How does the electromagnetic spectrum affect our health?

In summary, the conversation discusses the electromagnetic spectrum and how our eyes are only able to see a small portion of it. The spectrum includes radio waves to gamma rays, but we are not able to see these other wavelengths. X-rays and gamma rays are dangerous to our biology because they have enough energy to knock electrons out of atoms, causing damage that can lead to cancer. This is why medical personnel protect themselves from X-rays. Additionally, using special equipment that sees in the infrared category does not affect our biology because our normal vision does not encompass this category.
  • #1
EL Solaris

Can anybody help me with my question?

Apparently our eyes can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (the ROYGBIV). The actual electromagnetic spectrum range from radio waves to gamma rays. Included in this assumption is the understanding that this entire spectrum exists even though we are not able to see them. How then are we not affected by Xrays which exist side by side with the visible spectrum ? Why is it that in hospitals, health care providers protect themselves from Xrays when xrays are present in the whole electromagnetic spectrum?

Thank you.:smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
Probably because the Earth's atmosphere protects us from the errant and/or stray X-rays (and other forms/wavelengths) the may be generated by (whatever) in the for the Spectrum, although it is complete, inasmuch as it goes from radio to gamma waves, not all of those waveforms are allways present in whatever part of the spectrum you are currently being exposed to...our Sol doesn't produce massive (if any) amounts of gamma radiation, so we wouldn't be experiancing them in the shower of energy (EMR) that "rains down" upon us, everyday...and occurs around us, everyday...

When you turn on a flashlight most of the waveform(s) is/are either Infra red, (heat) or "white" (visible) light, but NO x-rays are produced, no gamma rays, no higher wavelengths, few lower wavelengths Radio etc. so what we are exposed to is a (naturally) truncated form of the spectrums ability, the spectrums potential for complete energy (waveform) carriance/capacity...

Does that help?
  • #3
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Probably because the Earth's atmosphere protects us from the errant and/or stray X-rays (and other forms/wavelengths) the may be generated by (whatever) in the for the Spectrum, although it is complete, inasmuch as it goes from radio to gamma waves, not all of those waveforms are allways present in whatever part of the spectrum you are currently being exposed to...our Sol doesn't produce massive (if any) amounts of gamma radiation, so we wouldn't be experiancing them in the shower of energy (EMR) that "rains down" upon us, everyday...and occurs around us, everyday...

When you turn on a flashlight most of the waveform(s) is/are either Infra red, (heat) or "white" (visible) light, but NO x-rays are produced, no gamma rays, no higher wavelengths, few lower wavelengths Radio etc. so what we are exposed to is a (naturally) truncated form of the spectrums ability, the spectrums potential for complete energy (waveform) carriance/capacity...

Does that help?

Thank you Mr Robin Parsons.
Much appreciated.
  • #4
Your welcome, and, if you would like to look, there are other threads on similar topics that offer the perspectives of others that simply enhance these kinds of, well, what? "World views"...Lots of smart people in these forums, here...@ PF 3.0...
  • #5
The reason medical personnel protect themselves from X-rays is because X-rays are energetic enough to knock electrons out of atoms. They are said to be "ionizing radiation." Ionizing radiation causes damage that leads to cancer.

Visible light photons are not energetic enough to be ionizing.

- Warren
  • #6
Originally posted by EL Solaris

Can anybody help me with my question?

Apparently our eyes can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (the ROYGBIV). The actual electromagnetic spectrum range from radio waves to gamma rays. Included in this assumption is the understanding that this entire spectrum exists even though we are not able to see them. How then are we not affected by Xrays which exist side by side with the visible spectrum ? Why is it that in hospitals, health care providers protect themselves from Xrays when xrays are present in the whole electromagnetic spectrum?

Thank you.:smile:

Our eyes see from deep red up to violet. Deep red is the photon frequency with just enough energy to shift an electron to a higher energy level, and thus create a biochemical signal that it was received. Lower frequency photons (infra-red, microwave, radio, etc.) can't do that. Violet light is the highest frequency whose energy is not great enough to kick an electron completely free of its atom. Higher energy photons (UV, x-ray, gamma ray) are dangerous to our biology.
  • #7
Saying that X-rays (or gamma rays which are much more dangerous) "are present" in the electro-magnetic spectrum does not mean that there are X-rays in every light wave or that they have the same strength as, say, visible light. Each "electromagnetic wave" typically involves only a small portion of all possible wave-lengths.
  • #8

Originally posted by selfAdjoint
Our eyes see from deep red up to violet. Deep red is the photon frequency with just enough energy to shift an electron to a higher energy level, and thus create a biochemical signal that it was received. Lower frequency photons (infra-red, microwave, radio, etc.) can't do that. Violet light is the highest frequency whose energy is not great enough to kick an electron completely free of its atom. Higher energy photons (UV, x-ray, gamma ray) are dangerous to our biology.


Thank you very much for your reply. From your message, does that mean that because higher energy
photons are dangerous to our biology, that is why our eyes are not able to see them since they will be absorbed through our eyes ?

Can you also enlighten me on what happens when we use special equipment (infra red) to see object in the dark ? since our normal vision do not encompass infra red category, and how using infra red equipment affects our biology ?

Thank you.:smile:
  • #9
Originally posted by chroot
The reason medical personnel protect themselves from X-rays is because X-rays are energetic enough to knock electrons out of atoms. They are said to be "ionizing radiation." Ionizing radiation causes damage that leads to cancer.

Visible light photons are not energetic enough to be ionizing.

- Warren

Thanks Warren !
  • #10
Originally posted by HallsofIvy
Saying that X-rays (or gamma rays which are much more dangerous) "are present" in the electro-magnetic spectrum does not mean that there are X-rays in every light wave or that they have the same strength as, say, visible light. Each "electromagnetic wave" typically involves only a small portion of all possible wave-lengths.


Thank you for your post. Can you comment on the burst of solar flares last Nov 2003 from the sun.
What kind of rays are they and how are they affecting us. I have read from channeled materials from Lee Carol who is a businessman with no knowledge of Physics who tunes into a specific frequency to channel a magnetic Master called Kryon and topics mentioned include highly scientific stuff such as base 12 mathematics, magnetic grid, crystalline grid, interdinmensional DNA, consciousness changing physics (quantum physics) amongst others. Kryon also mentioned that the purpose of the solar flares is to increase the overall vibration of planet Earth by increasing its frequency of vibration to assists planet Earth to go into another harmonic overtone. Our collective level of consciousness is the result of the denseness of the spectrum of frequency that we are focussed on. To increased our collective level of consciousness, the solar flares are assisting us by bombarding us with higher octaves of light. I have read that the reason we cannot see UFOs is because they are hiding in a different bandwith frequency. In order for us to see them, we have to increase our vibratory rate or they decreased their vibratory rate to our level, just like turning a knob on the radio or TV. Comment?
  • #11
I think at the very least, you should stop listening to Lee Carol. You may also want to persuade others to stop listening, too. That person is spouting nothing but nonsense.

- Warren
  • #12

Originally posted by EL Solaris
Thank you very much for your reply. From your message, does that mean that because higher energy
photons are dangerous to our biology, that is why our eyes are not able to see them since they will be absorbed through our eyes ?
No like all EMR it is radiant, and generally, (unless the flashlight, or EMR source, is focused, and directed, at you) something that your entire body is bathed the sunlight
Can you also enlighten me on what happens when we use special equipment (infra red) to see object in the dark ? since our normal vision do not encompass infra red category, and how using infra red equipment affects our biology ? Simple, like a camera that video's in another (specific) wavelength, from out of the entire spectrum, and what is currently being radiated in the place where you are being (presently) exposed to the EMR spectrum

Thank you.:smile:
your welcome...(?)
Does it help?
  • #13
Originally posted by chroot
I think at the very least, you should stop listening to Lee Carol. You may also want to persuade others to stop listening, too. That person is spouting nothing but nonsense.

- Warren

Hi Warren,
Thank you for your post.
  • #14

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
your welcome...(?)
Does it help?

Once again, thanks Mr Robin Parsons.

Related to How does the electromagnetic spectrum affect our health?

1. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. This includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

2. How is the electromagnetic spectrum measured?

The electromagnetic spectrum is measured in units of frequency, wavelength, or energy. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz), wavelength is measured in meters (m), and energy is measured in electron volts (eV).

3. Why is the electromagnetic spectrum important?

The electromagnetic spectrum is important because it encompasses all forms of electromagnetic radiation, which has a wide range of uses in our daily lives. It is used in communication (radio waves), cooking (microwaves), and medical imaging (X-rays), among many other applications.

4. How does the electromagnetic spectrum relate to light?

The electromagnetic spectrum includes all forms of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light. Visible light is a small portion of the spectrum, with a wavelength range of about 400 to 700 nanometers, and is responsible for the colors we see in our everyday lives.

5. How does the electromagnetic spectrum affect our health?

Different types of electromagnetic radiation have different levels of energy and can have varying effects on our health. For example, exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation (such as X-rays and gamma rays) can be harmful, while exposure to non-ionizing radiation (such as radio waves and visible light) is generally considered safe.

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