to get from a prof that knows you as something other than an anonymous face in the class. It's also an excellent way to find out more about a particular field and to get leads on summer research projects.

A good educator never feels interacting with students is a waste of time. I've even gone out for beers with some of my profs.
  • #8
well I saw my one of my professors in office hours yesterday and here's how it went:
I told him my name and said I was in his class and asked if I did the HW correctly. he said I made a mistake (which was a careless error on my part). I asked him if I could finish the rest of my problem and he just told me that it'd be better if I do it in the physics lounge, so I could meet other students in my class. (He probably wanted me to go away asap)

also, I mentioned that the discussion for his class was wednesday, he thought it was thurs, so he looked it up on his computer even though I told him I had my written schedule with me! as he was searching, I asked him about his research a little and he responded a little

he wasnt busy before I saw him, as he was chatting with another person. I don't think he was interested at all with seeing me/geting to know me (on 2nd thought, he did ask whether I was a transfer or not, and then asked what math I had completed and where I transferred from).

overall, I think he felt that I was wasting his time.

I'm like the OP, I would like to talk to the professor about things beyond the scope of the course

on the other hand, I went to office hours for 2 of my TA's with help on HW, and they seemed interested in helping me. They even asked for my name. Maybe next time I can talk about things beyond the class
  • #9
I wouldn't worry about that to much Proton. Professors are people too. Some find it hard to have small talk.
  • #10
I go running with one of my professors!

One of the things they need to tell new students (but don't) is to cultivate relationships with your professors. Where do you think letters of recommendations come from? Would you rather have a professor write, "Good student: Came to class on time, homework and test scores were good." Or, write something PERSONAL about you... that you're committed, a pleasure to interact with both in AND out of class, etc... It will go a long way if you know your professors on a more intimate basis. Also, most of them are pretty freakin' cool and have a ton of life experience. Don't hesitate.
  • #11
I think you'll notice that as you become an upper-classmen, the professors become nicer and more friendly. You have to remember how many students are "weeded" through in the first couple of years.
  • #12
Funny to look back on this topic. Nowadays I spend so much of my time trying to get out of conversations with profs when they ramble on aimlessly at length.
  • #13
99% of all professors live for that moment when they get some feedback from students.

1% of professors are at places like harvard and are world famous and are besieged by more very aggressive students than they can deal with and do not want to talk to them. however these professors know very well how to make that clear, and are perfectly capable of defending themselves against the onslaught.

do not pity them. you are paying them! ask as many questions as you can until they say, stop! i am poopped out and cannot answer any more.why the $$$$ do you think a professor like me blogs on here for nothing, when he makes a salary for teaching at uni? ok ill tell you - because my own students do not ask questions! and ai am starved for questions. of course even here some people abuse my generosity and private message me with trivial questions they should be asking in public where i can more easily ignore them and pick and choose what i want to answer, but even then, i am not a child i can ignore their messages.

deadwolfe, you have just given me a tip on how to get rid of boring students, be even more boring.

i admit ia lso go on way past the appetite of most stduents, but i am trying to etach them, they just do not have the capacity to absorb it. i am like a man who lives alone and has no one to talk to, and cannot stop talking when he finally gets some company - there are so few students willing to ask questions that the oen who does gets all the answers i have stored up!

the intelligent student will listen to as much as a professor is willing to say, unles the prof is an idiot, which is less common than you might think.
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  • #14
Great post mathwonk :). You see that boys and girls? Don't be an ass like me to assume that because profs are so busy, they won't be interested in sharing the wisdom! And now it looks clear that some are just plain interested! After all, they went to academia not just to show a proud sign in their heads that says I'm a prof (I'm a rock star, ha).
  • #15
mgorby said:
Where do you think letters of recommendations come from? Would you rather have a professor write, "Good student: Came to class on time, homework and test scores were good." Or, write something PERSONAL about you... that you're committed, a pleasure to interact with both in AND out of class, etc... It will go a long way if you know your professors on a more intimate basis. Also, most of them are pretty freakin' cool and have a ton of life experience. Don't hesitate.

yeah, that's why I wanted to talk with him more

Beeza said:
I think you'll notice that as you become an upper-classmen, the professors become nicer and more friendly. You have to remember how many students are "weeded" through in the first couple of years.

huh? I am an upper classmen. The class that I saw the professor for was a lower-div course (follows the standard calc-based physics) for physics majors only.
  • #16
This thread is awesome. I find it when it comes to those hardcore math profs, you need to have a somewhat thick skin and shrug off your experience.
My vector calc professor is awesome, super nice – explains everything about the question asked and is always smiling.
On the other hand, my intro probability prof never smiles, and is the “TYPICAL” prof who knows nothing but his research (nothing wrong with that but shouldn't teach undergrad). I went into his office to ask a question about the proof he did regarding de morgan’s laws and you know what he did? He let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders and wrote some crap down on the board and told me to copy it, go home and read the book and if I don’t understand it, come back. He then shut the door rather hard as I left. I felt so bad and DUMB for the whole day. Moral of the story: shrug it off if you get that feeling because at the end of the day, all that matters is that you succeed in your course. And if that doesn't work, you can find out what car the prof drives and egg it - just kidding.. :smile:
  • #17
mathwonk said:
of course even here some people abuse my generosity and private message me with trivial questions they should be asking in public where i can more easily ignore them and pick and choose what i want to answer, but even then, i am not a child i can ignore their messages.
Yeah, that's definitely me. :wink:
  • #18
present company excepted of course.
  • #19
I did independent research (required to graduate) with a professor for two quarters, and then worked over the summer with another. Other than that, nothing.
  • #20
Hell, I pretty much lived on the physics floor when I was in school last year (going back this Spring). We had an undergraduate lounge, and I studied, napped and ate there. Whenever I had a question the profs were a floor up. I picked their brains and learned from it, and most where happy to help. Just don't waste their time. Come prepared, as someone said earlier. These are busy people and, while most will be more than happy to help, being prepared will only allow them to help you more (and may impress them).

Also going to colloquiums is a good idea. You will get to know most of the professors in the physics department well, and they will all know you by name. It may help to narrow your interests in physics. You will learn who is researching what. Talk to the chair's secretary and get on the mailing list. That or join up with SPS, if there's a local chapter.
  • #21
Professors love talking to students! Of course, not every professor does, but the good ones really do. My calc professor's office was seriously like my second room, I was always there asking questions which eventually lead to having some really good conversations getting to know each other. If they realize that you're interested in a topic and aren't just doing it for a grade but for really understanding the material, then they will be welcoming. I always used to ask my professor if I was bothering her and she'd always say that Professors like nothing more than students who want to understand the material and are willing to work hard. So take my advice and go talk with your professor, you'll be surprised at how friendly they are.

Related to How much do you guys correspond with your professors outside of class

1. How often should I communicate with my professor outside of class?

The frequency of communication with your professor will vary depending on the class and your individual needs. Generally, it is recommended to reach out to your professor only when you have a specific question or concern that cannot be addressed during class time.

2. What is the best way to communicate with my professor outside of class?

The best way to communicate with your professor outside of class may vary depending on their preferences. Some professors may prefer email, while others may prefer in-person meetings or virtual office hours. It is important to clarify with your professor how they prefer to be contacted.

3. Is it appropriate to ask my professor for help with assignments outside of class?

Yes, it is appropriate to ask your professor for help with assignments outside of class. They are there to support your learning and help you succeed. However, be mindful of their time and try to come prepared with specific questions or concerns.

4. Can I ask my professor for a letter of recommendation outside of class?

Yes, you can ask your professor for a letter of recommendation outside of class. However, it is important to build a strong relationship with them throughout the course so they can write a personalized and meaningful letter for you.

5. How can I maintain a professional relationship with my professor outside of class?

To maintain a professional relationship with your professor outside of class, always be respectful and mindful of their time. Follow their communication preferences, and be sure to communicate clearly and professionally. Additionally, participate actively in class and show a genuine interest in the subject matter.

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