How Does the Center of Mass Stay Constant When a Child Walks on a Boat?

In summary, the problem involves a child standing on one end of a boat and moving to catch a turtle on the other end. The boat is initially 3 meters from the pier and is 4 meters in length. The motion of the child and boat can be described as the child moving to the right and the boat to the left, while the center of mass remains the same. To solve the problem, a frame of reference must be established and the movement of the child and boat can be described relative to the pier. The child and boat have individual center of masses that change as the child moves, but the overall center of mass for the system remains the same.
  • #1
I'm not the brightest physics student, so I probably just overlooked something obvious...please help!


A 40 kg child stands at one end of a 70 kg boat that is 4 meters in length. The boat is initially 3 meters from the pier. The child notices a turtle on a rock near the far end of the boat and proceeds to walk to that end to catch the turtle. Neglecting friction b/w the boat and water...

a. describe motion

I said that the child moves to the right and the boat to the left...but center of mass stays same

b. where is the child relative to the pier when he reaches far end of the boat?

I set...

x(child intial)*m(child)+x(boat initial)*m(boat) / m(child)+m(boat) = x(child final)*m(child)+x(boat final)*m(boat) / m(child)+m(boat)

the denominators cancel so...

40*x(child initial) + 70*x(boat initial) = 40*x(child final) + 70*x(boat final)

so here's my do I solve this without knowing how much the boat moved after the child walked to the other side of the boat? Is the x(child initial)= -2 m (2 m left of center of mass) or 3 m (from pier)? And what about the boat?

Your help is much appreciated!
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  • #2
you need a set of coordinates (of frame of reference) for you system. The pier is basically your origin (if you want), the boat has a center of mass somewhere relative to the pier, the child will have a CM relative to the pier, then the system as a whole (child + boat) will have a CM relative to the pier. movment of the child changes the child's CM and hence boat's CM has to change accordingly so that the CM of whole system remain the same. All these can be done relative to the pier
  • #3

Hi there! Don't worry, it's completely normal to overlook something in physics problems. Let's break down the problem and discuss the concept of center of mass motion.

First, let's define what center of mass is. It is the point in a system where the mass is evenly distributed, and the system can be considered as a single point particle with that mass. In this case, the center of mass of the child-boat system will be somewhere between the child and the boat, closer to the heavier object (the boat).

Now, let's look at the motion of the system. Initially, the child and the boat are at rest, so their center of mass is also at rest. When the child starts walking towards the turtle, he exerts a force on the boat and pushes it in the opposite direction. This results in the boat moving to the left, while the child moves to the right. However, the center of mass of the system will remain at the same position since the total mass and the forces acting on the system remain constant.

To solve the problem, we need to consider the initial and final positions of both the child and the boat, relative to the pier. The initial position of the child is 3 meters to the right of the pier, and the boat is 3 meters to the left of the pier. When the child reaches the far end of the boat, the boat would have moved some distance to the left, let's say x meters. At this point, the child and the boat both would be x meters away from the pier. So, the final position of the child would be x+4 meters to the right of the pier, and the boat would be x-3 meters to the left of the pier.

Now, let's plug these values into the equation you have set up:

40*(3m) + 70*(-3m) = 40*(x+4m) + 70*(x-3m)

Solving this equation, we get x = 2.57 meters. This means that the boat moved 2.57 meters to the left, and the child reached a position 6.57 meters to the right of the pier. So, the child is now further away from the pier compared to the initial position.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the concept of center of mass motion and solve the problem. Keep practicing and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it

Related to How Does the Center of Mass Stay Constant When a Child Walks on a Boat?

1. What is meant by "Center of Mass motion"?

The center of mass is a point that represents the average position of all the mass in a system. Center of mass motion refers to the overall movement of this point as an object or system of objects moves.

2. How is the center of mass calculated?

The center of mass can be calculated by finding the weighted average of the positions of all the individual masses in the system. This is done by multiplying the position of each mass by its respective mass and then dividing by the total mass of the system.

3. Why is the center of mass important in physics?

The center of mass is important because it allows us to simplify the analysis of complex systems by treating them as a single point. It also helps us understand the overall motion and stability of an object or system.

4. Can the center of mass lie outside of an object?

Yes, the center of mass can lie outside of an object if the mass is distributed unevenly. For example, a hammer has most of its mass concentrated at one end, causing the center of mass to be closer to that end.

5. How does the center of mass affect an object's rotational motion?

The center of mass plays a significant role in an object's rotational motion. If the center of mass is not aligned with the axis of rotation, it will experience a torque that will cause the object to rotate. The closer the center of mass is to the axis of rotation, the less torque will be exerted and the slower the rotational motion will be.

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