How essential is non-commutative algebra in theoretical physics?

In summary: It is also worth noting that the most fundamental objects in physics, the fundamental fields (like the electromagnetic field), are not commutative.
  • #1
For next term, I was wondering if I should take a course in non-commutative algebra. As of now, I'm focusing on mathematical physics, specifically on the mathematical side of string theory; mirror symmetry and field theories. I know that commutative algebra as well as algebraic geometry are definitely essential to my interests, but I'm not sure if non-commutative algebra shows up a lot. The course mainly covers semisimple rings and modules, module categories and Morita theory, Noetherian rings, basic dimension theory, and projective modules as an introduction to algebraic k-theory. So would these topics be vital to my interests?

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  • #2
Hey Grassman1.

If you are going to study any exotic systems like Spinor's and Clifford-based algebra approaches or others (even those involving something like Quaternions which are non-commutative) then I think it will be useful.

Non-commutative geometry also comes up a bit in theoretical physics where the mathematics put theories in the framework of high-dimensional groups and algebras. I guess one of the uses is that if you have a geometric intuition in higher-dimensions then putting the physics in that form will give you that particular insight.

Just remember that the whole Grassmann approach to geometry was that they were trying to find a way where division on vectors made sense: in other words, you could take vectors and find a way so that a*b*b^(-1) = a and this idea was pivotal to the work that in my opinion started it all - the exterior algebra's and the interior algebras which lead to the bi-vector approach offered by Grassmann.

It got extended with Hamilton (quaternions) and later people like Clifford tried to look at going even higher. On top of this some other extensions which take the way complex numbers work (you have i^2 = -1 instead of using sines and cosines) with multiplication tables and developing theories of high dimensional algebras where you would use multiplication tables instead of some kind of generator for a particular class of algebra's in some dimension with some property.

If the geometric insight exists for any algebraic and geometric (by this I mean the pure mathematics versions) constructions, then by all means use it as this is going to be the real benefit for using these complicated constructions.

Apart from looking at the high level theoretical physics with exotic algebra's and geometries, I would also recommend looking at works which take say a quaternion based approach to existing physics because you can understand quaternions quite well if you visualize their operations in terms of rotations and moving around on a sphere. This is what I am getting at with the geometric intuition. The algebraic intuition is a lot different and its geometric properties may not be as easy to identify or translate to.
  • #3
I am not knowledgeable about physics, but I have been invited to lecture about mathematics to physicists, and my physics acquaintances once told me several decades ago, that theoretical physics at that time was essentially equivalent to group representations, the fundamental subject in non commutative algebra.

I.e. the basic object in algebra is the ring of matrices, a semi simple non commutative ring. These arise even if you start from a commutative ring. I.e. if R is a commutative ring, and M is an R module, then the set of R module maps from M to itself is a non commutative ring, an abstract version of the matrix ring. I.e. This ring of maps is a matrix ring precisely when M is a "free" R module, isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of R itself. Projective modules are "locally free" modules, the algebraic version of vector bundles, very basic in differential geometry and physics.

From another viewpoint, a very basic object is a vector space, and the ring of linear maps from a vector space to itself is a fundamentally important non commutative ring. Given any physical object, another fundamental invariant associated to it is its (usually non abelian) group of symmetries, e.g. its rigid motions.

So one cannot really avoid non commutative algebra. As you know, the vector cross product is non commutative, as is the wedge product of differential forms, both of which are used in basic physics.

Related to How essential is non-commutative algebra in theoretical physics?

1. What is non-commutative algebra?

Non-commutative algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with the operations and properties of non-commutative structures. In non-commutative algebra, the order in which operations are performed matters, unlike in commutative algebra where the order does not affect the result. This means that for non-commutative structures, the product of two elements may not be the same as the product of the elements in the opposite order.

2. How is non-commutative algebra used in theoretical physics?

Non-commutative algebra has many applications in theoretical physics. It is used to describe the symmetries and transformations of physical systems, such as in the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. It is also used to study and solve problems in quantum field theory, string theory, and other areas of theoretical physics.

3. What are some examples of non-commutative structures in theoretical physics?

Examples of non-commutative structures in theoretical physics include the Heisenberg uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, which states that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously known with absolute certainty. Another example is the non-commutative spacetime in some formulations of string theory, where the coordinates of spacetime do not commute with each other.

4. Is non-commutative algebra essential in all areas of theoretical physics?

No, non-commutative algebra is not essential in all areas of theoretical physics. While it is widely used in many areas such as quantum mechanics and string theory, there are also areas of theoretical physics where it is not as prevalent. For example, classical mechanics and thermodynamics do not heavily rely on non-commutative algebra.

5. How does non-commutative algebra contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Non-commutative algebra plays a crucial role in theoretical physics by providing a mathematical framework for describing the behavior of physical systems. It allows us to make predictions and calculations that have been verified by experiments and observations, leading to a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe.

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